Minster Lifeline 10/2025

This week Revd. Irene writes:

Last Wednesday evening we completed our Zoom Bible Study on “The Road to Calvary in the Gospel of John”.   It has been an interesting journey through the life and works of Jesus ending with his cruel death on the cross and his glorious resurrection.

It is generally felt that John, the beloved disciple, was the writer of the gospel, the same John that appears at the foot of the cross. Jesus speaks in John’s gospel, the powerful words, “Woman, here is your son,  and to the disciple ,”Here is your mother”. These words fulfil the responsibility of the eldest son to care for his mother, passing that responsibility to John whom he trusted.

There through the hours of agony, the words of Jesus show God’s new family being born at the foot of the cross. Yes, it was Friday, but Sunday was coming with it, his glorious resurrection. 

Next Sunday we celebrate Mothering Sunday, and this helps to remind us it may be our mother that is special but equally it may be another person in our lives that is special to us.

We pray at this time for the lonely that they may meet with someone who will be special to them and bring love into their lives. AMEN

New grant support for the Choral Hull scholarships

We’re delighted to report that the Hessle wood Children’ s Trust has given a grant of £4,320 towards the music scholarships for children in the Minster Choir

Mark Keith writes:

The choral scholarship fund enables us to genuinely develop the musical potential of our choristers. Music education is in a state of crisis (nationally), and the talents of children are commonly unrealised. Our role here is to discover and nurture talents through the choral strategy in schools, and then to provide the opportunity for children to seriously develop their abilities via the Minster Choir. The scholarships pay for children to take up musical instrument lessons...in a world where many folk struggle to afford the travel fees to/from out-of-school activities, music lessons are often a luxury beyond consideration. We are the only institution in the area that offers this type of support for musically gifted children.

And this is what some of the young people say:

I am having lots of fun learning to play the violin, I love learning new pieces and when I practice with others we learn to work together as a team.

I like it when I get the notes right.

I like learning different pieces.

I enjoy learning the skills I need for harder pieces.

Learning the organ is really fun, and I like that not many people get to play the organ, it makes me feel unique!

If I can do it, you can do it! I feel like I am a role model for the younger children now. Music is my escape, when I hear the organ, it takes me to a different place.  I have a big love and passion for music and want to progress. My motto is point your energy towards the goal!


It is still a little way off Easter Sunday but Fiona our flower lady is planning the flowers for the Easter festival.

“I would like the church full of colourful spring flowers this Easter but like everything else the cost of flowers has risen a lot, although they are never cheap at Easter, but the prices of foliage has really gone up.  So I’m asking if anyone wo has a garden with greenery that is suitable for flower arranging if they could spare a bit and bring it into church on the morning of Wednesday 9th April.  This would give me a chance to sort through and then see what else I would need.

I’m looking for Forsythia, Leyland conifer, Choisya, privet, Eucalyptus and Phormium.  The long the stems the better.  Thank you.”



You are warmly invited to our second session of BRICK CHURCH on Saturday 5th April at 10am, this time thinking about the Easter story. 
We eat breakfast together, and build a bible story using Lego or Minecraft. (Your own device is needed for Minecraft with Minecraft: Play with Friends already installed.) 
Children need to be accompanied by an adult - and it's not just for children. The adults had great fun with the Lego last time! 
If you would like to come, please sign up so we can see how many to cater for - you can also give your preference for food. The link is below, and includes photos from the last Brick Church: 


We have sent out all 870 Angels we had received and tagged by Sunday, sixty have been returned so far.  Rev. Irene has kindly read every prayer and prayed for each person who has sent one back. There are eighty more ready to be tagged and we are happy to receive any more up until 1st April.  Jon is knitting his third one as I type (I hope).  Each returned one will be read by a Minister before they are hooked on the net on the North Choir Aisle.

We would love any returned angels to come back by Easter and fill the net! Gill Allden

If any knitted angels are returned to the Minster, please can they be placed in the plastic box which is in the chancel where the vicar sits (near ramp), they will then be blessed and put on the netting.
Many thanks  Shirley 

I forgot to put the one above of Jon in last week’s edition. Better late than never.


On Tuesday Tim Wilson, John Lawson, Therese and I attended the funeral of Tony which was held at St. John the Baptist Church, St. George’s Road. Tony was a regular attender at the Welcome Café and loved to come to the Minster and spend an hour putting together a 1000-piece jigsaw which would then be gently rolled up put away until the following week when a few more pieces would be added.

Unfortunately, Tony died suddenly aged only Fifty-five. An ex-trawlerman with many good memories from around the sixties - he had an eventful life and will be sadly missed by all his family particularly his four grandchildren.  RIP  Revd. Irene


It has been a  busy week. Especially for our young leader Imy, who has undertaken her second (out of three) years leadership training on Saturday. Imy learned about neurodivergence, how to undertake badgework and deliver activities and worked alongside three other young leaders from across the Hull and East Yorkshire District Girls Brigade. Well done, Imy, we are proud of you of stepping up and being a wonderful role model for our group. 

Tuesday evening saw the return of the scrunchie! Its making a comeback and the girls have loved making them with thanks to Viktoria, Gill and Betty. Those that started last week have each made a scrunchie successfully. We still have some to start their scrunchie journey so watch this space. We have also been preparing a special gift for Special persons day (Mother's day,) we are looking forward to sharing the finished product with you. 

We celebrated Brook’s birthday who had very kindly brought in yummy cakes for us all to share. 

The girls retold the crucifixion and discussed how Jesus forgave those around him who arranged for him to be killed. We discussed how hard it can be to forgive those who hurt us but with Jesus' example we can strive to do this. 

Thank you to the girls and leaders who make each Tuesday night so wonderful.


from Jean Fenwick 

A big ‘Thank you’ to everyone who is helping with the refreshments after the 11:00 am service. To those who have provided cream scones, lemon drizzle cake and blueberry cake. Much appreciated.  To all those who have stepped in and picked up a tea towel

You know who you are. THANK YOU.


If you have something written or photographs that you think should be in Lifeline, please send them to Val: valfotherby@gmail.com preferably by Friday.  Pictures in jpg format please.


If you wish to be able to take part and vote in the Annual Meeting, or the PCC, you need to be on the Electoral Roll.  This must be done before the Annual Meeting.  Forms are in the back of the Church, near the welcome desk.  Please, if you have not already, consider signing up and becoming a more active member of the church.


God of love, passionate and strong, tender and careful;

watch over us and hold us all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord



Exodus 2:1-10

2 Corinthians 1:3-7

John 19:25b-27


·         For peace in areas of conflict around the world, especially the Middle East and the situation between, and in, the US and Ukraine.

·         Pray for children everywhere who are going through horrendous suffering.

·         Pray for mothers, especially those whose children have been killed because of conflict.

·         For all those suffering injustices, that they may receive freedom from the burden and suffering that they are undergoing, especially those who are suffering for their faith.  Pray this week for Syria and Nigeria where Christians are being brutally targeted.

·         For all those who come into the Minster seeking help, that God will meet them in their needs.

·         Pray for those receiving the knitted angels that they will be blessed by the prayers that go with them.

·         Pray that we will have the right attitude and be filled with love and concern for those who are struggling in whatever way.  Help us to give willingly for their needs.


Minster Lifeline 9/2025

This week Revd. Irene writes:

The angel display in the Minster at present reminds me of the Christmas carol  ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’. I have never seen so many angels gathered together bringing hope to people here and around the world.

Our 600 angels have now reached well over 800 and just this week one was sent to Australia and one to Bali.

Many angels are being returned to the church and mounted on a display board with messages of hope. Others are being kept by people to have in their own homes as a reminder of Jesus’ love for us.

During Lent we reflect on the hope that Jesus brings us as he enters Jerusalem and meets the death which brings the offer of hope and freedom to all people.

Our scripture last Sunday gave the image of Jesus as the Mother hen willing to protect all people just like the hen gathers her chicks under her wing. (Luke 13. 31-end) The verses also refer to the fox, wily and cunning.

Are we willing to allow Jesus to protect us and be his children or are we the fox out to destroy that wonderful offer of forgiveness and protection?


Although we had a few girls missing on Tuesday,  you wouldn't have realised it from the boisterous game of “Doctor, Doctor”!  I was surprised to learn they didn't know how to play it, so we got tangled up and shouted for the doctor to untangle us. Stretching is good for the soul! After our games we went in crafts, Viktoria had prepared scrunchies for the girls to start making this will be a project over the next few weeks. We are so thankful that Betty very kindly came back to help us, as my sewing skills are minimal! The girls did amazingly and took to sewing brilliantly, others needed a little help, but we are looking forward to attaching the elastic next week. Rob came to visit this week, and it was great to hear how we are all good and made in the image of God, we are not born bad (like the good and bad side of the material for the scrunchies) but sometimes we can make bad choices and we either need to try and forgive and/or be forgiven. With Jesus' amazing example and a wonderful reminder when we are saying the lord's prayer. With God's help we can! Blessings, Lauren 


It is still a little way off Easter Sunday but Fiona our flower lady is planning the flowers for the Easter festival.

“I would like the church full of colourful spring flowers this Easter but like everything else the cost of flowers has risen a lot, although they are never cheap at Easter, but the prices of foliage has really gone up.  So I’m asking if anyone wo has a garden with greenery that is suitable for flower arranging if they could spare a bit and bring it into church on the morning of Wednesday 9th April.  This would give me a chance to sort through and then see what else I would need.

I’m looking for Forsythia, Leyland conifer, Choisya, privet, Eucalyptus and Phormium.  The long the stems the better.  Thank you.”



You are warmly invited to our second session of BRICK CHURCH on Saturday 5th April at 10am, this time thinking about the Easter story. 
We eat breakfast together, and build a bible story using Lego or Minecraft. (Your own device is needed for Minecraft with Minecraft: Play with Friends already installed.) 
Children need to be accompanied by an adult - and it's not just for children. The adults had great fun with the Lego last time! 
If you would like to come, please sign up so we can see how many to cater for - you can also give your preference for food. The link is below, and includes photos from the last Brick Church: 


Another 125 angels ready to be yarn bombed! That makes 870 tagged, and 511(that I know about), already on their way. On Thursday Irene took one for Bali and one for Australia, Jon took four to the Guildhall, Therese took twenty for St Georges Primary school, Olga took thirty to the Ukrainian lunch and fifty went up to the Paragon Pod. The net is up in the Minster for the returned ones to be displayed after one of the Vicars have read the prayer on the back, there is a box in the Chancel to drop them in ready for the Vicars blessing.


It was good to meet up with old and new faces this week, with everyone chatting and delighted to see Millie, Craig’s special dog.  She really does help to break down barriers

Thank You for Your GivingT

The Clergy, Finance Team and PCC would like to say THANK YOU!

Thank you to each person that gives, without our giving we could not keep Hull Minster open and do all that we do in the Minster, local community, schools, and the city. It costs around £1,000 a day to run the Minster, and every penny is raised locally through our giving, grants, the café, shop, and events.

Over the past year we have been blessed with a significant legacy, success with grant applications and a good year with Holy Trinity Trading which runs the shop, café, and events. This means Hull Minster’s finances are improving.

At the heart of our finances are the gifts that people in our congregations give each week as part of our worship and discipleship.

“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not regretfully or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

How to give

·         The Parish Giving scheme is the best way to give, so if you are not already signed up, please consider doing so, you decide how much you want to give and if you pay tax PGS claims the gift aid of an extra 25% on behalf of Hull Minster. You can sign up here: https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/donors/find-your-parish/hull-minster-hull/

·         If you prefer to give cash on the plate on Sundays, please remember to use a gift aid envelope so we can claim an extra 25% in gift aid. We are currently missing out on significant amounts when cash gifts are not given using gift aid. You don’t need to fill in the details each time, once you’ve signed up you just need to write your name on the envelope each time you give.

Thank you for your giving, and may you have a blessed Lent. Heather


On Wednesday, the Bishop of Hull blessed our new offices at Carmelite House.  This is in the estate of Trinity House on the same site as, the once, Carmelite Monastery (The Whitefriars – hence ‘Whitefriargate’).


If you have something written or photographs that you think should be in Lifeline, please send them to Val: valfotherby@gmail.com preferably by Friday.  Pictures in jpg format please.


If you wish to be able to take part and vote in the Annual Meeting, or the PCC, you need to be on the Electoral Roll.  This must be done before the Annual Meeting.  Forms are in the back of the Church, near the welcome desk.  Please, if you have not already, consider signing up and becoming a more active member of the church.


Eternal God, give us insight to discern your will for us, to give up what harms us, and to seek the perfection we are promised   in Jesus Christ our Lord



Psalm 63:1-9

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Luke 13:1-9


·         For peace in areas of conflict around the world, especially the Middle East and the situation between, and in, the US and Ukraine.

·         Pray especially for all those children in Ukraine and the Middle East who are going through horrendous suffering.

·         For those in need at this time, that people (ourselves included), will respond to meet those in difficult circumstances.

·         For all those suffering injustices, that they may receive freedom from the burden and suffering that they are undergoing, especially those who are suffering for their faith.  Pray this week for Syria where Christians are being brutally targeted.

·         For all those who come into the Minster seeking help, that God will meet them in their needs.

·         Pray for those receiving the knitted angels that they will be blessed by the prayers that go with them.

·         Pray that we will have the right attitude and be filled with love and concern for those who are struggling in whatever way.  Help us to give willingly for their needs.


Minster Lifeline 8/2025

This week Revd. Irene writes:

Did you empty your cupboards of flour, eggs, and milk to make delicious pancakes on Shrove Tuesday?  Perhaps you had a pancake race like our Girls’ Brigade or even got out the skipping rope as is the tradition in Scarborough and other seaside resorts on the East Coast.

We follow Shrove Tuesday with Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Traditions include burning of the previous year’s Holy Week palms to create ash for Ash Wednesday ‘ashing’ which takes place in many churches. If you came along to either of the Ash Wednesday services at the Communion you would have been offered the mark of the cross on your forehead with the words “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”

Lent is the observance in the Christian calendar that commemorates the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan. This took place before Jesus began his public ministry. It is an opportunity for us to reflect and pray about our relationship with God and about how our ministry may be pleasing to God


We now have over 600 knitted/crocheted angels in the Minster that we need distributing throughout the city.  These angels will come with a prayer card attached and the idea is that the recipient of the angel write a prayer on the card and both the angel, and the card are brought into the Minster to be put on display.
This will form part of the HT600 anniversary year, but we need your help to distribute the angels in places the public visit.  They need, ideally, to be inside so they don't spoil.
So if you visit places or attend groups and you think you can place or give these wonderful angels a home, please let myself, or Gill Alden know, and we will gladly give you some to take away.  
We are not expecting all the angels to come back to the church as people may want to keep them, this is fine.
If you do manage to place any, photographs are always welcome!
The angels can be distributed from 6th March but we ideally need them back by the 1st April.
Many thanks to those who have already taken some.  Shirley

And from Gill: This is what 100 angels look like when they are ready to be yarn bombed! The single angel is based on a beautiful bit of knitting done by our very talented verger. So far 670 are tagged ready to go, and there are more waiting for their tags in church. We would happily receive more up until 1st April. Some are already off out to be distributed, if you have any good places you think would like some, let us know and we will try and get some for you.


Image 1: There is no end to Jon’s talents as he brings the angel total t well over 600!

Image 2: Therese and Gill now have the job of adding the prayer cards tothe angels. Make sure you pick up an angel at one of the many places.

Image 3: What a great job Dave! With the help of Glynis and her stitcing skills, the East end is looking great, emphasising the memorial area to be the focus.


You are warmly invited to our second session of BRICK CHURCH on Saturday 5th April at 10am, this time thinking about the Easter story. 
We eat breakfast together, and build a bible story using Lego or Minecraft. (Your own device is needed for Minecraft with Minecraft: Play with Friends already installed.) 
Children need to be accompanied by an adult - and it's not just for children. The adults had great fun with the Lego last time! 
If you would like to come, please sign up so we can see how many to cater for - you can also give your preference for food. The link is below, and includes photos from the last Brick Church: 


This half term we are looking at Forgiveness and Approaching Easter. It is giving us space to think about what Easter means, to reflect on the Sacrifice Jesus did for us and think about how we and others do things wrong and how to ask for forgiveness. Hopefully around the church you will some wonderful hearts the girls have made this week entitled "The world needs forgiving hearts." It can be hard to forgive and to say sorry but with the help of God and his guidance we can try to forgive and live more like Jesus. These hearts are just wonderful!  Well done girls. 

Thank you to the Ann Watson Trust for your wonderful donation of £750 It means so much to our amazing group as it enables our census fees to be paid so we can carry on spreading Jesus' hope and love to all we meet and be a part of this wonderful church community. 


It was great night to come to Girls Brigade on Tuesday. Viktoria our new leader spoke about Lent and what happens in Greece. We learned what foods can be eaten during Lent and how the start of Lent is celebrated across different days as the meat is eaten up on a Thursday and the dairy  on the Sunday ready for 'clean Monday' when their lent begins. It was interesting to hear what happens in Greece. We also celebrated by learning new facts about shrove Tuesday and having a pancake race. The girls thought about what they may give up for Lent. They all enjoyed eating pancakes and free choice over the fillings. Fruit was offered and some accepted, but the popular choice was chocolate, cream, and of course golden syrup!  Thank you to our wonderful leaders who made the night happenLaure


If you have something written or photographs that you think should be in Lifeline, please send them to Val: valfotherby@gmail.com preferably by Friday.  Pictures in jpg format please.


If you wish to be able to take part and vote in the Annual Meeting, or the PCC, you need to be on the Electoral Roll.  This must be done before the Annual Meeting.  Forms are in the back of the Church, near the welcome desk.  Please, if you have not already, consider signing up and becoming a more active member of the church.


Almighty God, by the power and discipline of Lent may we enter into the mystery of Christ’s sufferings,  and by following in his Way may we come to share in his glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord



Psalm   27

Philippians 3:17 – 4:1

Luke 13:31-end


·         For peace in areas of conflict around the world, especially the Middle East and the situation between, and in, the US and Ukraine.

·         For Europe as they come together to help sort out the situation in Ukraine.

·         Pray especially for all those children in Ukraine and the Middle East who are going through horrendous suffering.

·         For those in need at this time, that people (ourselves included), will respond to meet those in difficult circumstances.

·         For all those suffering injustices, that they may receive freedom from the burden and suffering that they are undergoing, especially those who are suffering for their faith.  Pray this week for India in particular, where there have been serious threats against Christians.

·         For all those who come into the Minster seeking help, that God will meet them in their needs.



Although our tower tours do not start officially until Wednesday 5th March, we took a family of six up this week.  The family were visiting Hull for the day on a trip from Norfolk.  Bookings are now being taken for the tours..    All welcome.

Minster Lifeline 8/2025

This week Revd. Irene writes:

Did you empty your cupboards of flour, eggs, and milk to make delicious pancakes on Shrove Tuesday?  Perhaps you had a pancake race like our Girls’ Brigade or even got out the skipping rope as is the tradition in Scarborough and other seaside resorts on the East Coast.

We follow Shrove Tuesday with Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Traditions include burning of the previous year’s Holy Week palms to create ash for Ash Wednesday ‘ashing’ which takes place in many churches. If you came along to either of the Ash Wednesday services at the Communion you would have been offered the mark of the cross on your forehead with the words “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”

Lent is the observance in the Christian calendar that commemorates the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan. This took place before Jesus began his public ministry. It is an opportunity for us to reflect and pray about our relationship with God and about how our ministry may be pleasing to God


We now have over 600 knitted/crocheted angels in the Minster that we need distributing throughout the city.  These angels will come with a prayer card attached and the idea is that the recipient of the angel write a prayer on the card and both the angel, and the card are brought into the Minster to be put on display.
This will form part of the HT600 anniversary year, but we need your help to distribute the angels in places the public visit.  They need, ideally, to be inside so they don't spoil.
So if you visit places or attend groups and you think you can place or give these wonderful angels a home, please let myself, or Gill Alden know, and we will gladly give you some to take away.  
We are not expecting all the angels to come back to the church as people may want to keep them, this is fine.
If you do manage to place any, photographs are always welcome!
The angels can be distributed from 6th March but we ideally need them back by the 1st April.
Many thanks to those who have already taken some.  Shirley

And from Gill: This is what 100 angels look like when they are ready to be yarn bombed! The single angel is based on a beautiful bit of knitting done by our very talented verger. So far 670 are tagged ready to go, and there are more waiting for their tags in church. We would happily receive more up until 1st April. Some are already off out to be distributed, if you have any good places you think would like some, let us know and we will try and get some for you.


Image 1: There is no end to Jon’s talents as he brings the angel total t well over 600!

Image 2: Therese and Gill now have the job of adding the prayer cards tothe angels. Make sure you pick up an angel at one of the many places.

Image 3: What a great job Dave! With the help of Glynis and her stitcing skills, the East end is looking great, emphasising the memorial area to be the focus.


You are warmly invited to our second session of BRICK CHURCH on Saturday 5th April at 10am, this time thinking about the Easter story. 
We eat breakfast together, and build a bible story using Lego or Minecraft. (Your own device is needed for Minecraft with Minecraft: Play with Friends already installed.) 
Children need to be accompanied by an adult - and it's not just for children. The adults had great fun with the Lego last time! 
If you would like to come, please sign up so we can see how many to cater for - you can also give your preference for food. The link is below, and includes photos from the last Brick Church: 


This half term we are looking at Forgiveness and Approaching Easter. It is giving us space to think about what Easter means, to reflect on the Sacrifice Jesus did for us and think about how we and others do things wrong and how to ask for forgiveness. Hopefully around the church you will some wonderful hearts the girls have made this week entitled "The world needs forgiving hearts." It can be hard to forgive and to say sorry but with the help of God and his guidance we can try to forgive and live more like Jesus. These hearts are just wonderful!  Well done girls. 

Thank you to the Ann Watson Trust for your wonderful donation of £750 It means so much to our amazing group as it enables our census fees to be paid so we can carry on spreading Jesus' hope and love to all we meet and be a part of this wonderful church community. 


It was great night to come to Girls Brigade on Tuesday. Viktoria our new leader spoke about Lent and what happens in Greece. We learned what foods can be eaten during Lent and how the start of Lent is celebrated across different days as the meat is eaten up on a Thursday and the dairy  on the Sunday ready for 'clean Monday' when their lent begins. It was interesting to hear what happens in Greece. We also celebrated by learning new facts about shrove Tuesday and having a pancake race. The girls thought about what they may give up for Lent. They all enjoyed eating pancakes and free choice over the fillings. Fruit was offered and some accepted, but the popular choice was chocolate, cream, and of course golden syrup!  Thank you to our wonderful leaders who made the night happenLaure


If you have something written or photographs that you think should be in Lifeline, please send them to Val: valfotherby@gmail.com preferably by Friday.  Pictures in jpg format please.


If you wish to be able to take part and vote in the Annual Meeting, or the PCC, you need to be on the Electoral Roll.  This must be done before the Annual Meeting.  Forms are in the back of the Church, near the welcome desk.  Please, if you have not already, consider signing up and becoming a more active member of the church.


Almighty God, by the power and discipline of Lent may we enter into the mystery of Christ’s sufferings,  and by following in his Way may we come to share in his glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord



Psalm   27

Philippians 3:17 – 4:1

Luke 13:31-end


·         For peace in areas of conflict around the world, especially the Middle East and the situation between, and in, the US and Ukraine.

·         For Europe as they come together to help sort out the situation in Ukraine.

·         Pray especially for all those children in Ukraine and the Middle East who are going through horrendous suffering.

·         For those in need at this time, that people (ourselves included), will respond to meet those in difficult circumstances.

·         For all those suffering injustices, that they may receive freedom from the burden and suffering that they are undergoing, especially those who are suffering for their faith.  Pray this week for India in particular, where there have been serious threats against Christians.

·         For all those who come into the Minster seeking help, that God will meet them in their needs.



Although our tower tours do not start officially until Wednesday 5th March, we took a family of six up this week.  The family were visiting Hull for the day on a trip from Norfolk.  Bookings are now being taken for the tours..    All welcome.

Minster Lifeline 6/2025

This week Revd. Irene writes:

What have I missed most, not being in the Minster for the last couple of months? Of course, the people but also the reminders of Jesus through our Girls’ Brigade Artwork.

I popped into the Minster a few days ago to meet for a funeral visit and this colourful notice stopped me in my steps.

‘Jesus colours our lives when we invite Him into our hearts’

Isn’t that a brilliant message to be sending out to everyone who visits the Minster. During these drab February days when we have seen very little colour this board just spoke to me.

As we move closer to spring and the flowers awaken once again, we see the colours of creation emerging, snowdrops, daffodils, aconites and many more and so it is with Jesus when we make Him part of our lives the colours will awaken in us and bring us the joy, love and support to all that we do.


Remember those popular words:

Each little flower that opens, each little bird that sings,

He made their glowing colours; he made their tiny wings.
Thank you to the Girls’ Brigade and all your leaders for bringing a sparkle of colour into my life on what was a cold dreary day.


It is with great sadness that I must announce that we will no longer be serving tea and toast before the Breakfast Church service. This is due to safety, security, and safeguarding reasons. I appreciate how disappointing this news will be for many of us. Having tea and toast together is a key part of us being community together. It is wonderful to be able to eat and drink and catch up together before worship. However, as I’m sure you will all understand, safety for everybody needs to be our priority.

The vision for Breakfast Church, as with all our services, is not only to worship, but also to grow as a community of disciples of Christ. In the coming weeks therefore, I will be thinking with other Breakfast Church leaders about how we can do community together as Breakfast Church in a different way. If you have any ideas, please do feel free to share them with us.


In the short-term, however, in keeping with new safety and security measures in place at Breakfast Church, I must advise that:

  • Access to the church building for those with responsibilities within the service can be found via the Vicar’s Vestry doors from 8.30-9am.

  • Access to the church for those coming to worship is via the main West Doors from 9.10am

 A warm welcome will be awaiting you at the doors!

 There may also be some among us for whom God has put it on our hearts to serve those within the homeless community on Sunday mornings. If you would like to take this forward with a team of others, particularly if you have skills, experience, and expertise in this area, it would be wonderful to hear from you.

Grace and peace, Rob



 Our Verger Jon has started knitting his Holy Trinity 600 angel.   He has never ever knitted. and is having to knit right-handed as there were no lefties to teach him!! 




There are now 153 angels at church, thank you to all the contributors including from Beverley and Morpeth!  Our dear verger is working on his, first fourteen rows completed!  But don’t wait for him, please drop off as many as you can into church, there is a box at the shop ready to take them!   Gill

                             World Day of Prayer: Friday 7th March 2.00pm.

                             At Holderness Road Methodist Church (opp. Boyes)

                             Prayers this year for the Cook Islands.

                             All welcome. 


As part of its highway’s capital programme the council is proposing to make a series of changes to improve road safety in the Lowgate area of the city centre and has launched a six-week engagement exercise to seek feedback.

These changes include -

  • plans to widen the footway outside of O’Leary’s public house at Lowgate/Scale Lane to reduce the width of carriageway to be crossed and create a lay-by for the taxi rank

  • provide a new signalised crossing facility at Silver Street / Scale Lane

  • plans to widen the footpath at various locations on Market Place and Lowgate

  • plans to make the Wider Old Town area, a 20mph zone with upgraded variable message signs installed

In addition to the preventative measures, above, the option that the existing Wilberforce Drive zebra crossing is removed and replaced with a signalised pedestrian crossing on Wilberforce Drive adjacent to Guildhall Road is to be considered. The alternative option would be to leave the existing zebra crossing in its current location.

Securing feedback on the designs for these schemes is an important milestone and will help the council finalise the necessary documents required for the projects to go out for tender.

A contractor will then be appointed to deliver the scheme, which is anticipated to start on site in summer 2025.   Dominic


Our internationally renowned tower tours will be starting again on Wednesday 5th March.   They are now available to book online on Hull Minster website Wednesday- Saturday at 2:00 p.m.
We start with a brief history of the church and tower, take 83 steps up to the ringing chamber where you learn about our massive collection of bells, climb another 87 steps to the tower roof where you learn a brief history of the surrounding area and a chance to post your postcard in Hull’s highest post box which will be franked ‘posted from the top of Hull Minster tower’.  We then descend the steps to the clock room to see the workings of the clock strike three.   We then have a chance to step out onto the flat roof of the Chancel, then back down to terra ferma.  The tour takes about 1 hour and 20-30 minutes so please keep this in mind when parking is involved.   
We look forward to guiding you through this magnificent journey in our 600th year.   
Last year we welcomed guests from all over the world and are very much looking forward to doing it again this year.


Almighty God, give us reverence for all creation and respect for every person, that we may mirror your likeness in Jesus Christ our Lord.



Psalm 65

Revelation 4

Luke 8:22-25


·         For good health and healing for all those who are struggling.

·         For peace in areas of conflict around the world, especially the Middle East and Ukraine.

·         For honesty and transparency in international talks.

·         Pray especially for all those children in Ukraine and the Middle East who are going through horrendous suffering.

·         For those in need at this time, that people will respond to meet those in difficult circumstances.

·         For all those suffering injustices, that they may receive freedom from the burden and suffering that they have undergone.

·         For all those who come into the Minster seeking help, that God will meet them in their needs.






Minster Lifeline 5/2025

This week Revd. Dominic writes:

Reflection on 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

In today's Epistle reading from 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Paul reminds the church in Corinth of the central message of the Christian faith: the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He writes, "I passed on to you as of first importance what I received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures" (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

This passage is a powerful declaration of the heart of the gospel. Paul emphasizes the foundational truth of our faith — Christ’s sacrificial death for our sins and His glorious resurrection. This is not just a historical event, but the very core of the Christian hope: that through Christ’s resurrection, we too are granted new life.

Paul’s words are also a call to remember the grace of God at work in each of us. He acknowledges that he, as an apostle, is "the least of the apostles" (verse 9), unworthy of the title because of his past, yet he proclaims that it is only by the grace of God that he is who he is, and it is by that grace that he labours for the gospel.

As we reflect on this passage, let us be reminded of the profound mystery of God’s grace. It is grace that saves us, transforms us, and calls us into new life. The resurrection of Jesus is the assurance that we too, despite our weaknesses, can be made new in Him.

In these weeks before Lent, may we take time to reflect on the grace of God in our lives and prepare our hearts for the season of penitence and renewal.

News and updates:

Thursday 13th February - 7pm Trinity Room: Hull & District Theological Society: Dr Louise Hampson - Why bother with old buildings? 

If the Christian church is all about the people, why do we bother to maintain ancient buildings as places of worship and what might Scripture have to say? Dr Louise Hampson is Deputy Director of the Centre for the Study of Christianity and Culture, York University. 

Tuesday 18th February 7pm - PCC

Ash Wednesday - 5th March. Holy Communion with ashes, 12:30pm and 7:30pm

Sunday 9th March 2:00 p.m. - Sailors Service

Monday 10th March - Ramadan Iftar Meal with the Hull Dialogue Society. 5.30pm. If you would like to take part, please sign up via Churchsuite.

Wednesday 12th March - Lent Course begins, Our Baptismal Promises - 7.30pm

Easter 2025

Looking ahead to Holy Week we have a Passion Play on Good Friday morning 10a.m. – 12 noon, if you would like to be part of this, please contact Jon Major. Also Bishop Eleanor is joining us for the Easter Vigil where she will be baptising and Confirming on Saturday 19th April. 


The group will be holding their Valentine Party this Tuesday 11th, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  There will be games, crafts and lots of fun.  Bring a friend.


Rev. Irene is looking forward  to hosting the Grief Café on Wednesday 12th February at 10.30 a.m. – 12 noon. 


We are delighted to say that this service will be resuming on the new day of the week, Wednesday 19th February at 10:30. It is a time of worship followed by coffee and cake and fellowship together.

If you haven’t been in the past do come along you will be made very welcome.

Rev. Irene


In Junior Church the children built the story of Jesus calling Peter by filling his boat full of fish. Some children built the Sea of Galilee on Minecraft and sailed their own fishing boats. Some built Jesus preaching to the crowds on the beach from Peter's boat.


Heritage Project Manager: Following the successful application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the Trinity600 celebrations we will shortly be interviewing for a two day a week Heritage Project Manager. We have some excellent candidates so please pray for the panel to make the right decision.


As of Saturday morning, there were 75 angels in church, none of them made by our dear verger, please keep them coming! Gill


Our internationally renowned tower tours will be starting again on Wednesday 5th March.   They are now available to book online on Hull Minster website Wednesday- Saturday at 2:00 p.m.
We start with a brief history of the church and tower, take 83 steps up to the ringing chamber where you learn about our massive collection of bells, climb another 87 steps to the tower roof where you learn a brief history of the surrounding area and a chance to post your postcard in Hull’s highest post box which will be franked ‘posted from the top of Hull Minster tower’.  We then descend the steps to the clock room to see the workings of the clock strike three.   We then have a chance to step out onto the flat roof of the Chancel, then back down to terra ferma.  The tour takes about 1 hour and 20-30 minutes so please keep this in mind when parking is involved.   
We look forward to guiding you through this magnificent journey in our 600th year.   
Last year we welcomed guests from all over the world and are very much looking forward to doing it again this year.


Eternal God, whose Son went among the crowds and brought healing with his touch;

help us to show his love, in your church as we gather together,

and by our lives as they are transformed into the image of Christ our Lord. AMEN


Psalm 1

1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Luke 6:17-26


  • For the Minster: That we may be ever faithful in proclaiming the gospel of Christ’s resurrection and live as witnesses to His transforming grace.

  • For the World: In uncertain times for peace and stability.

  • For our City: That the light of Christ may shine through us to those around us, especially those in need, and that we might bring hope to those who feel lost or forgotten.

  • For those who suffer: For those struggling with illness, grief, or hardship, that they may know the comfort and healing power of God’s presence.

  • For our Diocese: For Archbishop Stephen and Bishop Eleanor and all church leaders, that they may guide the people of God with humility, compassion, and a deep trust in God’s provision.






Minster Lifeline 4/2025

This week Revd. Rob writes:

This week Revd. Rob writes:

‘Are you the king of the Jews?’ asked Pilate?

‘You have said so,’ Jesus replied. (Mark 15.2)

After weeks of preparation (most of which needed to be kept entirely under wraps), the late Lord Prescott was commended to God’s love at Hull Minster.

We give thanks to God for Lord Prescott’s life of passionate and energetic public service, and we keep his family in our prayers. We must also thank the volunteers and staff at Hull Minster who worked so hard and well to enable a funeral of this extraordinary nature to run so well and smoothly. A particular mention should be given to the Choral Hull Children’s Choir who sung so beautifully during the service, and of course to our Vicar Dominic Black, who led the service in front of BBC cameras as well as in the presence of current and former cabinet and prime ministers. This cannot have been easy!

Many tributes have been paid to Lord Prescott over the past week. The tributes from the funeral service itself can be found on BBC iPlayer if we want to find out more about the life of this remarkable and extraordinary man, and articles about his life can be found a plenty on the news pages of the internet.

The funeral service is a time when we give thanks for and remember a person’s life. It is also the place where we can commend them to God’s love, in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection of the dead.

As the late Lord Prescott was commended to God’s love, in the presence of many other current and former public servants, who work or have worked so tirelessly in the cause of the common good, I am reminded of Jesus, who in his final days on earth, himself stood before the rulers and authorities of his day. The funeral service points us to Jesus, who stands before not only the rulers and the authorities but also the rich and the poor, the sick, the distressed, the oppressed, the marginalised, the homeless, you and me. I am reminded that Jesus asks us all the same question: who am I? And what does that mean?

 It is a question that transcends life and death. But it is also a question that gives us hope. For people of faith in Christ, Jesus is ‘the King of the Jews’, or in other words, he is Lord of all. He is the ultimate ruler and authority to which we will all submit. But this King is the embodiment of selfless, self-giving and gracious love, and perfect justice. Good public service derives itself from this character and these values, and because of Jesus, there is hope that these values can continue to underpin our society. So, we give thanks to God for great public servants, like the Late Lord Prescott. But we also give thanks for the God to whom all good public service points.      


It was a great honour to host the Funeral of Lord John Prescott at Hull Minster last Thursday. It was his wish that his funeral be held in the city that he served for so many years as MP. Amongst the congregation included the Prime Minister, most of the current cabinet and those who had served with John in the 1997 Labour Government including two former PMs Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Fittingly also amongst the congregation were many down to earth Hull folk that John had worked with over the years. There was great mirth from the Prime Minister when we told him that he would be led to the lectern by our very own Jon Major!

Children, who are part of the Choral Hull programme from primary schools from across the city sang beautifully including a setting of Howard Goodall’s ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’. To which the composer sent a well-done message. (See below)

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard. Hull Minster at its best, we did the City proud.  Dominic 

“BRAVA to Choral-Hull’s Children’s choir for their heartfelt, confident performance of  THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD at the memorial service for John Prescott at Hull Minster yesterday.  Honoured that it was chosen and very touched by the dedication of the young singers.” Howard Goodall

+The Speaker Arriving

Jon Major writes:

After six weeks of planning, Hull Minster played host to many politicians for the funeral of Lord John Prescott.

Under incredibly high security the Minster was home to the House of Commons and House of Lords for a few hours.

Guests included Lord Reid, who represented HM King Charles III, speaker of the House of Commons, Prime Minister, two former Prime Ministers, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Defence Secretary, plus many more politicians, both past and present.

Hull and East Yorkshire was represented by His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant, Lord Mayor, three local MP’s and many councillors.

An officer from the Metropolitan police said the last time this occurred in Hull was in 1540 when King Henry VIII brought his entourage, it was also the highest security event outside of London in 20 years.

The best conversation I had on the day was with the Prime Minister when he said, ‘all these Labour politicians in one building and we are being directed and told when to speak by Jon Major, you couldn’t write it’.    

The service went incredibly well and was conducted by Rev. Canon Dr Dominic Black, music was by Choral Hull Schools project conducted by Mark Keith.

A special thanks must go to our incredible bell ringers, who often go unnoticed.  They rang from 10:30 when guests started arriving up until the coffin entered the church at midday.   After the service, the half-muffled tenor bell was tolled until the hearse left the square.   If you heard that being rung, it was breathtaking, as I was stood waiting for the hearse to depart a shiver went right down my spine.  The whole Hull Minster team pulled together to deliver a worldwide watched service.


 A huge thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make the Luxmuralis ’Science’ show a real success. Thousands of people came through the doors of Hull Minster and were immersed in an experience of light and sound. On Saturday night visitors were also able to enjoy a fascinating science talk with Prof. Mark Lorch from Hull University.

Luxmuralis shows are expensive to host and at one point we were concerned about ticket sales, the appalling weather on Friday didn’t help!  An appeal via our social media platforms was picked up by local TV and many people responded by buying tickets or if they were not able to attend by making donations. We were overwhelmed to receive an incredibly generous donation of £10,000 from one person. So all our costs have been covered and much more - as the psalmist says our ‘cup overflows.'


 2025 is a significant year for Hull Minster as it is 600 years since Holy Trinity Church was completed and consecrated. We are delighted to have been awarded a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to support a year of activities and events to celebrate the living heritage of our church. The celebrations will begin in March with a special service to mark the day of the consecration, followed by a Passion Play at Easter, May day celebrations, a Medieval Community Day, with special Harvest and Christmas celebrations to end the year. Throughout the year there will be heritage talks, workshops, and concerts with a particular focus on the rich musical heritage of Holy Trinity, working with our choral hull programme. Look out for news of all that will be happening. There will be lots of opportunities to get involved, so if you would like to volunteer as part of the Trinity600 project please do get in touch with Shirley our volunteer manager.  Heather Black


Mavis Billany  I was very sad to hear of the death of Mavis Billany in mid-January. Mavis’s faith meant a lot to her, and she worshipped at Holy Trinity (Hull Minster) for many years. In the 1990s when it looked as if the Ladies Fellowship would have to close, Mavis stepped in to keep it going, a job that lasted more years than she ever expected. She did it however with such love and dedication often struggling to get interesting speakers. A task she achieved though most successfully. Mavis’s funeral will be held in Hull Minster on Tuesday 11th February at 10a.m.
Joan Whitaker  It is with great sadness that I heard of the death of Joan Whitaker recently, a long-standing member of our church. Joan was born and lived on the Great Thornton Street Estate in our parish. She dedicated her life first to St Thomas’s Church on the estate, then to Holy Apostles, our daughter church from its completion in 1960. Joan and her close friend Marianne were deputy wardens and ran the Brownies and Guides. Joan served for many years on the PCC. When I was a young PCC member, Joan was always a great support and encouraged me in many ways. I will always remember her for this with fondness. Joan’s funeral will be held in Hull Minster on Friday 14th February at 1:30pm.
Sue McGaw


Lord of the hosts of heaven,

Our salvation and our strength,

without you we are lost;

guard us from all that harms and hurts

and raise us when we fall,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.



Psalm 138

Isaiah 6:1-8 (9 – end)

Luke 5:1-11


·        We pray for Hull Minster and all those who gather to worship here. May we be a welcoming and supportive community, rooted in faith, hope and love.

·         For those who are unwell, and all who are suffering physically, emotionally, or spiritually. May God bring healing, comfort, and peace to them.

·         For our community: We pray for the ongoing work of the Welcome Cafe and all those who serve and support it. May it continue to be a place of connection, support, and compassion.

·         For peace in the Holy Land and all the countries of the Middle East and some African countries.  Especially  pray for Somalia where the Christians are suffering terrible persecution.

·         For those who have lost loved family and friends.


Hull and East Yorkshire was represented by His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant, Lord Mayor, three local MP’s and many councillors.








We are sorry to be writing this - Luxmuralis Science

Dear Hull Minster supporters and followers.


We are halfway through the 4-night run of Luxmuralis “Science”. A light and sound spectacle show that tours the UK. We wanted to bring such a high calibre show to the people of Hull.


We are sorry to be writing this. One of the things we try to do at Hull Minster is to be transparent and open about the difficulties we face day to day as a charity.

We are a church and an events centre. There are daily challenges in being both.

We behave as an events centre to raise the money we need to cover our running costs and fund our charity work.


So here goes…


We are halfway through the show, with only 2 shows left and we are only at 60% of ticket sales to cover our costs.


This makes for a significant and terrifying impact on our financial position. If we do not reach our ticket income target, it will affect our future ability to bring shows of this calibre into Hull.


Our team have an unwavering belief in the power, importance and potential of events in our amazing space.


We understand money is tight right now.


Running an events centre during a cost-of-living crisis has never been harder. Costs are increasing much faster than our income.


But Hull knows how to put on a show, and we know there is an audience out there somewhere.


This is a very difficult message to write, but we implore you to buy a ticket £8.50 and spread the word. If you already have a ticket or have already been, then thank you. Is there anything more you could do to support us?

For example, tell a friend. Go onto your socials and share a post or write a positive review. Buy a ticket and gift it to someone else.


Please join us in this push to the line so we can continue to be the best events space we can be.


Thank you for reading this.


Hull Minster Team.

'Science' by Luxmuralis — Hull Minster

Minster Lifeline 2/25

This week Revd. Rob writes:

‘Jesus said to them, “Fill the jars with water’. And they filled them to the brim’. (John 2.7)

This week begins with a wonderful celebration of Holy Baptism, in our 11am service, of one of our 11am congregation families. In that service, (as well as at the 9.30am Breakfast church service), we reflected on the reading appointed for that day, which was Jesus at a wedding at Cana in Galilee, turning water into wine.

In case we are unfamiliar with this story, Jesus and his disciples are invited, along with his mother Mary, to a wedding in Cana in Galilee. Whilst they are there, the wine runs out - an embarrassing situation for the hosts. Mary tells Jesus, and Jesus, even though it is not the time for him to display his glory, tells the servants to fill up six large stone water jars with water. After this, Jesus tells them to draw out some water and take it to the chief steward. The chief steward tastes the water that has become wine, calls over the bridegroom, and tells him that usually you serve the best wine first, and serve the inferior wine later. However, he has saved the best wine until last. (If you want to read the full account, go to John chapter 2:1-11.)

There are many things we can learn from this story.  In the baptism service at 11am,  I reflected on the theme of God’s glory being displayed in baptism, the same glory that is displayed throughout scripture and that we see in Jesus turning water into wine. However, there are other things owe could also reflect on.

We could also think about how Jesus helped a poor bride and bridegroom in a time of acute need to avoid public embarrassment, and how in the same way how God helps us in times of need, particularly when we (or the world) are facing intractable situations. This is a reminder that God can, and does, perform miracles. It is a reminder to us to pray to the God of miracles.

This week, Hull Minster hosts the Luxmuralis Light Show, this year helping us to explore and contemplate the contributions of science and the human understanding of the world around us. This is a reminder of the role of science in our world, revealing insights which help us to marvel at its wonder as we ponder the intricacies of DNA, molecules, and the scientists who discovered them (many of whom were Christians).

Kepler, a German mathematician and astronomer, said that science is ‘thinking God’s thoughts after him’. In this context, Jesus turning water into wine reminds us of the beauty of God’s creation, of human interaction and society, of joy, love, food, and drink. But it also points us beyond that, to the realms of a reality of a God who created

the laws of nature, who established the order found in molecules, and who was the amazing designer of DNA.  Jesus demonstrated that this was who he was when he turned water into wine.

This God not only turned water into wine, but filled the stone water jars ‘to the brim’ with the finest wine. God is a God who extravagantly and abundantly gives us all things in Christ, the world and everything else. This is why it is important that we steward it carefully.

May we, this week, appreciate the beauty of all God has given us, commit ourselves to caring for God’s creation, and rejoice in his overflowing and abundant love which he has poured out within us.    


We heard the sad news this week that Michael (Jessie’s husband) has died. Michael and Jessie have been volunteers and worshippers at the Minster for many years.

Several years ago when we were raising funds for the church Jessie and Michael would spend hours in the Minster polishing people’s shoes. For £1 they would apply polish and with elbow grease, would bring back the shine to any shoes that were desperate for a fresh look!

Also over the last few years it was Michael and Jessie who joined with Margaret Nicholson to undertake the Humber Bridge walk to raise funds for Christian Aid. Michael will be sadly missed by his friends at the Minster. Our thoughts and prayers with Jessie.

** ATTENTION* All knitters and crocheters

As part of our 600th anniversary of the consecration of the high altar we plan to do a ‘yarn bomb’ around Hull of 600 little knitted angels.  These will be left at random locations and have instructions, and a prayer card attached.   We are hoping they will be returned and hung on a prayer tree within the  church at Easter.

If you are a knitter and would like to knit/crochet some of these please get in touch and a pattern will be given to you.

Many thank in advance. Gill Alden



Today we welcomed Mathilda Janet Fear into the church family with her baptism taking place in the 11 o’clock service.

Welcome Mathilda 

(Not too sure young Arthur looks very happy about it!)


Following sell-out shows in 2024, Luxmuralis is back with Science; an immersive show which is designed to enable people to explore and contemplate the contributions of science and human understanding of the physical world around us. The installation will see the Minster transformed into a fully immersive artwork exploring Chemistry and Biology and interprets artistically the scale of molecules cells and DNA as well as exploring the history of science, the contributions of science to humanity, and offers a reflection upon famous scientists’ past and present.

Science by Luxmuralis will run from Wednesday 22nd January, with several performances per evening. Booking is essential and tickets are now on sale!

Time slots are available from 5pm to 9pm in fifteen-minute increments


The Minster office is now located at Carmelite House, Posterngate.


God of all mercy your Son proclaimed good news to the poor,

release to the captives, and freedom to the oppressed:

anoint us with your Holy Spirit and set all your people free to praise you in Christ our Lord.



Psalm 19

Nehemiah: 8.1-3,5-6,8-10

Luke: 4. 14-21


·         We pray for the attempt at a settlement between Israel and Palestine, may it happen speedily with no more indiscriminate killing.

·         Help us who have so much, give generously to others in need.

·         We pray especially for those on the West Coast of the United States experiencing the terrible wild fires and the aftermath.  Give wisdom and courage to those in charge and strength to those who have lost so much.

·         We pray for all the areas of conflict in our world especially for the whole of the Middle East.  May those in power have wisdom and strength to bring about change to create better lives for all those involved.

·         We pray for the people of Ukraine, that we may help wherever we can.

·         We pray for the people in our country who are experiencing problems due to weather and pray that solutions will quickly be found.

·         We pray for all those who have recently been bereaved.  Comfort them in their sorrow..





Minster Lifeline 1/25

This week Revd. Dominic writes:

As we gather this Sunday, we are reminded of the significance of the Baptism of Christ. In submitting to baptism by John in the Jordan, Jesus identified with us in our humanity and sinfulness, though He Himself was without sin. At that moment, the heavens opened, the Spirit descended like a dove, and the Father’s voice declared, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22).

Christ’s baptism marked the beginning of His public ministry, a mission that He calls each of us to share in as His disciples. Through our own baptism, we are united with Him, called to follow in His footsteps, and sent out to share His love and truth with the world. As we enter 2025, let us reflect on what it means to live out that call in our own lives, within our church family, and in our wider community

Carmelite House

We are delighted to announce that our parish admin team will be moving to new offices at Carmelite House this week. This move represents a fresh chapter in the life of the Minster. We give thanks to Becky and all those who have worked hard to make this possible and ask for your prayers as we settle into the new space.

Partnership with St Mary’s, Lowgate

This year, we are excited to begin a new partnership this year with St Mary’s, Lowgate. As two congregations united in faith, we look forward to working together to serve our city, share the good news of Christ, and build stronger ties between our churches. Let us pray for God’s guidance and blessing as we embark on this journey of collaboration.

Reflection for the Week:
As we meditate on Christ’s baptism, let us ask ourselves:
• How can I renew my baptismal promises this year?
• In what ways is God calling me to serve Him in my daily life?
• How can I share His love more intentionally with others?
May the peace of Christ, who humbled Himself to be baptized and invites us into His mission, inspire and guide you throughout this new year.


There are nomination forms in relation to appointing new people to committee places for the next three years. 

attached a cover letter and related nomination forms in relation to appointing new people to committee places for the next three years. 

·         DIOCESAN BOARD OF EDUCATION - a statutory committee of the York Diocesan Board of Finance

·         Election to the MISSION and PASTORAL Sub-Committee – Clergy

·         Election to the MISSION and PASTORAL Sub-Committee – Lay

·         Nominations are invited for the election of ONE clergy person, who need not be a member of the Diocesan Synod, from each Archdeaconry to the Property Sub-Committee for a term of three years beginning on 1 January 2025. Elected members will not be entitled to serve for more than three consecutive terms as an elected member.

·         Nominations are invited for the election of ONE lay person, who need not be a member of the Diocesan Synod, from each Archdeaconry to the Property Sub-Committee for a term of three years beginning on 1 January 2022. Elected members will not be entitled to serve for more than three consecutive terms as elected members.

·         Nominations are invited in the election of TWO CLERGY PERSONS to represent the ARCHDEACONRY OF CLEVELAND.

All nominations close at midday on Friday, 31 January 2025.  Where elections are needed, these will be held between 7 and 28 February 2025.  Nomination papers can be received by email but only if signed and legible.   Information available on the Diocesan of York website.

 Please note that nomination papers should be returned to kirsty.mccullough@yorkdiocese.org (legible scanned completed forms) or by post or hand to The Secretary, York Diocesan Synod, Diocese of York, Amy Johnson Way YO30 4XT by 12 Noon on Friday, 31 January 2025.


On Thursday 23rd January, Welcome Café will be held in Jubilee Central.  This is due to a private event being held in the Minster.


Well done to the Minster Crafters who raised approximately £500 of which £250 is being donated for the upkeep of the defibrillator and £250 is being donated to the Welcome Cafe for cake and coffee or whatever they need. 

Glenis and I would like to thank all those who supported us with the stall. Becky Dexter


As some of you will be aware, this year is a very special year for Holy Trinity (Hull Minster).   It is the 600th anniversary of the consecration of the High Altar.

The foundations were laid in 1285 when King Edward I bought the land from the Monks of Meaux.
The consecration took place 140 years later in 1425 (mainly because the Black Death wiped out 60% of the population of Hull).

As part of, what we are calling Holy Trinity 600 (HT600) there are many events organised throughout the year.  These will start in March with a Civic Evensong, then on Good Friday, 18th April, there is a Passion Play taking place around the City, starting in Trinity Square at 11:30.  If you wish to volunteer as a steward for this event, please contact Jon the Verger.

Engraving from 1733 for a book on Hull by Gent

Please keep an eye on the website or in lifeline for future events. Jon Major


 Following sell-out shows in 2024, Luxmuralis is back with Science; an immersive show which is designed to enable people to explore and contemplate the contributions of science and human understanding of the physical world around us. The installation will see the Minster transformed into a fully immersive artwork exploring Chemistry and Biology and interprets artistically the scale of molecules cells and DNA as well as exploring the history of science, the contributions of science to humanity, and offers a reflection upon famous scientists’ past and present.

Science by Luxmuralis will run from Wednesday 22nd January, with several performances per evening. Booking is essential and tickets are now on sale!

Time slots are available from 5pm to 9pm in fifteen-minute increments

** ATTENTION* All knitters and crocheters

As part of our 600th anniversary of the consecration of the high altar we plan to do a ‘yarn bomb’ around Hull of 600 little knitted angels.  These will be left at random locations and have instructions, and a prayer card attached.   We are hoping they will be returned and hung on a prayer tree within the  church at Easter.

If you are a knitter and would like to knit/crochet some of these please get in touch and a pattern will be given to you.

Many thank in advance. Gill Alden


Today in Junior Church we discussed the Baptism of Jesus, Tom, who was baptised last year, and Cason, were keen to be photographed in my baptismal dress.

We made origami doves for the tables for coffee after the service and this progressed in to making paper airplanes as a modern-day version of the Holy Spirit.  Gill Alden


(Baptism of Christ)

Heavenly Father, at the Jordan you revealed Jesus as your Son;

may we recognize him as our Lord and know ourselves to be your beloved children,

through Jesus Christ our Saviour.




Psalm 29

Isaiah 43:1-7

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22


·         At the beginning of this new year, help us to make our relationship with God a priority in our lives.

·         Help us who have so much, give generously to others in need.

·         We pray especially for those on the West Coast of the United States experiencing the terrible wild fires.  Give wisdom and courage to those in charge and strength to those who have lost so much.

·         We pray for all the areas of conflict in our world especially for the whole of the Middle East.  May those in power have wisdom and strength to bring about change to create better lives for all those involved.

·         We pray for the people of Ukraine, that we may help wherever we can.

·         We pray for the people in our country who are experiencing flooding and pray that solutions will quickly be found.

·         We pray for all those who have recently been bereaved.  Comfort them in their sorrow.