Minster Lifeline 22 2022

Rev. Irene writes: 

Revd. Dominic

As many of you will have already heard Rev. Dominic was involved in an accident whilst on his bike last Sunday evening. He sustained several injuries and is at present in hospital. Thankfully, these are not life threatening however it will be a long slow recovery.

If you need any information, please contact any member of the ‘Team’ at the Minster and please hold Dominic, Heather, Ben, and Leo in your prayers.

I will make sure that you are updated in Lifeline each week.

Last Sunday myself and a couple of others from the Minster were able to support Scott Bright on his ordination as Deacon at Sheffield Cathedral. Do you remember Scott? Lively young man who did a placement at the Minster around two years ago. He will be serving as Deacon at St. Mary, Stainforth. It was great to see him looking so happy.

As our summer bible studies come to a close for a few weeks during the summer Val has kindly written for us today.


Covid changed everything – as we know!  We had been running Bible Studies in the Parish Centre for many years and suddenly, we couldn’t.  After much discussion, it was decided to try and keep our regular date on Wednesday evenings, only now it would be on Zoom.

At first, it felt extremely strange and a bit stilted but gradually as we got used to it, things seemed very much as they previously had been.  That’s not to say we didn’t have problems.  Some people found it difficult to get online or would disappear, often to reappear again later, or they were upside down.  Sometimes, I missed people waiting to come in as I was so busy talking to those already there – hard to believe, I know!

If you think Bible Studies are very serious, then think again.  Yes, of course there is a serious side, but we have fun, and everyone is relaxed and willing to contribute.  At first, people felt a bit self-conscious but gradually it seemed almost like when we were together in the same room.  There is a group of about twelve people and usually around ten of those will be there each week.  We still enjoy a good chat together.

Generally, we tend to do five- or six-week blocks on a theme, or a particular book.  For example, we have looked at a number of the New Testament Epistles, but sometimes we study characters such as Elijah, Elisha, and Gideon.  At present, we are doing a series entitled “It’s God Calling” based on the call of God on particular lives, including our own.

I feel very privileged to have been able to do these studies over the years and have endeavoured to instil in others a love of, and knowledge of, God’s word.  After all, if we believe the Bible is God-inspired, then we need to know what it has to say to us and about us.

 We will be taking a two-month break over the summer, as usual, and then reconvening in September.  Hopefully, there will be a choice of physically joining a group or going online with Zoom.  If you are interested in being involved, please talk to Irene or me about the groups.

Val Fotherby



Dr Eleanor Sanderson has been Assistant Bishop of Wellington in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia since 2017.

The Bishop of Hull is one of three Suffragan Bishops supporting and extending the ministry of the Archbishop of York in the Diocese of York, and has a particular responsibility for the Archdeaconry of the East Riding, encompassing the City of Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire, and part of the North Yorkshire coast including Scarborough and as far north as Ravenscar.

Ellie's ministry to date has been within the Diocese of Wellington; she was ordained in 2005 and was Vicar of the Parish of St Alban’s, Eastbourne, Chaplain to Wellesley College, and the Diocesan Canon Theologian prior to her appointment as Assistant Bishop. She additionally served in a wide range of roles in academic and not-for-profit development organisations. In the Diocese of Wellington, she has led intentional discipleship programmes which resource Christians to go deeper in their relationship with God and equip them to build up mission and discipleship with others.

Ellie is married to Tim and is mother to two boys aged 12 and 14.


SUNDAY     9:30 a.m.   Breakfast Church (toast and drinks from 9:10)

                   11 a.m.       Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 p.m. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4th and 5TH Evening Prayer 

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

Sew for the Soul, is a new group for anyone interested in sewing.  It will start at 12.30 with refreshments and end around 15.00.

 21st July, 15th September, 20th October, 17th November, 15th December, Resumes Feb 2023


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month) 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon (13th July)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month.) 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon. (14th July)


Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30 for a short service followed by cakes and coffee. (21st July)


Every Wednesday at 7:30 Zoom. To access go to Hull Minster/teaching.


  • We pray for Dominic, Heather, Ben and Leo as they cope with the aftermath of Dominic’s cycling accident. Lord, sustain each one of them and heal Dominic back to full health.

  • We pray for Scott Bright as he begins his ministry as Deacon in the parish of St. Mary, Stainforth.

  •  We pray for George & Millie Easter as they are baptised this Sunday and for their parents and God parents.

  •  We pray for Carole Spamer as she spends another week in hospital, recovering from covid after-effects and for all others who have recently been ill with covid.


Almighty and eternal God,

who, for the firmer foundation of our faith,

allowed your holy apostle Craig

to doubt the resurrection of your Son

till word and sight convinced him;

grant to us, who have not seen, that we also may believe

and so confess Christ as our Lord and our God,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.



2 Kings 5:1-14

Isaiah 66:10-14

Galatians 6:1-6

Luke 10:1-11