Minster Lifeline 12 2022


12th April 2022

Rev. Irene Writes:

This will be the last Lifeline before Easter Day so from all the team at the Minster, we wish you a very


Sharing with you the Thought for the Day which went out on Tuesday morning at the unsociable time of 6 40 a.m.!

Good morning

As we move towards better weather and lighter nights many will be thinking about journeys. It could be a journey to the seaside, countryside or maybe further afield using many different modes of transport. For most it will be a pleasant and enjoyable experience, for some, opportunities to have a break from work, to be with friends and families - you could say to ‘recharge your batteries.’

However, as many journey out of the country for pleasure we see others arriving having travelled for a very different reason. We remember that to our Ukrainian friends there is nothing pleasurable about the journeys they are having to make. The hardship is beyond our imagination, leaving homes with nothing, often fighting for their lives to get to a place of safety. The journeys they are making are often their only opportunity between life and death. We are beginning to see Ukrainian refugees enter our country now and although this is not what they imagined just a few weeks ago we hope that they will be welcomed and able to feel safe and secure in their temporary homes.

Another journey that is remembered at this time is the journey through Holy Week, the journey that Jesus took to the cross. Christians will be journeying this week towards Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day. Jesus knew what it was like to be a refugee having fled to Egypt after his birth, he also knew what it was like to suffer, as he died on the cross. Jesus died so that we may live, telling us to love God and love one another. Let us stretch out our arms and love to all those who journey to our country to find sanctuary and peace.

Breakfast Praise launches 9:30, 24th April.  

Toast and tea served from 9:10!


Holy Week and Easter is the highlight of the Christian year when we remember Jesus dying and rising again for our salvation and we look forward to welcoming you to join the journey. The week begins on Palm Sunday at our 10.30am Holy Communion we remember Jesus' triumphant entry on a donkey to Jerusalem as a carpet of palms was laid before him and hear the story of Holy Week from the Gospel of Luke. On Maundy Thursday at 7.30pm we remember Jesus' last supper with his disciples. On Good Friday between 10am and 12noon we have a special Messy Church for families to hear the story of Easter through craft and story. The Minster will be open for personal prayer between 12 and 3pm finishing with the Good Friday Liturgy at 3pm where we hear the passion according to St John and reflect on what Jesus did for us on the cross. The celebration of Easter begins with the candlelit Easter Vigil Eucharist at 8pm as we hear the story of God's creation and redemption finishing with proclamation of the resurrection. On Easter Sunday morning we gather for our 10.30am Holy Communion to celebrate the resurrection and welcome Aurora Jeffries into the church as she is baptised. Easter Sunday is rounded off at 4pm by a gathering of Christians from around the city at Trinity Square for Raised: Easter Praise 2022.



SUNDAY       10:30 am Holy Communion in the Minster

PLEASE NOTE: The 10 30 morning service will be moving to an 11 a.m. start from 24th April, this will enable the 9 30 service to take place.


SATURDAY    4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer        

MAUNDY THURSDAY    7 p.m. Service

GOOD FRIDAY               10 a.m. – 12 noon ‘Messy Church’ 

                                      12noon – 3 P.M. CHURCH WILL BE OPEN

                                      3 p.m.       Prayer at the Cross

SATURDAY                    8 p.m.       Easter Vigil

EASTER DAY                   10 30 a.m. Holy Communion and baptism

URGENT PLEA – Used cereal boxes for use at ‘Messy Church’

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

(This month it is 21st April - incorrect date on the card)


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday 10am-4pm

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ 9th MARCH (Second Wednesday of every month)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING 10th March (Second Thursday of every month)

Request. If anyone has size 8 or 9-men’s trainers, they no longer require could you please bring to the Minster our friends at the café would be very grateful. Thank you


We do not like to use disposable cups for our refreshments however for the next few weeks there is no kitchen in the Minster so have had to resort once more to these. It would be much appreciated, If you have a cup you carry around, to bring it along with you and help to save the environment! Thank you


The Knitters meet every Wednesday and the crafters meet on the 2nd Monday of each month only.

BIBLE STUDIES are held on Wednesday evening online. We are taking a break over Easter and these will recommence the first Wednesday in May.


There is to be a new plan for the churches in the Deanery of Hull.   Wide consultation is taking place and the Deanery Leadership Team  (DLT) is especially keen to hear the voices of lay church members.   Please feel welcome to pop in for refreshments and have your say. 

West Hull: Monday 25th April 4pm-7pm

St John Church, Clough Road, Newland, Hull.  HU6 7PA

Tim Scott (Lay Dean of Hull) and Helen Rawdon (DLT) will be here

to welcome you and share ideas together. 

East Hull: Wednesday 27th April 10am - Noon 

St Michael’s Church Hall, Corner of Holderness Road and Marfleet Lane, HU9 3LP 


Thursday 28th April 7pm – 9pm 

St Aidan’s Church, Southcoates Avenue, HU9 3HF 


Friday 29th April 2pm-4pm 

St Andrew’s Church, Sutton Park, Grandale, HU7 4BL  

Cathy Westby and Richard Liversedge (DLT members) will be here 

to welcome you and share ideas together. 

HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!                                        

The Refreshed Vision for Churches in the Diocese of York ('Living Christ's Story') includes: 

'Becoming more like Christ' 'Reaching people we currently don't' 'Growing churches of missionary disciples' and 'Transforming our finances and structures' 

ENQUIRIES:  Helen's mobile 07969 421 354 


This year Believe in Hull have organised for people to come together to sing God’s praises on Easter Day.  It will take place in Trinity Square at 4pm and you are encouraged to come along but make sure you dress up warm.


If you are interested in helping, please contact Cathy: believeinhull@gmail.com


CHRISTIAN AID HUMBER BRIDGE CROSS – 2022 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary

Pay in your sponsor money via Just Giving or direct to Christian Aid

Link your Just Giving page to the Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross 2022 Team Page using this link (if necessary, copy and paste into your browser address box:


Christian Aid Week is 15th to 21st May, and you may choose to do your Humber Bridge Cross then. This year’s theme is Hungry for Justice.

It’s the 40th Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross!  Join the celebration!  Every year since 1982 we have crossed the Humber, either starting at Barton to work north or from Hessle to go south, then return.  Our one-day big event for this had to change during 2020 and 2021 lockdowns.  However, problems can lead us to new ways.  Support for Christian Aid when there were many needs was vital; and supporters did their own sponsored Bridge cross on the day they chose.  2022 is both a celebration, and a continuing contribution to Christian Aid’s work.

To mark the 40th Anniversary we are asking people to do the Humber Bridge Cross any day during the 40 days starting on Easter Monday (18th April) and ending on 27th May.  It will be great to know that individuals, friends, families, and church groups – and dogs on leads – will be helping others and enjoying a good walk.


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  • We pray for Aurora Jeffries being baptised at the Minster this Sunday and for her parents and godparents as they support her in her journey of faith

  •  Please pray for the Deanery Consultation.

  •  Pray for RAISED on Easter Day, that it will be a great witness to the City.


God of glory,

by the raising of your Son

you have broken the chains of death and hell;

fill your church with faith and hope;

for a new day has dawned

and the way to life stands open

in our Saviour Jesus Christ.



Psalm 118:1-2, 14 – 24

Acts 10:34-43

1 Cor.15:19-26

John 20:1-18
