Who is Jesus?

Jesus of Nazareth never wrote a book, never held political or religious office, never commanded armies, and yet many would agree that He has been the most influential figure ever to walk upon this planet. The accounts of his life in the Bible are peppered with people who are ‘amazed’ at him. The world is now full of people who find Him their inspiration and look to Him as their hope and their role model.

The heart of the Christian faith is Jesus; not church, or morals, or anything else. All of these other things may stem from an encounter with Jesus Christ, but He is the heart and source of it all.
The key question is therefore, what do you think of Jesus Christ?

(John Ortberg, ‘Who Is This Man?: The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus’ (Zondervan, 2012))

To develop and deepen their relationship with Jesus, Christians pray, read and reflect on The Bible, worship, meet with other Christians, and then seek to lead their lives in the light of what they discover. This includes telling others about Jesus and serving those in need. Rather than doing these things to earn God’s love, Christians respond to God’s by sharing in these activities. Following Jesus happens 24/7 in our homes, workplaces and communities.

Jesus called his disciples (followers or apprentices) to follow him together, as part of a community. The best way to explore faith is to journey with other people. As one of Jesus’ disciples, Philip, said to a friend of his, Nathaniel, who was very sceptical, “Come and see”.  (John 1:46)

Church is a place that Christians meet with one another to journey in faith. We’d love to welcome you to Hull Minster to join us on our journey.

Will you come and see?