Simon Toyne - Director of Music for the David Ross Education Trust
Hull Minster actively supports the development of young musicians.
We believe that good musical education enables young people to enjoy a life-journey of discovery and learning. Opportunities encountered by young musicians often lead to life-chances that they may otherwise not find.
Musicianship also brings significant benefits in terms of cognitive development and academic progress. It has positive impacts on emotional well-being and social skills.
The breadth and depth of musical education encompasses a huge range of cultural and historical contexts. It is a true pathway to gaining genuine cultural capital.
Learning to read music and play an instrument fluently can be a long and expensive journey, requiring significant dedication from the learner AND from the parents in terms of moral and financial support.
Chorister Scholarships (8 – 15):
These scholarships pay for children to learn to play a musical instrument. They carry a value of £360 per academic year. We do not specify or provide the instrumental teacher, but we can recommend good quality teachers as appropriate to the child.
We take a keen interest in their progress, and actively support wherever we can.
Click here to sign up to a direct debit
Senior Chorister Scholarships (15 - 18):
These scholarships extend the learning opportunities to an older group of children, and carry the same value. The young people rehearse with the adult choir and participate in more demanding repertoire. At this age voices are changing, and we regard this age of transition as being critical to their future success.
Click here to sign up to a direct debit
Student Choral Scholars (18 - 23):
Students (university level) are a vital part of our city dynamic and these scholarships provide the opportunity for students to strengthen their role within the community and culture of our city.
Students will have the opportunity to deepen their learning, learn new skills (such as conducting), compose new music for services and contribute to the teaching of younger choristers.
We offer 5 Student Scholarships per academic year, carrying a value of £1020 each.
Click here to sign up to a direct debit
Email if you would like to know more
Evie and Dom - Student Choral Scholars