Minster Lifeline 21 2022

Rev. Irene writes: 

You may well say it was ‘all hands-on deck’ as we prepared for the Falklands 40th anniversary service which took place on Sunday!

Just under 500 people came together at the Minster to reflect and remember those involved in this conflict in which over 200 people died and many more received life changing injuries.

The service was extremely ‘moving’ with input from many who sailed from Hull on the Norland, the five trawlers or the tugboats.

Thanks go out to Jon Major, himself a Falklands Veteran and Verger at the Minster and Keith Thompson who sailed on the Norland ferry and has spent much time bringing people together and helping those who have suffered

As you can see both Jon and Ellie were busy in preparation for the weekend and isn’t it great to see Ellie stepping up to help the vergers on Sunday – you look great Ellie, well done!


 In contrast, as I write this Lifeline, 400 children from six schools are meeting together, ranging across the whole of the city. @choral hull is coming to the end of the first year of this exciting project – and the joy of the sound the children make is a delight to hear



There are also many ‘behind the scenes’ activities taking place in and around the Minster – the Prayer Shawl Ministry is just one of them. To learn more, read on:

What is Prayer Shawl Ministry?

“Over the centuries, shawls have come to symbolize shelter, peace, and spiritual sustenance. Since the inception of the Prayer Shawl Ministry in 1998, the members of this ecumenical organization have lovingly donated their time and talents by creating hand-knitted and crocheted shawls, filled with the power of prayer, for those in need. What started as a grass-roots movement has quickly grown into an international”...Ministry.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry’s message of caring is simple, universal, and enduring, being equally suited to blessing those who are bereaved, ill, lonely, or elderly, or sharing the accomplishing of a new-born, graduate, or newlywed. Prayer begins in the heart, and the creation of a Prayer shawl is a spiritual journey of prayer for the shawl maker; the crafting and presentation of a Prayer Shawl enriches the giver as well as the recipient.  Prayer Shawls are tangible symbols of God’s love.  They are ‘warm hugs’ of empathy and support; a private place of escape in which to rest, relax and renew.


Working on a Prayer Shawl:

The journey of the Prayer Shawl starts with a name, the name of the person who  will receive the shawl.  Usually, the recipient’s name will be passed to Irene or Becky, who will then contact a wool crafter. However, sometimes an approach may be made directly to a crafter, if so, please make sure that Irene or Becky is informed to avoid any confusion or duplication.


The type (wrap, shawl, blanket, scarf), colour and wool are selected to be appropriate to the individual receiving the item.


Funding for the wool comes from either individual. Personal sponsorship or from the centralised fund, which we hope will be added to by folk who are sympathetic to the ministry; some crafters choose to donate the wool which they work on, but this is not a requirement to be involved with this ministry.


The completed item is given to Irene or Becky for gift wrapping and final prayers, specific to the needs of the recipient.  The Prayer Shawl is then ready to be given by the Hull Minster team


If you would like more information about this Ministry, how to become involved, or would like to donate money towards sponsoring a Prayer Shawl please contact:

The Rev’d Irene Wilson (07711996519)  or

Becky Dexter (07792 807336)


Following the last two years of Covid, we feel sure there are many folks who would appreciate a Prayer Shawl; please speak to Irene or Becky if you know of anyone deserving of our thoughts and prayers at this time.



We are delighted that a small group of people have asked if we can reinstate the ‘holy dusters’. Who are the holy dusters? They are a small group of people who meet on Saturday mornings working hard to keep the Minster looking ‘spick and span’. If you would like to join them, come along on a Saturday morning around 10:30 enjoy tea and biscuits alongside the dusters and polish! If you need to know more contact Irene on 07711 996519



SUNDAY     9:30 a.m.   Breakfast Church (toast and drinks from 9:10)

                   11 a.m.       Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 p.m. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4th and 5TH Evening Prayer 



Lord Mayor’s Service in the Minster 2 p.m.


MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.


Sew for the Soul, is a new group for anyone interested in sewing.  It will start at 12.30 with refreshments and end around 15.00.

 21st July, 15th September, 20th October, 17th November, 15th December, Resumes Feb 2023


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month) 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month.) 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon.



Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30 for a short service followed by cakes and coffee.


Every Wednesday at 7 30 Zoom. To access go to Hull Minster/teaching.

SATURDAY 25TH JUNE 10 – 3P.M.     Record Fair



  • We give thanks for all the volunteers who work so hard at the Minster. Thank you for your endless support.

  • We pray for all who have written prayers on our prayer board, many in need of God’s love and healing

  • We pray for those who are struggling financially due to the increase in prices. Make us aware of anyone who is in desperate need. Help us to bring relief to those who are suffering.

  • Please pray for the family of Howell Lloyd whose funeral service will be held at Hull Minster on MONDAY 27TH JUNE AT 11 A.M.  They would like to invite all who knew Howell to join them in the Minster and then at the University



Faithful Creator,

whose mercy never fails;

deepen our faithfulness

and to your living Word,

Jesus Christ our Lord.




Psalm 77, 1-2, 11-end

2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14

Gal. 5:1,13-25

Luke 9: 51-end