This week Revd. Irene writes:
Last Wednesday evening we completed our Zoom Bible Study on “The Road to Calvary in the Gospel of John”. It has been an interesting journey through the life and works of Jesus ending with his cruel death on the cross and his glorious resurrection.
It is generally felt that John, the beloved disciple, was the writer of the gospel, the same John that appears at the foot of the cross. Jesus speaks in John’s gospel, the powerful words, “Woman, here is your son, and to the disciple ,”Here is your mother”. These words fulfil the responsibility of the eldest son to care for his mother, passing that responsibility to John whom he trusted.
There through the hours of agony, the words of Jesus show God’s new family being born at the foot of the cross. Yes, it was Friday, but Sunday was coming with it, his glorious resurrection.
Next Sunday we celebrate Mothering Sunday, and this helps to remind us it may be our mother that is special but equally it may be another person in our lives that is special to us.
We pray at this time for the lonely that they may meet with someone who will be special to them and bring love into their lives. AMEN
New grant support for the Choral Hull scholarships
We’re delighted to report that the Hessle wood Children’ s Trust has given a grant of £4,320 towards the music scholarships for children in the Minster Choir
Mark Keith writes:
The choral scholarship fund enables us to genuinely develop the musical potential of our choristers. Music education is in a state of crisis (nationally), and the talents of children are commonly unrealised. Our role here is to discover and nurture talents through the choral strategy in schools, and then to provide the opportunity for children to seriously develop their abilities via the Minster Choir. The scholarships pay for children to take up musical instrument a world where many folk struggle to afford the travel fees to/from out-of-school activities, music lessons are often a luxury beyond consideration. We are the only institution in the area that offers this type of support for musically gifted children.
And this is what some of the young people say:
I am having lots of fun learning to play the violin, I love learning new pieces and when I practice with others we learn to work together as a team.
I like it when I get the notes right.
I like learning different pieces.
I enjoy learning the skills I need for harder pieces.
Learning the organ is really fun, and I like that not many people get to play the organ, it makes me feel unique!
If I can do it, you can do it! I feel like I am a role model for the younger children now. Music is my escape, when I hear the organ, it takes me to a different place. I have a big love and passion for music and want to progress. My motto is point your energy towards the goal!
It is still a little way off Easter Sunday but Fiona our flower lady is planning the flowers for the Easter festival.
“I would like the church full of colourful spring flowers this Easter but like everything else the cost of flowers has risen a lot, although they are never cheap at Easter, but the prices of foliage has really gone up. So I’m asking if anyone wo has a garden with greenery that is suitable for flower arranging if they could spare a bit and bring it into church on the morning of Wednesday 9th April. This would give me a chance to sort through and then see what else I would need.
I’m looking for Forsythia, Leyland conifer, Choisya, privet, Eucalyptus and Phormium. The long the stems the better. Thank you.”
You are warmly invited to our second session of BRICK CHURCH on Saturday 5th April at 10am, this time thinking about the Easter story.
We eat breakfast together, and build a bible story using Lego or Minecraft. (Your own device is needed for Minecraft with Minecraft: Play with Friends already installed.)
Children need to be accompanied by an adult - and it's not just for children. The adults had great fun with the Lego last time!
If you would like to come, please sign up so we can see how many to cater for - you can also give your preference for food. The link is below, and includes photos from the last Brick Church:
We have sent out all 870 Angels we had received and tagged by Sunday, sixty have been returned so far. Rev. Irene has kindly read every prayer and prayed for each person who has sent one back. There are eighty more ready to be tagged and we are happy to receive any more up until 1st April. Jon is knitting his third one as I type (I hope). Each returned one will be read by a Minister before they are hooked on the net on the North Choir Aisle.
We would love any returned angels to come back by Easter and fill the net! Gill Allden
If any knitted angels are returned to the Minster, please can they be placed in the plastic box which is in the chancel where the vicar sits (near ramp), they will then be blessed and put on the netting.
Many thanks Shirley
I forgot to put the one above of Jon in last week’s edition. Better late than never.
On Tuesday Tim Wilson, John Lawson, Therese and I attended the funeral of Tony which was held at St. John the Baptist Church, St. George’s Road. Tony was a regular attender at the Welcome Café and loved to come to the Minster and spend an hour putting together a 1000-piece jigsaw which would then be gently rolled up put away until the following week when a few more pieces would be added.
Unfortunately, Tony died suddenly aged only Fifty-five. An ex-trawlerman with many good memories from around the sixties - he had an eventful life and will be sadly missed by all his family particularly his four grandchildren. RIP Revd. Irene
It has been a busy week. Especially for our young leader Imy, who has undertaken her second (out of three) years leadership training on Saturday. Imy learned about neurodivergence, how to undertake badgework and deliver activities and worked alongside three other young leaders from across the Hull and East Yorkshire District Girls Brigade. Well done, Imy, we are proud of you of stepping up and being a wonderful role model for our group.
Tuesday evening saw the return of the scrunchie! Its making a comeback and the girls have loved making them with thanks to Viktoria, Gill and Betty. Those that started last week have each made a scrunchie successfully. We still have some to start their scrunchie journey so watch this space. We have also been preparing a special gift for Special persons day (Mother's day,) we are looking forward to sharing the finished product with you.
We celebrated Brook’s birthday who had very kindly brought in yummy cakes for us all to share.
The girls retold the crucifixion and discussed how Jesus forgave those around him who arranged for him to be killed. We discussed how hard it can be to forgive those who hurt us but with Jesus' example we can strive to do this.
Thank you to the girls and leaders who make each Tuesday night so wonderful.
from Jean Fenwick
A big ‘Thank you’ to everyone who is helping with the refreshments after the 11:00 am service. To those who have provided cream scones, lemon drizzle cake and blueberry cake. Much appreciated. To all those who have stepped in and picked up a tea towel
You know who you are. THANK YOU.
If you have something written or photographs that you think should be in Lifeline, please send them to Val: preferably by Friday. Pictures in jpg format please.
If you wish to be able to take part and vote in the Annual Meeting, or the PCC, you need to be on the Electoral Roll. This must be done before the Annual Meeting. Forms are in the back of the Church, near the welcome desk. Please, if you have not already, consider signing up and becoming a more active member of the church.
God of love, passionate and strong, tender and careful;
watch over us and hold us all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord
Exodus 2:1-10
2 Corinthians 1:3-7
John 19:25b-27
· For peace in areas of conflict around the world, especially the Middle East and the situation between, and in, the US and Ukraine.
· Pray for children everywhere who are going through horrendous suffering.
· Pray for mothers, especially those whose children have been killed because of conflict.
· For all those suffering injustices, that they may receive freedom from the burden and suffering that they are undergoing, especially those who are suffering for their faith. Pray this week for Syria and Nigeria where Christians are being brutally targeted.
· For all those who come into the Minster seeking help, that God will meet them in their needs.
· Pray for those receiving the knitted angels that they will be blessed by the prayers that go with them.
· Pray that we will have the right attitude and be filled with love and concern for those who are struggling in whatever way. Help us to give willingly for their needs.