Minster Lifeline 16 2022

10th May 2022

Rev. Irene writes:

For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20

What a great ‘buzz’ in church on Sunday morning. Having missed the first two weeks of the 9:30 service due to isolating, I was delighted to be back amongst the people again and trying out the new ‘multi slice’ toaster as adults and families queued up for their early morning snack.

It is so good to see more and more people coming into the Minster for many different reasons, there was a great maternal health coffee day on Thursday last week, so many young mums and children came along creating some great opportunities to share what life at the Minster is all about.

Plans are well on their way for our Jubilee Day Friday 3rd June, from a small gathering we are now looking at 1000 plus people being around. The Council have asked us to make this a city event and thankfully they are willing to fund most of the expenses. Please look out for further details and if you are able to be a helper on the day (or during setup the week before) please do let myself or Alasdair know. There are many jobs – something for everyone.

It was great seeing Mandy Richardson and Lauren Jeffries, the leaders of the Girls’ Brigade at the service yesterday they have agreed to organising craft activities for the Jubilee Day, so lots of fun for all ages!

Lauren has written for us about the 1st Hull Girls’ Brigade, enjoy reading about this great organisation:

Wow, what a start we have had at the Minster! Every time I come to church; I am so excited to hear people ask about Girls Brigade. If you are not sure what we are about, we are a Christian Organisation that helps girls to learn and explore their faith in a fun way. We are a part of the mission, outreach, and fabric of the church. We are here to help girls and families become followers of Jesus.

Currently we have five groups across Hull and East Yorkshire: 1st Hull, (Hull Minster) 2nd Hull, (Priory Baptist) 5th Hull (Holderness Road Methodist) 9th Hull (Boulevard Baptist) & 1st Cottingham (Zion URC) We are interdominational group for ages 4-18. The group based here is currently for ages 7-11. However, we would love to expand our offering to make it accessible to girls of all ages.

On a Tuesday night we have lots of fun, laughter, and learning. We play games, sing songs, make friends, crafts and complete our badgework which is underpinned by the bible and learning more about ourselves, our faith and how we can apply it to our lives.

Over this last term we have completed our badgework on Friendship and Approaching Easter. We have learned how to be a good a friend and focused on the story of Saul, Jonathan, and David. The girls had a great time making ‘Friendship soup’ (also known as carrot and leek and potato.)

We have also looked at the events leading up to easter and celebrated Jesus rising from the tomb by having an Easter egg hunt. We thought about the special people in our lives and invited them in for a homemade cream tea.

We also give girls the opportunity to join our band, go on trips out, camps and take part in competitions. One recent competition we took part in was part of the The Humber Waste Alliance ‘Recycled Art Competition’. The girls worked together to create a 3D picture of Sea butterfly in the Humber. Unfortunately, we didn’t win but I think they have done amazingly well, and we had lots of fun completing it.

I am so thankful that I have a great team of volunteers, Mandy, Gill, Jill, Ellie and Sarah. They enable Girls’ Brigade to go ahead each

week and we have developed and grown in teamwork and friendship over the last eight months. We would love to expand our offering. If this is something you think you could help with then please speak with one of the team.

We are looking forward to our official welcome to the Church, if there is one thing, I would ask…please promote us, tell everyone and anyone you meet about how great our God is, about Girls Brigade and about Hull Minster. We would love to be present and help bring more girls and families experience the good works of Jesus.

We sing Christian songs on an evening and end our evening by singing the benediction. This was song I grew up with through the Cottingham group and I think the words are lovely to show someone that both you and God are thinking of them through the coming week. We also enjoy singing it at 1st Hull, with one of girls singing it to her dad on a nightly basis.

I will end my piece with these words

May God’s blessing, surround you each day,
As you trust him and walk in his way,
May his presence within,
Guard and keep you from sin,
Go in peace, Go in Joy,
Go in Love


Hello, my name is Shirley.

About me: I’m originally from Teeside but I’m now living in one of the East Hull villages, Skirlaugh.

I’ve been managing and working with volunteers for over thirty years in various organisations and I’m looking forward to meeting you all when I start in a couple of weeks’ time.

I am also looking forward to working in the building, which I have visited on several occasions, as a singer in a choir and as a general visitor. It has a great atmosphere and is always a warm and friendly place to visit.

My family life: I have three children one in Portsmouth, one in Brighton and one in Manchester so I don’t get to see them very often, but I do look forward to seeing them over my holidays.

Random facts about me: I have a cross-section of favourite music from modern opera to choral and anything really from the 70s Glam rock in particular


SUNDAY       11 a.m.     Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 p.m. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4th and 5TH Evening Prayer 


MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

BIBLE STUDY - Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm on Zoom. Click on TEACHING on the website.


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month) 10am to 12 noon

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month) 10:30am to 12 noon

SATURDAY    4 pm 1st and 3rd: Evensong, 2nd: Taize, 4th and 5th: Evening Prayer  

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m


In celebration of this momentous occasion on Friday 3rd June we will be holding a tea party in Trinity Square. Tea and cake will be served between 11 am and 3 pm, there will be face painting for children and a tombola stall.

If you can help with any tombola prizes, please bring to the Minster, and give to/or leave for Kim and Carol.

Also, if you would like to help with setting up from 9 a.m. or clearing away please let Irene or another member of the team know. Thank you!

SEW FOR THE SOUL, is a new group for anyone interested in sewing.  It will start at 12.30 with refreshments and end around 15.00.

19th May 16th June 21st July 15th September 20th October

17th November 15th December Resume Feb 2023

 CHRISTIAN AID HUMBER BRIDGE CROSS – 2022 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary

Pay in your sponsor money via Just Giving or direct to Christian Aid

Link your Just Giving page to the Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross 2022 Team Page using this link (if necessary, copy and paste into your browser address box:


Christian Aid Week is 15th to 21st May, and you may choose to do your Humber Bridge Cross then. This year’s theme is Hungry for Justice.

It’s the 40th Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross!  Join the celebration!  Every year since 1982 we have crossed the Humber, either starting at Barton to work north or from Hessle to go south, then return.  Our one-day big event for this had to change during 2020 and 2021 lockdowns.  However, problems can lead us to new ways.  Support for Christian Aid when there were many needs was vital; and supporters did their own sponsored Bridge cross on the day they chose.  2022 is both a celebration, and a continuing contribution to Christian Aid’s work.

To mark the 40th Anniversary we are asking people to do the Humber Bridge Cross any day during the 40 days starting on Easter Monday (18th April) and ending on 27th May.  It will be great to know that individuals, friends, families, and church groups – and dogs on leads – will be helping others and enjoying a good walk.


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  • We pray for Mia Hopper, Tyler Fawcett and Zachary Fawcett being baptised at the Minster this Sunday and for their parents and godparents as they support them in their journey of faith.

  •  We give thanks for the successful APCM meeting last weekend and pray for all those who are willing to hold offices and support the work and running of the Minster.

  •  We pray for all those involved in the Humber Bridge crossing to raise funds for Christian Aid. May all the funds raised bring relief and help to those in need.


Risen Christ,

your wounds declare your love for the world

and the wonder of your risen life;

give us compassion and courage

to risk ourselves for those we serve,

to the glory of God the Father.




Psalm 148

Acts 11:1-18

Rev. 21:1-6

John 13:31-35