Church Bell Ringing

Bells have been the voice of the Church almost since the beginning of Christianity. The method of ringing as you hear it now has been practised for nearly 400 years. The sounds you hear coming from Churches and Cathedrals may be coming from tiny bells weighing around 50kg up to huge bells of several tonnes. In the 17th Century a method of turning the bell full circle using a wheel and rope was designed which allowed the bells to be rung in changing orders, not just a fixed pattern. From this the British art of change ringing developed.

The tower you see now at Hull Minster was built in the mid 16th century. Bells hung for change ringing were first installed in 1648, so in ringing at Hull Minster we are carrying on a 350+ year old tradition in the city.

Bell Ringing practice is on Monday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.00pm and ring before the Sunday 11.00am service.

For more information you can contact the ringing master, Robin Alden by email at