Minster Lifeline 21 2022

Rev. Irene writes: 

You may well say it was ‘all hands-on deck’ as we prepared for the Falklands 40th anniversary service which took place on Sunday!

Just under 500 people came together at the Minster to reflect and remember those involved in this conflict in which over 200 people died and many more received life changing injuries.

The service was extremely ‘moving’ with input from many who sailed from Hull on the Norland, the five trawlers or the tugboats.

Thanks go out to Jon Major, himself a Falklands Veteran and Verger at the Minster and Keith Thompson who sailed on the Norland ferry and has spent much time bringing people together and helping those who have suffered

As you can see both Jon and Ellie were busy in preparation for the weekend and isn’t it great to see Ellie stepping up to help the vergers on Sunday – you look great Ellie, well done!


 In contrast, as I write this Lifeline, 400 children from six schools are meeting together, ranging across the whole of the city. @choral hull is coming to the end of the first year of this exciting project – and the joy of the sound the children make is a delight to hear



There are also many ‘behind the scenes’ activities taking place in and around the Minster – the Prayer Shawl Ministry is just one of them. To learn more, read on:

What is Prayer Shawl Ministry?

“Over the centuries, shawls have come to symbolize shelter, peace, and spiritual sustenance. Since the inception of the Prayer Shawl Ministry in 1998, the members of this ecumenical organization have lovingly donated their time and talents by creating hand-knitted and crocheted shawls, filled with the power of prayer, for those in need. What started as a grass-roots movement has quickly grown into an international”...Ministry.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry’s message of caring is simple, universal, and enduring, being equally suited to blessing those who are bereaved, ill, lonely, or elderly, or sharing the accomplishing of a new-born, graduate, or newlywed. Prayer begins in the heart, and the creation of a Prayer shawl is a spiritual journey of prayer for the shawl maker; the crafting and presentation of a Prayer Shawl enriches the giver as well as the recipient.  Prayer Shawls are tangible symbols of God’s love.  They are ‘warm hugs’ of empathy and support; a private place of escape in which to rest, relax and renew.


Working on a Prayer Shawl:

The journey of the Prayer Shawl starts with a name, the name of the person who  will receive the shawl.  Usually, the recipient’s name will be passed to Irene or Becky, who will then contact a wool crafter. However, sometimes an approach may be made directly to a crafter, if so, please make sure that Irene or Becky is informed to avoid any confusion or duplication.


The type (wrap, shawl, blanket, scarf), colour and wool are selected to be appropriate to the individual receiving the item.


Funding for the wool comes from either individual. Personal sponsorship or from the centralised fund, which we hope will be added to by folk who are sympathetic to the ministry; some crafters choose to donate the wool which they work on, but this is not a requirement to be involved with this ministry.


The completed item is given to Irene or Becky for gift wrapping and final prayers, specific to the needs of the recipient.  The Prayer Shawl is then ready to be given by the Hull Minster team


If you would like more information about this Ministry, how to become involved, or would like to donate money towards sponsoring a Prayer Shawl please contact:

The Rev’d Irene Wilson (07711996519)  or

Becky Dexter (07792 807336)


Following the last two years of Covid, we feel sure there are many folks who would appreciate a Prayer Shawl; please speak to Irene or Becky if you know of anyone deserving of our thoughts and prayers at this time.



We are delighted that a small group of people have asked if we can reinstate the ‘holy dusters’. Who are the holy dusters? They are a small group of people who meet on Saturday mornings working hard to keep the Minster looking ‘spick and span’. If you would like to join them, come along on a Saturday morning around 10:30 enjoy tea and biscuits alongside the dusters and polish! If you need to know more contact Irene on 07711 996519



SUNDAY     9:30 a.m.   Breakfast Church (toast and drinks from 9:10)

                   11 a.m.       Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 p.m. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4th and 5TH Evening Prayer 



Lord Mayor’s Service in the Minster 2 p.m.


MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.


Sew for the Soul, is a new group for anyone interested in sewing.  It will start at 12.30 with refreshments and end around 15.00.

 21st July, 15th September, 20th October, 17th November, 15th December, Resumes Feb 2023


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month) 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month.) 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon.



Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30 for a short service followed by cakes and coffee.


Every Wednesday at 7 30 Zoom. To access go to Hull Minster/teaching.

SATURDAY 25TH JUNE 10 – 3P.M.     Record Fair



  • We give thanks for all the volunteers who work so hard at the Minster. Thank you for your endless support.

  • We pray for all who have written prayers on our prayer board, many in need of God’s love and healing

  • We pray for those who are struggling financially due to the increase in prices. Make us aware of anyone who is in desperate need. Help us to bring relief to those who are suffering.

  • Please pray for the family of Howell Lloyd whose funeral service will be held at Hull Minster on MONDAY 27TH JUNE AT 11 A.M.  They would like to invite all who knew Howell to join them in the Minster and then at the University



Faithful Creator,

whose mercy never fails;

deepen our faithfulness

and to your living Word,

Jesus Christ our Lord.




Psalm 77, 1-2, 11-end

2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14

Gal. 5:1,13-25

Luke 9: 51-end

Minster Lifeline 22 2022

Rev. Irene writes: 

Revd. Dominic

As many of you will have already heard Rev. Dominic was involved in an accident whilst on his bike last Sunday evening. He sustained several injuries and is at present in hospital. Thankfully, these are not life threatening however it will be a long slow recovery.

If you need any information, please contact any member of the ‘Team’ at the Minster and please hold Dominic, Heather, Ben, and Leo in your prayers.

I will make sure that you are updated in Lifeline each week.

Last Sunday myself and a couple of others from the Minster were able to support Scott Bright on his ordination as Deacon at Sheffield Cathedral. Do you remember Scott? Lively young man who did a placement at the Minster around two years ago. He will be serving as Deacon at St. Mary, Stainforth. It was great to see him looking so happy.

As our summer bible studies come to a close for a few weeks during the summer Val has kindly written for us today.


Covid changed everything – as we know!  We had been running Bible Studies in the Parish Centre for many years and suddenly, we couldn’t.  After much discussion, it was decided to try and keep our regular date on Wednesday evenings, only now it would be on Zoom.

At first, it felt extremely strange and a bit stilted but gradually as we got used to it, things seemed very much as they previously had been.  That’s not to say we didn’t have problems.  Some people found it difficult to get online or would disappear, often to reappear again later, or they were upside down.  Sometimes, I missed people waiting to come in as I was so busy talking to those already there – hard to believe, I know!

If you think Bible Studies are very serious, then think again.  Yes, of course there is a serious side, but we have fun, and everyone is relaxed and willing to contribute.  At first, people felt a bit self-conscious but gradually it seemed almost like when we were together in the same room.  There is a group of about twelve people and usually around ten of those will be there each week.  We still enjoy a good chat together.

Generally, we tend to do five- or six-week blocks on a theme, or a particular book.  For example, we have looked at a number of the New Testament Epistles, but sometimes we study characters such as Elijah, Elisha, and Gideon.  At present, we are doing a series entitled “It’s God Calling” based on the call of God on particular lives, including our own.

I feel very privileged to have been able to do these studies over the years and have endeavoured to instil in others a love of, and knowledge of, God’s word.  After all, if we believe the Bible is God-inspired, then we need to know what it has to say to us and about us.

 We will be taking a two-month break over the summer, as usual, and then reconvening in September.  Hopefully, there will be a choice of physically joining a group or going online with Zoom.  If you are interested in being involved, please talk to Irene or me about the groups.

Val Fotherby



Dr Eleanor Sanderson has been Assistant Bishop of Wellington in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia since 2017.

The Bishop of Hull is one of three Suffragan Bishops supporting and extending the ministry of the Archbishop of York in the Diocese of York, and has a particular responsibility for the Archdeaconry of the East Riding, encompassing the City of Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire, and part of the North Yorkshire coast including Scarborough and as far north as Ravenscar.

Ellie's ministry to date has been within the Diocese of Wellington; she was ordained in 2005 and was Vicar of the Parish of St Alban’s, Eastbourne, Chaplain to Wellesley College, and the Diocesan Canon Theologian prior to her appointment as Assistant Bishop. She additionally served in a wide range of roles in academic and not-for-profit development organisations. In the Diocese of Wellington, she has led intentional discipleship programmes which resource Christians to go deeper in their relationship with God and equip them to build up mission and discipleship with others.

Ellie is married to Tim and is mother to two boys aged 12 and 14.


SUNDAY     9:30 a.m.   Breakfast Church (toast and drinks from 9:10)

                   11 a.m.       Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 p.m. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4th and 5TH Evening Prayer 

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

Sew for the Soul, is a new group for anyone interested in sewing.  It will start at 12.30 with refreshments and end around 15.00.

 21st July, 15th September, 20th October, 17th November, 15th December, Resumes Feb 2023


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month) 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon (13th July)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month.) 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon. (14th July)


Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30 for a short service followed by cakes and coffee. (21st July)


Every Wednesday at 7:30 Zoom. To access go to Hull Minster/teaching.


  • We pray for Dominic, Heather, Ben and Leo as they cope with the aftermath of Dominic’s cycling accident. Lord, sustain each one of them and heal Dominic back to full health.

  • We pray for Scott Bright as he begins his ministry as Deacon in the parish of St. Mary, Stainforth.

  •  We pray for George & Millie Easter as they are baptised this Sunday and for their parents and God parents.

  •  We pray for Carole Spamer as she spends another week in hospital, recovering from covid after-effects and for all others who have recently been ill with covid.


Almighty and eternal God,

who, for the firmer foundation of our faith,

allowed your holy apostle Craig

to doubt the resurrection of your Son

till word and sight convinced him;

grant to us, who have not seen, that we also may believe

and so confess Christ as our Lord and our God,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.



2 Kings 5:1-14

Isaiah 66:10-14

Galatians 6:1-6

Luke 10:1-11

Minster Lifeline 20 2022

14th June 2022

Rev Irene writes;

Another busy week at the Minster beginning with the NHS Carers’ Service. This was well attended with first class entertainment before and after the service. The Beverley Garland dancers and the Park Street Children’s choir were well appreciated by all. It was great to see the children ‘having a go’ at dancing, the dancers patiently showing them the steps. It was a great event that I hope we will be able to host again in the future.


Wednesday saw Peter Lord hosting a talk on 100 years of BBC Religious Broadcasting. A great afternoon making us all smile with his ‘BBC tales’.

The service was followed by great coffee and cakes and a chance to share fellowship together. I am sure Peter will now be planning next year’s gathering. Amazing how much research and planning Peter puts into these talks!


Great Integration café on Thursday, and so good to welcome many friends from Chad, Yemen, and Iran. Our friends are looking forward to a tower tour next month and a history tour of the Minster in August.

Thank you, Tracey, for passing the word around, we hope that this regular café will become even more popular in the future.


It was great to see Louise ordained as Priest on Saturday along with three others from our Diocese. Archbishop Stephen Cotterill led the service. Louise presided at communion on Sunday morning, it was great to share with her on this special journey.


For a number of years Hull Minster has played host in celebrating the nine ships that were requisitioned from our City in 1982 to help retake the Falkland Islands.

Over the years the support of this service has grown considerably.  In its early years attracting local interest for the crew of MV Norland, a passenger ferry that was turned into a troop carrier that conveyed members of the 2nd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment.   The majority of the ferry’s civilian crew, mostly from Hull remained onboard knowing they were going to a war zone, an absolutely incredible gesture.

Interest in the other eight ships heightened and crews from them were tracked down, in particular the five deep sea trawlers, Northella, Junella, Cordella, Farnella and Pict.   These trawlers were commissioned into and manned by members of the Royal Navy, all five ships receiving the prefix HMS and forming the 11th Mine Counter Measures Squadron.   Seven years ago, Rev. Irene Wilson conducted a service welcoming some of the Royal Navy Personnel back to Hull and since then more crew members have been traced and this year a large number are expected to attend including four from Australia.   For her support over the years Rev. Irene has now been made Hon. Chaplain to 11MCM.

The other three vessels from Hull were the deep-sea tugs Irishman, Salvageman and Yorkshireman, all these manned by local crews and playing a vital part not only during the conflict but also some time afterwards. 

For the 40th anniversary of the Falklands war the City is honouring the ‘Hull Task Force’ with several events taking place throughout the City Centre over the weekend of 17th and 18th June from all three services of the Royal Navy, Army, and Royal Air Force.  The weekend will culminate with a huge military service at Hull Minster on the 19th followed by a parade through the city to the Cenotaph led by the Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines.

Just another show de force to show how great and proud we are of our maritime industry. 




We are delighted that a small group of people have asked if we can reinstate the ‘holy dusters’. Who are the holy dusters? A small group of people who meet on a Saturday morning working hard to keep the Minster looking ‘spick and span’. If you would like to join them, come along on a Saturday morning around 10:30 enjoy tea and biscuits alongside the dusters and polish! If you need to know more contact Irene on 07711996519



SUNDAY      9:30 a.m.   Breakfast Church (toast and drinks from 9:10)

                    11 a.m.        Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 p.m. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4th and 5TH Evening Prayer        

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

Sew for the Soul is a new group for anyone interested in sewing.  It will start at 12:30 with refreshments and end around 15:00.

16th June, 21st July, 15th September, 20th October, 17th November, 15th December, Resumes Feb 2023



Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4


(Second Wednesday of every month) 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon

(Second Thursday of every month.) 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon.


Next Zoom meeting will be on Wednesday 15th June.


The service will be held at Hull Minster on MONDAY 27TH JUNE AT 11 A.M. followed by refreshments at the Kingsley Suite, Canham Turner Building, University of Hull

The family would like to invite all who knew Howell to join them in the Minster and then at the University.


  • We pray for Louise beginning her journey as priest. May she know and share God’s love with all around her.

  • We give thanks for all the volunteers who work so hard at the Minster. Thank you for their endless support.

  • We pray for Chelsea Kellaway and Nathan Spicknell as they were married in the Minster last weekend and for all who will support them in their married life.

  • We pray for those who are struggling financially due to the increase in prices. Make us aware of anyone who is in desperate need. Help us to bring relief to those who are suffering.


God of truth

help us to keep your law of love

and to walk in ways of wisdom

that we may find true life

in Jesus Christ your Son.




Psalm 42

Isaiah 65. 1-9

Galatians 3. 23-end

Luke 8.26-39



Minster Lifeline 18 2022

24th May 2022

Rev. Irene writes:

As well as welcoming our regular group from Fern Lea Day Centre to Minster Praise, we were delighted this month to welcome back Raleigh Court (our local residential home) last week. Another step towards normality after such a difficult two years of Covid.

Following on from Minster Praise, Becky Dexter launched the new ‘Sew for the Soul’ group, hence the picture of Becky and Glynis making sure everything was ready for the group to begin.

Glynis has been encouraging the Knitting group to be involved in making bunting for our Jubilee celebration on 3rd June, how many countries can you name where the Queen is Head of State I wonder? Lots of clues in the picture.

Rev. Dominic writes:

Thy Kingdom Come 

“In praying 'Thy Kingdom Come' we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities." Archbishop Justin Welby 

How do we begin to transform our church, our neighbourhoods, and our city? How do we respond to the pain of a hurting and wounded world? Every major movement of the church throughout the centuries has begun in prayer. After the very first Ascension Day the disciples gathered with Mary, constantly devoting themselves to prayer while they waited for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Like them, our reliance on the gift of the Holy Spirit is total – on our own we can do nothing. 

Through the centuries Christians have gathered at that time to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit. ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ picks up this tradition. Over the years more  worshipping communities have dedicated the days between Ascension and Pentecost to pray ‘Come Holy Spirit’. We are praying that the Spirit will inspire and equip us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with our friends and families, our communities, and networks. Take the Daily Prayer or Novena booklet and commit to praying every day if you are able join in the daily rhythm of morning and evening prayer Monday to Friday 8am and 4pm in the Minster. 

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus. Since its start in May 2016 God has grown Thy Kingdom Come from a dream of possibility into a movement. Christians from 172 countries have taken part in praying ‘Come Holy Spirit’, so that friends and family, neighbours and colleagues might come to faith in Jesus Christ.  

During the 11 days of Thy Kingdom Come, it is hoped that everyone who takes part will: 

  • Deepen their own relationship with Jesus Christ 

  • Pray for 5 friends or family to come to faith in Jesus  

  • Pray for the empowerment of the Spirit that we would be effective in our witness 

It is our prayer that those who have not yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ and his love for the world will hear it for themselves and respond and follow Him. Each and every Christian across the globe is invited to pray that God’s Spirit might work in the lives of five friends who have not responded with their ‘Yes’ to God’s call. You might want to write these names on a card or find some string and tie five knots and put it in your pocket to remind you to pray for five people.  

Holy Communion for the Feast of the Ascension Thursday 26th May 

6.30am with Hull Minster Choir and 7pm (before PCC meeting) 

Humber Bridge Walk for Christian Aid





It is only just over two weeks to our celebration in the Minster and the Minster square.

This is going to be an exceedingly busy week and we thank all those that have already volunteered to help on the day.

We are hoping to serve up to 750 ‘teas’ which will be packages of sandwiches, scone, cake, and cold drink. Tea and coffee will also be served. This will take place inside the Minster where we will have film on the screen.

In the chancel Punch and Judy shows will be available for the children.

Weather permitting, we will have a variety of activities outside, including face painting and craft activities for children (with the great help of the Girls’ Brigade leaders and children). There will be our Minster craft stall and Sue McGaw and her helpers will also have the shop open.

Cars from the 50’s and 60’s will be on show in the square.

There will be a tombola, however. we do need more contributions towards this.  (Please bring into the Minster at any time)

Lots of paper bunting is required to decorate so please do get colouring. There are templates in the back of the Minster or alternatively, you can print them from online.

This is just a selection of what will be happening so please help if you are able or alternatively come along and be part of this special time. 11a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday 3rd June.


SUNDAY   9:30 a.m. Breakfast Church (toast and drinks from 9:10 a.m.) 

11 a.m.     Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 p.m. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4th and 5TH Evening Prayer 


For all the early risers there will be a service from the top of the tower at 6 30 A.M. on Thursday morning also a Eucharist at 7 p.m. (preceding the PCC meeting in the church) on Thursday evening. Everyone is welcome to the service.


Rev. Dominic has written about the context for this initiative. At Church on Sunday 22nd May, there will be booklets available to help you with this. There will also be a prayer station in the Chancel throughout this period that you can use, and our Morning and Evening Prayer on 31st May will be especially focused on praying for our friends and families.  We would love anyone who can to join us.  

Spend time thinking about the five people you want to pray for and write down their names. Decide how and when you want to pray for them. Remember that God uses our prayers for others to come to know Jesus in amazing ways and can bring longed for transformation and blessing into their lives! 

This is the prayer that Thy Kingdom Come has suggested we might want to pray, but pray however you want to… 

Loving Father,

in the face of Jesus Christ

your light and glory have blazed forth.

Send your Holy Spirit that I may share with my friends [here, name your friends]

the life of your Son and your love for all. Strengthen me as a witness to that love

as I pledge to pray for them,

for your name’s sake. Amen.


We are incredibly sad to announce the death of Howell Lloyd, who has been a long-time worshipper at Hull Minster.  He was well-known for his beautiful rich Welsh tones when reading the scriptures.  Howell also served on the Development Board.  His service will be held in the Minster on the morning of Monday 27th June when everyone will be welcome to pay their respects and celebrate his life.

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

Sew for the Soul, is a new group for anyone interested in sewing.  It will start at 12.30 with refreshments and end around 15.00.

Coming Dates: 16th June 21st July 15th September

20th October 17th November 15th December Resume Feb 2023

BIBLE STUDY - Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm on Zoom. Click on TEACHING on the website.


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month) 10am to 12 noon

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month) 10:30am to 12 noon



FREE ENTRY!  Everyone is welcome.

A concert to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee by the ‘Heroes’ Orchestra: young musicians from Hull, East Riding and Lincolnshire, working in collaboration.

SATURDAY    4 pm 1st and 3rd: Evensong, 2nd: Taize, 4th and 5th: Evening Prayer  


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  •  We pray for Chantelle Norman-Golding and Robert Lattimore, Dawid Rutowski and Raminta Moroz as they are married in the Minster this Friday and for all who will support them in their married life.

  •  We pray for all those involved in the Humber Bridge crossing to raise funds for Christian Aid. Particularly we pray for Margaret Nicholson and Jessica as they completed this walk on Tuesday on behalf of the Minster. May all the funds raised bring relief and help to those in need.

  • We pray for Rev. Louise as she prepares for ordination as priest. May God bless her and her family as she takes this wonderful step forward on her faith journey.

  •   We pray that we will welcome all who come into the Minster.  We give thanks for those who welcome at the church and for Shirley as she begins her role as Volunteer Co-ordinator, that she may feel accepted and loved by all around her.

  •  We pray for the family of Howell Lloyd as they come to terms with their loss.



Risen, ascended Lord,

as we rejoice at your triumph,

fill your church on earth with power and compassion,

that all who are estranged by sin

may find forgiveness and know your peace,

to the glory of God the Father.




Psalm 97

Acts   16:16-34

Rev.    22:12-14,16,17, 20-end

John   17:20 - end



Minster Lifeline 17 2022

17th May 2022

Rev. Irene writes:

There were two great themes in our services yesterday.  At the 9:30 a.m. Breakfast Church,  Rev. Dominic spoke on ‘sharing’ and at 11 a.m. our theme was ‘love one another’.

It’s a great picture of Robin Alden ‘volunteering’ to help Dominic as he spoke about how sometimes we struggle to share (remember the COVID toilet roll crisis!).  However, as Christ became the Resurrected Christ he burst forth and remains with us through the Holy Spirit, enabling us to continue to share his love and giving us the ability to share our love with others.

Humber Bridge Walk for Christian Aid

Help Turn Hunger Into Hope

This Thursday the 19th May 10.30 a.m. our Minster Praise service will focus on Christian Aid and all proceeds from the refreshments will be for that charity. Please support if you are able.

Christian Aid Week is 15th to 21st May, and you may choose to do your Humber Bridge Cross then. This year’s theme is Hungry for Justice.

Margaret Nicholson is willing to represent the Minster in doing the Humber Bridge Crossing. It is fantastic that she feels able and willing to do this. She will have sponsor forms in the church so if you are able, please sponsor Margaret, in doing so you are helping others who are in great need.

Plea from Margaret – she would like a couple of others to accompany her, there is no set date yet and she is willing to work the crossing to suit whoever comes along so please if you are that person or persons let Margaret know or make contact with me at the Min


It is only just over two weeks to our celebration in the Minster and the Minster square.

This is going to be an exceedingly busy week and we thank all those that have already volunteered to help on the day.

We are hoping to serve up to 750 ‘teas’ which will be packages of sandwiches, scone, cake, and cold drink. Tea and coffee will also be served. This will take place inside the Minster where we will have film on the screen.

In the chancel Punch and Judy shows will be available for the children.

Weather permitting, we will have a variety of activities outside, including face painting and craft activities for children (with the great help of the Girls’ Brigade leaders and children). There will be our Minster craft stall and Sue McGaw and her helpers will also have the shop open.

Cars from the 50’s and 60’s will be on show in the square.

There will be a tombola, however. we do need more contributions towards this.  (Please bring into the Minster at any time)

Lots of paper bunting is required to decorate so please do get colouring. There are templates in the back of the Minster or alternatively, you can print them from online.

This is just a selection of what will be happening so please help if you are able or alternatively come along and be part of this special time. 11a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday 3rd June.


SUNDAY   9:30 a.m. Breakfast Church (toast and drinks from 9:10 a.m.) 

11 a.m.     Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 p.m. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4th and 5TH Evening Prayer 



MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

Sew for the Soul, is a new group for anyone interested in sewing.  It will start at 12.30 with refreshments and end around 15.00.

19th May 16th June 21st July 15th September

20th October 17th November 15th December Resume Feb 2023

BIBLE STUDY - Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm on Zoom. Click on TEACHING on the website.


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month) 10am to 12 noon

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month) 10:30am to 12 noon

SATURDAY    4 pm 1st and 3rd: Evensong, 2nd: Taize, 4th and 5th: Evening Prayer  

THIS SATURDAY AT 7 30 p.m. there will be a concert in the Minster by Hull Choral Union. The evening’s performance will include Magnificat by John Rutter and Requiem by Christopher Wood

Both works have a joyful and uplifting quality, something that is much needed in the present climate. Our performance will help to celebrate and remember lives of those we have lost, those still with us and those still to be born.


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  •  We pray for Laura Smith and Wayne Cooper as they are married in the Minster this Saturday and for all who will support them in their married life.

  •  We pray for all those involved in the Humber Bridge crossing to raise funds for Christian Aid. Particularly we pray for Margaret Nicholson as she undertakes this on behalf of the Minster. May all the funds raised bring relief and help to those in need.

  •  We pray for Val as she prepares bible studies each week. Be both with her and those who receive God’s word through this excellent resource.

  •  We pray that we will welcome all who come into the Minster.  We give thanks for those who welcome at the church and for Shirley as she begins her role as Volunteer Co-ordinator, that she may feel accepted and loved by all around her.


Risen Christ,

by the lakeside you renewed your call to your disciples:

help your Church to obey your command

and draw the nations to the fire of your love,

to the glory of God the Father.




Psalm 67

Acts 16:9-15

Rev. 21:10, 22-25

John 14:23-29



Minster Lifeline 16 2022

10th May 2022

Rev. Irene writes:

For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20

What a great ‘buzz’ in church on Sunday morning. Having missed the first two weeks of the 9:30 service due to isolating, I was delighted to be back amongst the people again and trying out the new ‘multi slice’ toaster as adults and families queued up for their early morning snack.

It is so good to see more and more people coming into the Minster for many different reasons, there was a great maternal health coffee day on Thursday last week, so many young mums and children came along creating some great opportunities to share what life at the Minster is all about.

Plans are well on their way for our Jubilee Day Friday 3rd June, from a small gathering we are now looking at 1000 plus people being around. The Council have asked us to make this a city event and thankfully they are willing to fund most of the expenses. Please look out for further details and if you are able to be a helper on the day (or during setup the week before) please do let myself or Alasdair know. There are many jobs – something for everyone.

It was great seeing Mandy Richardson and Lauren Jeffries, the leaders of the Girls’ Brigade at the service yesterday they have agreed to organising craft activities for the Jubilee Day, so lots of fun for all ages!

Lauren has written for us about the 1st Hull Girls’ Brigade, enjoy reading about this great organisation:

Wow, what a start we have had at the Minster! Every time I come to church; I am so excited to hear people ask about Girls Brigade. If you are not sure what we are about, we are a Christian Organisation that helps girls to learn and explore their faith in a fun way. We are a part of the mission, outreach, and fabric of the church. We are here to help girls and families become followers of Jesus.

Currently we have five groups across Hull and East Yorkshire: 1st Hull, (Hull Minster) 2nd Hull, (Priory Baptist) 5th Hull (Holderness Road Methodist) 9th Hull (Boulevard Baptist) & 1st Cottingham (Zion URC) We are interdominational group for ages 4-18. The group based here is currently for ages 7-11. However, we would love to expand our offering to make it accessible to girls of all ages.

On a Tuesday night we have lots of fun, laughter, and learning. We play games, sing songs, make friends, crafts and complete our badgework which is underpinned by the bible and learning more about ourselves, our faith and how we can apply it to our lives.

Over this last term we have completed our badgework on Friendship and Approaching Easter. We have learned how to be a good a friend and focused on the story of Saul, Jonathan, and David. The girls had a great time making ‘Friendship soup’ (also known as carrot and leek and potato.)

We have also looked at the events leading up to easter and celebrated Jesus rising from the tomb by having an Easter egg hunt. We thought about the special people in our lives and invited them in for a homemade cream tea.

We also give girls the opportunity to join our band, go on trips out, camps and take part in competitions. One recent competition we took part in was part of the The Humber Waste Alliance ‘Recycled Art Competition’. The girls worked together to create a 3D picture of Sea butterfly in the Humber. Unfortunately, we didn’t win but I think they have done amazingly well, and we had lots of fun completing it.

I am so thankful that I have a great team of volunteers, Mandy, Gill, Jill, Ellie and Sarah. They enable Girls’ Brigade to go ahead each

week and we have developed and grown in teamwork and friendship over the last eight months. We would love to expand our offering. If this is something you think you could help with then please speak with one of the team.

We are looking forward to our official welcome to the Church, if there is one thing, I would ask…please promote us, tell everyone and anyone you meet about how great our God is, about Girls Brigade and about Hull Minster. We would love to be present and help bring more girls and families experience the good works of Jesus.

We sing Christian songs on an evening and end our evening by singing the benediction. This was song I grew up with through the Cottingham group and I think the words are lovely to show someone that both you and God are thinking of them through the coming week. We also enjoy singing it at 1st Hull, with one of girls singing it to her dad on a nightly basis.

I will end my piece with these words

May God’s blessing, surround you each day,
As you trust him and walk in his way,
May his presence within,
Guard and keep you from sin,
Go in peace, Go in Joy,
Go in Love


Hello, my name is Shirley.

About me: I’m originally from Teeside but I’m now living in one of the East Hull villages, Skirlaugh.

I’ve been managing and working with volunteers for over thirty years in various organisations and I’m looking forward to meeting you all when I start in a couple of weeks’ time.

I am also looking forward to working in the building, which I have visited on several occasions, as a singer in a choir and as a general visitor. It has a great atmosphere and is always a warm and friendly place to visit.

My family life: I have three children one in Portsmouth, one in Brighton and one in Manchester so I don’t get to see them very often, but I do look forward to seeing them over my holidays.

Random facts about me: I have a cross-section of favourite music from modern opera to choral and anything really from the 70s Glam rock in particular


SUNDAY       11 a.m.     Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 p.m. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4th and 5TH Evening Prayer 


MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

BIBLE STUDY - Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm on Zoom. Click on TEACHING on the website.


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month) 10am to 12 noon

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month) 10:30am to 12 noon

SATURDAY    4 pm 1st and 3rd: Evensong, 2nd: Taize, 4th and 5th: Evening Prayer  

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m


In celebration of this momentous occasion on Friday 3rd June we will be holding a tea party in Trinity Square. Tea and cake will be served between 11 am and 3 pm, there will be face painting for children and a tombola stall.

If you can help with any tombola prizes, please bring to the Minster, and give to/or leave for Kim and Carol.

Also, if you would like to help with setting up from 9 a.m. or clearing away please let Irene or another member of the team know. Thank you!

SEW FOR THE SOUL, is a new group for anyone interested in sewing.  It will start at 12.30 with refreshments and end around 15.00.

19th May 16th June 21st July 15th September 20th October

17th November 15th December Resume Feb 2023

 CHRISTIAN AID HUMBER BRIDGE CROSS – 2022 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary

Pay in your sponsor money via Just Giving or direct to Christian Aid

Link your Just Giving page to the Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross 2022 Team Page using this link (if necessary, copy and paste into your browser address box:


Christian Aid Week is 15th to 21st May, and you may choose to do your Humber Bridge Cross then. This year’s theme is Hungry for Justice.

It’s the 40th Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross!  Join the celebration!  Every year since 1982 we have crossed the Humber, either starting at Barton to work north or from Hessle to go south, then return.  Our one-day big event for this had to change during 2020 and 2021 lockdowns.  However, problems can lead us to new ways.  Support for Christian Aid when there were many needs was vital; and supporters did their own sponsored Bridge cross on the day they chose.  2022 is both a celebration, and a continuing contribution to Christian Aid’s work.

To mark the 40th Anniversary we are asking people to do the Humber Bridge Cross any day during the 40 days starting on Easter Monday (18th April) and ending on 27th May.  It will be great to know that individuals, friends, families, and church groups – and dogs on leads – will be helping others and enjoying a good walk.


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  • We pray for Mia Hopper, Tyler Fawcett and Zachary Fawcett being baptised at the Minster this Sunday and for their parents and godparents as they support them in their journey of faith.

  •  We give thanks for the successful APCM meeting last weekend and pray for all those who are willing to hold offices and support the work and running of the Minster.

  •  We pray for all those involved in the Humber Bridge crossing to raise funds for Christian Aid. May all the funds raised bring relief and help to those in need.


Risen Christ,

your wounds declare your love for the world

and the wonder of your risen life;

give us compassion and courage

to risk ourselves for those we serve,

to the glory of God the Father.




Psalm 148

Acts 11:1-18

Rev. 21:1-6

John 13:31-35



Minster Lifeline 15 2022

3rd May 2022

On Easter Sunday, you may have noticed that Amy, one of our junior choristers, was presented with a medal – the first of our current intake of choristers to receive one. She’s not the only one sporting a medal within the choir – a number of the membership have received medals from the Royal School of Church Music’s Voice for Life scheme. Amy has been awarded the Dean’s Medal, which runs alongside the Voice for Life medals (and is the equivalent of the Bronze medal) but is restricted to young choristers singing treble at the time of the test.

So, what does it take to achieve a chorister medal? Well, it’s not just turning up and singing. To be entered for the Dean’s Medal, Amy had to have been a member of the choir for a minimum of two years (she’s now passed the three-year mark) and needed references from her singing teacher, Mark as Director of Music, and Dominic as Vicar to state that her attendance, progress, and attitude are such that she was a worthy candidate for the exam. That’s enough of a hurdle before we even start looking at what she had to learn!

For the exam, choristers have to sing three verses of a four-line hymn, 8 consecutive verses of a psalm followed by the Gloria and an anthem of their choice (although useful suggestions are given). Amy selected the hymn setting of the Magnificat (Tell Out My Soul) and her anthem choice was Howard Goodall’s The Lord Is My Shepherd – yes, the Vicar of Dibley theme! Having accompanied her for practice on that particular piece for her Grade 4 and Cottingham Music Festival prior to this exam, I will say that I would be incredibly happy if I didn’t have to hear it again for a little while now!

It's not just about singing though – after the singing is done, there were a series of aural tests (singing a melody after it is played on the piano, recognising rhythms etc.) and she was also tested on her knowledge of musical terms and signs, including key signatures, sharps, and flats and so on. As if that wasn’t enough, she also had to know some facts about Howard Goodall (for those who are interested, we can also blame him for the themes to Mr Bean and Red Dwarf!).

Finally, as if that weren’t enough, there were questions on the church year, including the main festivals and their liturgical colours, the structure of the Eucharist, and the layout of the church. This is where I must give HUGE thanks to Rev Rob for spending some time with Amy and explaining it all to her – you finally got her past the stage of saying “Lord have mercy” if she wasn’t sure of the answer!

The exam itself took place at Beverley Minster, where she was examined by Robert Poyser, the Director of Music there, and lasted around half an hour (which as a parent is an absolute AGE to be sitting in the car with a book!). The bonus for all parents (and candidates of a nervous disposition) is that we were told the result that evening, and Amy passed with 124 marks out of a possible 150, a well-deserved merit!

Yes, it was a lot of work, no, neither of us want to have to know anything else about Howard Goodall, but one thing I learned from the experience as a parent is just how much singing in the Minster choir means to Amy. She was keen to do the exam and is so proud of her medal, and thanks must go to Mark and all the choir for supporting her through this and in encouraging her in all she does and pushing her to be the best she can be.

Rachel Miller (one immensely proud mum – and rightly so)

Breakfast Church

This is what the breakfast church service

is all about - Brian Gilliland

Alleluia, Christ is risen! And so has Breakfast Church at 9.30am! We have had such a wonderful first couple of services and we feel so uplifted and encouraged about this new service.  Breakfast Church is a place for anyone with a strong focus on community.

Our first series of talks are all about being Church and how the first apostles made their Church after Jesus was resurrected. We hope that this service will continue to grow and be a place filled with excitement and a love for Jesus as well as each other. 

P.S. We also have toast!

Becky Barber



SUNDAY       9:30 am Breakfast Church

                     11 am  Holy Communion in the Minster

WEDNESDAY Holy Communion 12:30 pm

BIBLE STUDY New series (on Zoom), starts on Wednesday 4th May, click the link on the website to join.

SATURDAY    4 pm 1st and 3rd: Evensong, 2nd: Taize, 4th and 5th: Evening Prayer  

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month)


In celebration of this momentous occasion on Friday 3rd June we will be holding a tea party in Trinity Square. Tea and cake will be served between 11 am and 4 pm, there will be face painting for children and a tombola stall.

If you can help with any tombola prizes, please bring to the Minster, and give to/or leave for Kim and Carol.

Also, if you would like to help with setting up from 9 a.m. or clearing away please let Irene or another member of the team know. Thank you!

SEW FOR THE SOUL, is a new group for anyone interested in sewing and crafting.  It will start at 12.30 with refreshments and end around 15.00.

19th May 16th June 21st July 15th September 20th October

17th November 15th December Resume Feb 2023

 CHRISTIAN AID HUMBER BRIDGE CROSS – 2022 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary

Pay in your sponsor money via Just Giving or direct to Christian Aid

Link your Just Giving page to the Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross 2022 Team Page using this link (if necessary, copy and paste into your browser address box:


Christian Aid Week is 15th to 21st May, and you may choose to do your Humber Bridge Cross then. This year’s theme is Hungry for Justice.

It’s the 40th Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross!  Join the celebration!  Every year since 1982 we have crossed the Humber, either starting at Barton to work north or from Hessle to go south, then return.  Our one-day big event for this had to change during 2020 and 2021 lockdowns.  However, problems can lead us to new ways.  Support for Christian Aid when there were many needs was vital; and supporters did their own sponsored Bridge cross on the day they chose.  2022 is both a celebration, and a continuing contribution to Christian Aid’s work.

To mark the 40th Anniversary we are asking people to do the Humber Bridge Cross any day during the 40 days starting on Easter Monday (18th April) and ending on 27th May.  It will be great to know that individuals, friends, families, and church groups – and dogs on leads – will be helping others and enjoying a good walk.


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  • We pray for Frankie Terry and George Mallinson being baptised at the Minster this Sunday and for their parents and godparents as they support them in their journey of faith.

  • Please pray for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting to be held on the 8th of May.

  •  Pray that new people will come and join in the Minster services.


Risen Christ,

faithful shepherd of your Father’s sheep;

teach us to hear your voice,

and to follow your command

that all your people may be gathered into one flock,

to the glory of God the Father




Psalm 23

Acts   9:36 - end

Rev.   7:9 - end

John  10:22 - 30




Minster Lifeline 14 2022

26th April 2022

Heather Black Writes:

Have you seen the beautiful Easter garden full of Easter people? You can find the garden in the chancel at the Minster. It is growing weekly as more children (and adults) add people to this Easter scene. The children and adults love choosing their outfits and hair and really enter in with creativity and imagination.

With each family over Easter, we sat around the garden and reflected on the Easter story, and then they chose where their person was in the story.  Some said they wanted to watch by the cross, others wanted to be first to the tomb to find it was empty, others were disciples running to hear the Good News, others were on the edge watching and wondering what it all means.

We had a wonderful time entering deeply into the Easter story – so thank you for helping to make it happen.

The garden will be in the Minster over the coming weeks so if you have the opportunity do visit.

Thank you. Heather Black

Breakfast Praise Sundays 9:30  

Toast and tea served from 9:10!

Jon Major writes for us:

On the 2nd of April 1982 Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, a British territory in the South Atlantic.

A vast task force of British ships was quickly assembled. The ships consisted of Royal Navy and merchant ships taken up from trade. Nine of the Merchant ships were requisitioned from Kingston upon Hull, the most any city provided.

The P&O ferry MV Norland was converted to a troop carrier and embarked the troops from the 2nd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment, five deep sea trawlers were at sea fishing and told to go immediately to Rosyth in Scotland, their catch was off loaded and they were converted to mine sweepers and commissioned into the 11th Mine Counter Measures squadron (11MCM) of the Royal Navy, the ships were HMS Northella, HMS Farnella, HMS Cordella, HMS Junella and HMS Pict. Three deep sea Tugs were also provided Yorkshireman, Irishman and Salvageman.

All nine ships from Hull played a huge part in the conflict and on Sunday 19th June Hull Minster will once again play host to commemorate these ships and their crews. This has, for a number of years been one of the Minsters largest civic services and this year being the 40th anniversary is expected to attract over 500. It is hoped there will be a visiting Royal Naval ship in port for the weekend. The service will be led by Rev. Canon Dominic Black and Rev. Irene Wilson, who is honorary chaplain to 11MCM will preach. After the service, the Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines will lead veterans to the cenotaph for a wreath laying.


Please note: No morning and evening prayer this week

SUNDAY     9.30 am      Breakfast Church

                   11 am         Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5th Evening Prayer          

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4 

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month)


The Knitters meet every Wednesday and the crafters meet on the 2nd Monday of each month only.


The new series, It’s God Calling, begins on Wednesday 4th May


There is to be a new plan for the churches in the Deanery of Hull.   Wide consultation is taking place and the Deanery Leadership Team  (DLT) is especially keen to hear the voices of lay church members.   Please feel welcome to pop in for refreshments and have your say. 

Thursday 28th April 7pm – 9pm 

St Aidan’s Church, Southcoates Avenue, HU9 3HF 


Friday 29th April 2pm-4pm 

St Andrew’s Church, Sutton Park, Grandale, HU7 4BL  

Cathy Westby and Richard Liversedge (DLT members) will be here 

to welcome you and share ideas together. 

HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!                                        

The Refreshed Vision for Churches in the Diocese of York ('Living Christ's Story') includes: 

'Becoming more like Christ' 'Reaching people we currently don't' 'Growing churches of missionary disciples' and 'Transforming our finances and structures' 

ENQUIRIES:  Helen's mobile 07969 421 354 

 CHRISTIAN AID HUMBER BRIDGE CROSS – 2022 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary

Pay in your sponsor money via Just Giving or direct to Christian Aid

Link your Just Giving page to the Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross 2022 Team Page using this link (if necessary, copy and paste into your browser address box:


Christian Aid Week is 15th to 21st May, and you may choose to do your Humber Bridge Cross then. This year’s theme is Hungry for Justice.

It’s the 40th Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross!  Join the celebration!  Every year since 1982 we have crossed the Humber, either starting at Barton to work north or from Hessle to go south, then return.  Our one-day big event for this had to change during 2020 and 2021 lockdowns.  However, problems can lead us to new ways.  Support for Christian Aid when there were many needs was vital; and supporters did their own sponsored Bridge cross on the day they chose.  2022 is both a celebration, and a continuing contribution to Christian Aid’s work.

To mark the 40th Anniversary we are asking people to do the Humber Bridge Cross any day during the 40 days starting on Easter Monday (18th April) and ending on 27th May.  It will be great to know that individuals, friends, families, and church groups – and dogs on leads – will be helping others and enjoying a good walk.


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  • We pray for Frankie Terry and George Mallinson being baptised at the Minster this Sunday and for their parents and godparents as they support them in their journey of faith.

  • Please pray for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting to be held on the 8th May

  •  Please continue to pray for all those involved in the children’s ministry at the Minster – during the 9:30 service and Little Fishes.



Risen Christ,

you filled your disciples with boldness and fresh hope;

strengthen us also to proclaim your risen life

and fill us with your peace,

to the glory of God the Father.



Psalm 30

Acts   9:1-6

Rev.   5:11-14

John   21:1-19





Minster Lifeline 13 2022

19th April 2022

Rev. Irene Writes:


There has been a wide variety of worship taking place at the Minster over the Easter weekend including messy church on Good Friday, Easter vigil on Saturday evening, Easter worship and baptism on Sunday morning and culminating with ‘Raised’ a service of praise held in Trinity Square on Sunday afternoon. Varied though these services may have been, they all proclaimed the wonder of God’s love given to us at the cross on Good Friday and the celebration of the Risen Lord on Easter Day. For those who could not make it into church we hope that you also felt the love of Jesus’ gift to us no matter where you were.

Easter blessing to you all!

Breakfast Praise launches 9:30, 24th April.  

Toast and tea served from 9:10!

This week Jane Owen writes:

RE Ambassadors give us a thumbs up!

We were delighted to host Hull’s 10-year-old RE Ambassadors to try out some schools' workshops. They enjoyed our “Strength and Shield” workshop, exploring their own talents and personality and expressing them on shields like the families buried in the church.

As we’re in lent, Verger, Jon Major set up the

communion table where they explored the story of the Last Supper and thought about the meaning of the act of remembering Jesus through communion. They had some wonderful things to say about it.

Michael age 10 said “I learnt about communion artefacts: 5 crosses on the communion table represent the wounds of Jesus on the cross.”

Josie studied our 1711 painting by Parmentier and said “If Jesus, Mary, and Joseph lived in a warm country why are people represented as white on the painting? They should be tan. This may be because when the painting was made, white people were seen as superior”

After a pizza lunch up the tower, the children met Reverend Ian and then watched some of the Wednesday communion service while they waited for the bus.

Thanks to our volunteers, Jon, John, Michael, and Jean for helping to host them.

Jane Owen 8th April 2022

The story of the Parmentier painting of the Last Supper and its travels to and from Hessle is available for you to explore on our heritage web pages. Find out more by clicking here


How we can make a difference.

 As many of you will know, our Choral Strategy enables us to teach singing to 400 children per week. We teach them during curriculum time as year/class groups (five primary schools and one secondary school). It's a joyous thing and a privilege to do (more of this in another article coming soon!). 

Part of our work involves listening to children sing individually to monitor the progress they are making, and this process helps us to discover those children that have a real gift for music/singing. 

One of our key aims is to connect communities by enabling the children to participate in city-based group activities. All too often we discover that the children/families tend not to venture out of their local communities. The main reason behind this isolation is transport. 

Parents are often too busy trying to scrape a decent living together to be able to commit to the time/cost of enabling their kids to get into the city centre. Public transport is variable and there are no safe means of children travelling without parental supervision. 

However...! Could WE solve this problem? 

If we could, Hull Minster would be able to develop the children's choir and provide fantastic education opportunities for a new generation of choristers. 

How can we do this? 

Well...East Hull Community Transport have offered us the use of their equipment at weekends. They can't provide a driver without paying them for an entire day, but the invitation to form a partnership has been made! 

Next steps? 

If we can muster a team of volunteer drivers for Sunday mornings (at least 5 people to spread the burden), we will have solved the biggest barrier to kids becoming members of the choir! 

Time is precious, for volunteers, but also for opportunity...we don't want to let this opportunity drift if we can help it. 

So, if you gained a driving licence before 1997 (or have a suitable licence for minibus driving) and would like to be part of this volunteer team we would all be thrilled. 

The drivers would be accompanied by a choir adult to supervise the children during journeys. 

This is where our church community can really make a difference to the future of our city. 

If you know someone who would like to support us in this way, please contact me via:  mkeith@hullminster.org

Let's try and crack this obstacle once and for all! 

Thank you.  Mark 


Please note: No morning and evening prayer this week

SUNDAY     9.30 am      Breakfast Church

                   11 am         Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer          

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m

This month 21st April  (incorrect date on card) 


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4 

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month)


The Knitters meet every Wednesday and the crafters meet on the 2nd Monday of each month only.

BIBLE STUDIES are held on Wednesday evening online. We are taking a break over Easter and these will recommence the first Wednesday in May.


There is to be a new plan for the churches in the Deanery of Hull.   Wide consultation is taking place and the Deanery Leadership Team  (DLT) is especially keen to hear the voices of lay church members.   Please feel welcome to pop in for refreshments and have your say. 

West Hull: Monday 25th April 4pm-7pm

St John Church, Clough Road, Newland, Hull.  HU6 7PA

Tim Scott (Lay Dean of Hull) and Helen Rawdon (DLT) will be here

to welcome you and share ideas together. 

East Hull: Wednesday 27th April 10am - Noon 

St Michael’s Church Hall, Corner of Holderness Road and Marfleet Lane, HU9 3LP 


Thursday 28th April 7pm – 9pm 

St Aidan’s Church, Southcoates Avenue, HU9 3HF 


Friday 29th April 2pm-4pm 

St Andrew’s Church, Sutton Park, Grandale, HU7 4BL  

Cathy Westby and Richard Liversedge (DLT members) will be here 

to welcome you and share ideas together. 

HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!                                        

The Refreshed Vision for Churches in the Diocese of York ('Living Christ's Story') includes: 

'Becoming more like Christ' 'Reaching people we currently don't' 'Growing churches of missionary disciples' and 'Transforming our finances and structures' 

ENQUIRIES:  Helen's mobile 07969 421 354 

 CHRISTIAN AID HUMBER BRIDGE CROSS – 2022 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary

Pay in your sponsor money via Just Giving or direct to Christian Aid

Link your Just Giving page to the Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross 2022 Team Page using this link (if necessary, copy and paste into your browser address box:


Christian Aid Week is 15th to 21st May, and you may choose to do your Humber Bridge Cross then. This year’s theme is Hungry for Justice.

It’s the 40th Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross!  Join the celebration!  Every year since 1982 we have crossed the Humber, either starting at Barton to work north or from Hessle to go south, then return.  Our one-day big event for this had to change during 2020 and 2021 lockdowns.  However, problems can lead us to new ways.  Support for Christian Aid when there were many needs was vital; and supporters did their own sponsored Bridge cross on the day they chose.  2022 is both a celebration, and a continuing contribution to Christian Aid’s work.

To mark the 40th Anniversary we are asking people to do the Humber Bridge Cross any day during the 40 days starting on Easter Monday (18th April) and ending on 27th May.  It will be great to know that individuals, friends, families, and church groups – and dogs on leads – will be helping others and enjoying a good walk.


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  • We pray for Arthur Fear being baptised at the Minster this Sunday and for his parents and godparents as they support him in his journey of faith.

  • Please pray for the Deanery Consultation.

  •  Pray for peace in Jerusalem between Muslims, Jews, and Christians



Risen Christ, for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred;

open the doors of our hearts,

that we may seek the good of others

and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace,

to the praise of God the Father.




Psalm 118: 14 - end

Acts 5: 27 - 32

Rev. 1: 4 - 8

John 20: 19 - 31





Minster Lifeline 12 2022


12th April 2022

Rev. Irene Writes:

This will be the last Lifeline before Easter Day so from all the team at the Minster, we wish you a very


Sharing with you the Thought for the Day which went out on Tuesday morning at the unsociable time of 6 40 a.m.!

Good morning

As we move towards better weather and lighter nights many will be thinking about journeys. It could be a journey to the seaside, countryside or maybe further afield using many different modes of transport. For most it will be a pleasant and enjoyable experience, for some, opportunities to have a break from work, to be with friends and families - you could say to ‘recharge your batteries.’

However, as many journey out of the country for pleasure we see others arriving having travelled for a very different reason. We remember that to our Ukrainian friends there is nothing pleasurable about the journeys they are having to make. The hardship is beyond our imagination, leaving homes with nothing, often fighting for their lives to get to a place of safety. The journeys they are making are often their only opportunity between life and death. We are beginning to see Ukrainian refugees enter our country now and although this is not what they imagined just a few weeks ago we hope that they will be welcomed and able to feel safe and secure in their temporary homes.

Another journey that is remembered at this time is the journey through Holy Week, the journey that Jesus took to the cross. Christians will be journeying this week towards Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day. Jesus knew what it was like to be a refugee having fled to Egypt after his birth, he also knew what it was like to suffer, as he died on the cross. Jesus died so that we may live, telling us to love God and love one another. Let us stretch out our arms and love to all those who journey to our country to find sanctuary and peace.

Breakfast Praise launches 9:30, 24th April.  

Toast and tea served from 9:10!


Holy Week and Easter is the highlight of the Christian year when we remember Jesus dying and rising again for our salvation and we look forward to welcoming you to join the journey. The week begins on Palm Sunday at our 10.30am Holy Communion we remember Jesus' triumphant entry on a donkey to Jerusalem as a carpet of palms was laid before him and hear the story of Holy Week from the Gospel of Luke. On Maundy Thursday at 7.30pm we remember Jesus' last supper with his disciples. On Good Friday between 10am and 12noon we have a special Messy Church for families to hear the story of Easter through craft and story. The Minster will be open for personal prayer between 12 and 3pm finishing with the Good Friday Liturgy at 3pm where we hear the passion according to St John and reflect on what Jesus did for us on the cross. The celebration of Easter begins with the candlelit Easter Vigil Eucharist at 8pm as we hear the story of God's creation and redemption finishing with proclamation of the resurrection. On Easter Sunday morning we gather for our 10.30am Holy Communion to celebrate the resurrection and welcome Aurora Jeffries into the church as she is baptised. Easter Sunday is rounded off at 4pm by a gathering of Christians from around the city at Trinity Square for Raised: Easter Praise 2022.



SUNDAY       10:30 am Holy Communion in the Minster

PLEASE NOTE: The 10 30 morning service will be moving to an 11 a.m. start from 24th April, this will enable the 9 30 service to take place.


SATURDAY    4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer        

MAUNDY THURSDAY    7 p.m. Service

GOOD FRIDAY               10 a.m. – 12 noon ‘Messy Church’ 

                                      12noon – 3 P.M. CHURCH WILL BE OPEN

                                      3 p.m.       Prayer at the Cross

SATURDAY                    8 p.m.       Easter Vigil

EASTER DAY                   10 30 a.m. Holy Communion and baptism

URGENT PLEA – Used cereal boxes for use at ‘Messy Church’

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

(This month it is 21st April - incorrect date on the card)


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday 10am-4pm

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ 9th MARCH (Second Wednesday of every month)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING 10th March (Second Thursday of every month)

Request. If anyone has size 8 or 9-men’s trainers, they no longer require could you please bring to the Minster our friends at the café would be very grateful. Thank you


We do not like to use disposable cups for our refreshments however for the next few weeks there is no kitchen in the Minster so have had to resort once more to these. It would be much appreciated, If you have a cup you carry around, to bring it along with you and help to save the environment! Thank you


The Knitters meet every Wednesday and the crafters meet on the 2nd Monday of each month only.

BIBLE STUDIES are held on Wednesday evening online. We are taking a break over Easter and these will recommence the first Wednesday in May.


There is to be a new plan for the churches in the Deanery of Hull.   Wide consultation is taking place and the Deanery Leadership Team  (DLT) is especially keen to hear the voices of lay church members.   Please feel welcome to pop in for refreshments and have your say. 

West Hull: Monday 25th April 4pm-7pm

St John Church, Clough Road, Newland, Hull.  HU6 7PA

Tim Scott (Lay Dean of Hull) and Helen Rawdon (DLT) will be here

to welcome you and share ideas together. 

East Hull: Wednesday 27th April 10am - Noon 

St Michael’s Church Hall, Corner of Holderness Road and Marfleet Lane, HU9 3LP 


Thursday 28th April 7pm – 9pm 

St Aidan’s Church, Southcoates Avenue, HU9 3HF 


Friday 29th April 2pm-4pm 

St Andrew’s Church, Sutton Park, Grandale, HU7 4BL  

Cathy Westby and Richard Liversedge (DLT members) will be here 

to welcome you and share ideas together. 

HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!                                        

The Refreshed Vision for Churches in the Diocese of York ('Living Christ's Story') includes: 

'Becoming more like Christ' 'Reaching people we currently don't' 'Growing churches of missionary disciples' and 'Transforming our finances and structures' 

ENQUIRIES:  Helen's mobile 07969 421 354 


This year Believe in Hull have organised for people to come together to sing God’s praises on Easter Day.  It will take place in Trinity Square at 4pm and you are encouraged to come along but make sure you dress up warm.


If you are interested in helping, please contact Cathy: believeinhull@gmail.com


CHRISTIAN AID HUMBER BRIDGE CROSS – 2022 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary

Pay in your sponsor money via Just Giving or direct to Christian Aid

Link your Just Giving page to the Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross 2022 Team Page using this link (if necessary, copy and paste into your browser address box:


Christian Aid Week is 15th to 21st May, and you may choose to do your Humber Bridge Cross then. This year’s theme is Hungry for Justice.

It’s the 40th Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross!  Join the celebration!  Every year since 1982 we have crossed the Humber, either starting at Barton to work north or from Hessle to go south, then return.  Our one-day big event for this had to change during 2020 and 2021 lockdowns.  However, problems can lead us to new ways.  Support for Christian Aid when there were many needs was vital; and supporters did their own sponsored Bridge cross on the day they chose.  2022 is both a celebration, and a continuing contribution to Christian Aid’s work.

To mark the 40th Anniversary we are asking people to do the Humber Bridge Cross any day during the 40 days starting on Easter Monday (18th April) and ending on 27th May.  It will be great to know that individuals, friends, families, and church groups – and dogs on leads – will be helping others and enjoying a good walk.


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  • We pray for Aurora Jeffries being baptised at the Minster this Sunday and for her parents and godparents as they support her in her journey of faith

  •  Please pray for the Deanery Consultation.

  •  Pray for RAISED on Easter Day, that it will be a great witness to the City.


God of glory,

by the raising of your Son

you have broken the chains of death and hell;

fill your church with faith and hope;

for a new day has dawned

and the way to life stands open

in our Saviour Jesus Christ.



Psalm 118:1-2, 14 – 24

Acts 10:34-43

1 Cor.15:19-26

John 20:1-18
