TThe Road to the Cross in the Gospel of John

Previous Teaching


The birth of Jesus

Advent week 1



“Taking up the mantle:

A transition of power”

based on “Holy Habits: Gladness and Generosity”

based on “Holy Habits: Gladness and Generosity”

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Finding Firm Ground: Ascension to Pentecost

By walking with the Word and in the Spirit, we hope these daily prayers and reflections will hope give you a focus on Finding Firm Ground in these unprecedented times.

The Apostles Creed

Our latest Bible study series is focusing on The Apostles Creed and looking at the significance and impact it has on our lives. You can follow along with the notes below.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

The Things He Carried

We have recently finished our teaching series exploring the Stephen Cottrell book The Things He Carried. You can watch this teaching below.