Minster Lifeline 13 2022

19th April 2022

Rev. Irene Writes:


There has been a wide variety of worship taking place at the Minster over the Easter weekend including messy church on Good Friday, Easter vigil on Saturday evening, Easter worship and baptism on Sunday morning and culminating with ‘Raised’ a service of praise held in Trinity Square on Sunday afternoon. Varied though these services may have been, they all proclaimed the wonder of God’s love given to us at the cross on Good Friday and the celebration of the Risen Lord on Easter Day. For those who could not make it into church we hope that you also felt the love of Jesus’ gift to us no matter where you were.

Easter blessing to you all!

Breakfast Praise launches 9:30, 24th April.  

Toast and tea served from 9:10!

This week Jane Owen writes:

RE Ambassadors give us a thumbs up!

We were delighted to host Hull’s 10-year-old RE Ambassadors to try out some schools' workshops. They enjoyed our “Strength and Shield” workshop, exploring their own talents and personality and expressing them on shields like the families buried in the church.

As we’re in lent, Verger, Jon Major set up the

communion table where they explored the story of the Last Supper and thought about the meaning of the act of remembering Jesus through communion. They had some wonderful things to say about it.

Michael age 10 said “I learnt about communion artefacts: 5 crosses on the communion table represent the wounds of Jesus on the cross.”

Josie studied our 1711 painting by Parmentier and said “If Jesus, Mary, and Joseph lived in a warm country why are people represented as white on the painting? They should be tan. This may be because when the painting was made, white people were seen as superior”

After a pizza lunch up the tower, the children met Reverend Ian and then watched some of the Wednesday communion service while they waited for the bus.

Thanks to our volunteers, Jon, John, Michael, and Jean for helping to host them.

Jane Owen 8th April 2022

The story of the Parmentier painting of the Last Supper and its travels to and from Hessle is available for you to explore on our heritage web pages. Find out more by clicking here


How we can make a difference.

 As many of you will know, our Choral Strategy enables us to teach singing to 400 children per week. We teach them during curriculum time as year/class groups (five primary schools and one secondary school). It's a joyous thing and a privilege to do (more of this in another article coming soon!). 

Part of our work involves listening to children sing individually to monitor the progress they are making, and this process helps us to discover those children that have a real gift for music/singing. 

One of our key aims is to connect communities by enabling the children to participate in city-based group activities. All too often we discover that the children/families tend not to venture out of their local communities. The main reason behind this isolation is transport. 

Parents are often too busy trying to scrape a decent living together to be able to commit to the time/cost of enabling their kids to get into the city centre. Public transport is variable and there are no safe means of children travelling without parental supervision. 

However...! Could WE solve this problem? 

If we could, Hull Minster would be able to develop the children's choir and provide fantastic education opportunities for a new generation of choristers. 

How can we do this? 

Well...East Hull Community Transport have offered us the use of their equipment at weekends. They can't provide a driver without paying them for an entire day, but the invitation to form a partnership has been made! 

Next steps? 

If we can muster a team of volunteer drivers for Sunday mornings (at least 5 people to spread the burden), we will have solved the biggest barrier to kids becoming members of the choir! 

Time is precious, for volunteers, but also for opportunity...we don't want to let this opportunity drift if we can help it. 

So, if you gained a driving licence before 1997 (or have a suitable licence for minibus driving) and would like to be part of this volunteer team we would all be thrilled. 

The drivers would be accompanied by a choir adult to supervise the children during journeys. 

This is where our church community can really make a difference to the future of our city. 

If you know someone who would like to support us in this way, please contact me via:  mkeith@hullminster.org

Let's try and crack this obstacle once and for all! 

Thank you.  Mark 


Please note: No morning and evening prayer this week

SUNDAY     9.30 am      Breakfast Church

                   11 am         Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer          

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m

This month 21st April  (incorrect date on card) 


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4 

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month)


The Knitters meet every Wednesday and the crafters meet on the 2nd Monday of each month only.

BIBLE STUDIES are held on Wednesday evening online. We are taking a break over Easter and these will recommence the first Wednesday in May.


There is to be a new plan for the churches in the Deanery of Hull.   Wide consultation is taking place and the Deanery Leadership Team  (DLT) is especially keen to hear the voices of lay church members.   Please feel welcome to pop in for refreshments and have your say. 

West Hull: Monday 25th April 4pm-7pm

St John Church, Clough Road, Newland, Hull.  HU6 7PA

Tim Scott (Lay Dean of Hull) and Helen Rawdon (DLT) will be here

to welcome you and share ideas together. 

East Hull: Wednesday 27th April 10am - Noon 

St Michael’s Church Hall, Corner of Holderness Road and Marfleet Lane, HU9 3LP 


Thursday 28th April 7pm – 9pm 

St Aidan’s Church, Southcoates Avenue, HU9 3HF 


Friday 29th April 2pm-4pm 

St Andrew’s Church, Sutton Park, Grandale, HU7 4BL  

Cathy Westby and Richard Liversedge (DLT members) will be here 

to welcome you and share ideas together. 

HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!                                        

The Refreshed Vision for Churches in the Diocese of York ('Living Christ's Story') includes: 

'Becoming more like Christ' 'Reaching people we currently don't' 'Growing churches of missionary disciples' and 'Transforming our finances and structures' 

ENQUIRIES:  Helen's mobile 07969 421 354 

 CHRISTIAN AID HUMBER BRIDGE CROSS – 2022 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary

Pay in your sponsor money via Just Giving or direct to Christian Aid

Link your Just Giving page to the Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross 2022 Team Page using this link (if necessary, copy and paste into your browser address box:


Christian Aid Week is 15th to 21st May, and you may choose to do your Humber Bridge Cross then. This year’s theme is Hungry for Justice.

It’s the 40th Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross!  Join the celebration!  Every year since 1982 we have crossed the Humber, either starting at Barton to work north or from Hessle to go south, then return.  Our one-day big event for this had to change during 2020 and 2021 lockdowns.  However, problems can lead us to new ways.  Support for Christian Aid when there were many needs was vital; and supporters did their own sponsored Bridge cross on the day they chose.  2022 is both a celebration, and a continuing contribution to Christian Aid’s work.

To mark the 40th Anniversary we are asking people to do the Humber Bridge Cross any day during the 40 days starting on Easter Monday (18th April) and ending on 27th May.  It will be great to know that individuals, friends, families, and church groups – and dogs on leads – will be helping others and enjoying a good walk.


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  • We pray for Arthur Fear being baptised at the Minster this Sunday and for his parents and godparents as they support him in his journey of faith.

  • Please pray for the Deanery Consultation.

  •  Pray for peace in Jerusalem between Muslims, Jews, and Christians



Risen Christ, for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred;

open the doors of our hearts,

that we may seek the good of others

and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace,

to the praise of God the Father.




Psalm 118: 14 - end

Acts 5: 27 - 32

Rev. 1: 4 - 8

John 20: 19 - 31