Minster Lifeline #51

21st December 2021

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6


As we move to Christmas Day there is something very special about the above words. These words were spoken thousands of years before the birth of Jesus. This was not a whirlwind plan of God’s but a perfect one that had been conceived from the foundation of the world.  There were seven hundred years between this prophecy of Isaiah and the birth of Jesus. For these words to come true two thousand years ago shows God is constantly working his purpose out. We may not always understand, but we know that all he does, he does for us.

Have a good Christmas, keep safe and we look forward to seeing you soon.

 Happy & Peaceful Christmas from the team

Thank you!

A big thank you to everyone who has helped over the past year.  There are so many kind and selfless people who have given hours of their time to help keep the Minster doors open and everyone welcomed.  For those behind the scenes, who keep the building clean and to all on the café and shop: you are all brilliant.

 And a big ‘thank you’ to the Churchwardens who do such a great job!




SUNDAY     10:30 a.m. Holy Communion in the Minster



SATURDAYS 4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

Please check on the website as to whether Saturday services are taking place throughout January.

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.

There will be no Minster Praise in January however, we look forward to seeing everyone at the February service (17th February @ 10:30 a.m.)


At the moment services will be taking place as advertised HOWEVER please check on social media and the website if government changes take place. Face coverings are now mandatory unless you have an exemption card.


It is extremely important that everyone is welcomed into the Minster over the Christmas period whether this be for a service, a concert, or just for a visit. We are also desperate for operators to work the power point during our services. If you think this message applies to you, please give your details to one of the team. Thank you!


The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10a.m to 4 p.m. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times until Sunday 19th December.  It will be open that day but will close immediately afterwards until further notice.


We are two thirds of the way towards achieving the amount needed to keep the Minster heated through the winter months.  However, it is an all or nothing situation in that we must have the money available before we take the decision to keep on heating the Minster.  If you haven’t already given, would you please consider doing so this week.  A big thank you to everyone who has responded.

If you are able to pledge support weekly, monthly or a one-off amount please contact Iain Ogilvie (Churchwarden) on Iain@hullminster.org or 07808891988

BIBLE STUDIES will continue in January 2022. Lifeline will have further details at the beginning of January.


A plea from Becky Dexter the small group of crafters would love others to join them. An opportunity not only to be creative but to make new friends. If you don’t know who Becky is, please ask in the Minster and one of us will put you in touch with her.


Sentamu Academy are looking for people to get involved with the Celebrating Life mentors’ scheme, supporting the work of Rev Anne Richards in Archbishop Sentamu Academy.

You don’t need any previous experience to volunteer, just a commitment to a couple of hours a week on Thursday mornings and a heart for making a difference to a young person.


  • Our Father and God We need your presence and guidance as we enter the New Year. we face the year ahead with the gladness of heart that comes from the sure knowledge of your everlasting love

  • We pray for those who suffer during the winter, due to cold weather or due to seasonal illnesses comfort them and help them to get through difficult days

  • We especially pray for those areas of the world that are suffering from war, famine, and oppression: Afghanistan, Yemen, Myanmar, Syria, to name but a few. https://www.dec.org.uk is very informative

  • Please pray for all involved in the life of Dove House Hospice, that we may demonstrate our love and care for one another in all that they do

  • Give thanks for the scientists who have developed the Covid vaccines. We pray that their use throughout the world will defeat the virus

  • PCC meeting 20th

  • Teach us to love that through love we may help those in need

January - you can get daily prayers from:



Lord Jesus Christ, your birth at Bethlehem

draws us to kneel in wonder at heaven touching earth;

accept our heartfelt praise as we worship you

our Saviour and our eternal God



Gracious Father who gave the first martyr Stephen

grace to pray for those who took up stories against him;

grant that in all our sufferings for the truth

we may learn to love even our enemies

and seek forgiveness for those who desire our hurt,

looking up to heaven to him who was crucified for us,

Jesus Christ our mediator and advocate

who is alive and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever



Isaiah 9:2-7

Luke   2:1-14      



Acts        7:51-60

Matthew 10:17-22                                                     


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.

Minster Lifeline #49

7th December 2021


This picture is part of a group of children visiting the Minster from one of the Hull schools. What a delight to share our lovely building with them and above all, to retell the Christmas story to eager young ears.

Adelaide Street school, which is in our parish is holding two Christingle services later this week and Rev. Rob is going in to meet with the staff and children to tell them about the Christingle.

We are delighted that Rob is part of the Ministry Team and look forward to getting to know him, his wife Hannah and their little boy, Reuben. Rob will be spending a great deal of his time in the Minster so do look out for him and make him welcome.

Last Friday I did Pause for Thought with Radio Humberside. As it goes on air at 6 40 in the morning, I thought I would share it in the Lifeline as I am sure that many of you, like me, will not be up and about at such a time!


As the month of November drew to a close, the bed in the spare room of my home was piled high with Christmas gifts yet to be wrapped. My dining table was strewn with Christmas cards yet to be written, and as for my study, well there’s a lot to prepare for at Christmas.

Then I looked outside my window beyond all my busyness, and saw a garden that was resting, sleeping, the leaves having fallen from the branches, the summer flowers all dead apart from the occasional fuchsia hanging on to those final frost-free days.  A relief too, that the grass no longer is in need of the twice a week cutting.

I thought how clever nature is knowing that to produce its best, it needs a time to rest. Very soon under the soil new shoots will be forming and the spring daffodils will cover our hedges with their yellow bloom. As they disappear summer draws near with all its glory only to disappear once more, and rest time begins again.

There is a message for me here and perhaps, for some listeners too. We also need a time to rest and take stock of things so that in our fruitful times we produce the best.

In the Christian calendar Advent and Lent have got to be those times when we evaluate, we pray, and we prepare. Advent began as November drew to a close, not the time to be over-busy with no time to spare, but the time to slow down, prepare ourselves to once again, thank God for the precious gift of his Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.



SATURDAYS 4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

Please check in Lifeline for changes during December

SUNDAY     10.30 a.m. Holy Communion in the Minster                           

CHURCH @ 4 There will be a break during Advent.  Further details will be in Lifeline, when available.


MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.

After the December Praise which is on the 16th December we are looking for volunteers to stay behind and help our new Associate Vicar Rob prepare for the Christingle  service by making 100 Christingles! Even if you can only give a short time this would be really appreciated. Thank you!


There are leaflets at the back of the church or details on our website of all the Christmas services and events. Please make sure you are up to date as we would love to see you in the Minster.


Largely due to the success of the vaccination programme, hospitalisations and deaths remain at a much lower level than at similar points during the pandemic. However, the continuation of this will be dependent on a good uptake of booster vaccinations. We encourage everyone to be vaccinated, to keep washing their hands clean, to respect social distancing, and use face-coverings when distancing is not possible. Lastly if you or someone in your family has symptoms, please stay away until you have tested.

SUNDAY 12th December

During the Eucharist service Bishop  Alison will be confirming five candidates: Christopher Fear, Tony Boynton, Anne-Marie Boynton, David Benn and Imad Abdul Satar. Please pray for these people as they grow in their journey of faith.

At 2 p.m. 12th December there is a candle lighting service. This service is for those who have been bereaved through the loss of a child.

MONDAY 13th December

Shoppers’ Carols Take a break from the Christmas shopping and join us at the Minster at 12 30 for readings and carols. This is the 75th Shoppers’ Carol service to be held at the Minster so let’s keep the tradition strong. Service followed by refreshments.



John Godber company present ‘A CHRISTMAS CAROL’ two performances 7:30 and 9:30pm.

CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL in aid of the Lord Mayor’s charities will be held in Hull Minster from the 1st to the 11th December.


It is extremely important that everyone is welcomed into the Minster over the Christmas period whether this be for a service, a concert, or just for a visit. We are also desperate for operators to work the power point during our services. If you think this message applies to you, please give your details to one of the team. Thank you!


The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10a.m. 4 p.m. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these time


Thank you to everyone who has responded to the request to help with keeping the Minster warm this winter. The pledges to date have been significant in value and we are well on the way to meeting the required amount. The significant value hides the fact that the number of donors is small, and we thank them for their generosity. We are blessed to have members in the congregation who can afford to make significant donations, but the financial needs of our church are a responsibility we all carry and need to share more widely. We are a fortunate church in so many ways and our warm welcome to friends, visitors and those who seek comfort is one of our greatest blessings. So, if you are one of the many who have heard the request but have not yet pledged, and are able to do so, please help us. If you are able to pledge support weekly, monthly or a one-off amount please contact Iain Ogilvie (Churchwarden) on Iain@hullminster.org or 07808891988

BIBLE STUDIES will continue in January 2022. Lifeline will have further details when they are available.

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4 pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these time


The Minster Christmas cards are selling very quickly so grab yours as soon as you can. Packets of five are only £4.50. The tree decorations are selling fast. We will not be ordering anything new before Christmas so come & have a look at the lovely range of cards & gifts.  Sue McGaw Buying Team Coordinator. 


A plea from Becky Dexter the small group of crafters would love others to join them. An opportunity not only to be creative but to make new friends. If you don’t know who Becky is, please ask in the Minster and one of us will put you in touch with her.


Sentamu Academy are looking for people to get involved with the Celebrating Life mentors’ scheme, supporting the work of Rev Anne Richards in Archbishop Sentamu Academy.

You don’t need any previous experience to volunteer, just a commitment to a couple of hours a week on Thursday mornings and a heart for making a difference to a young person.


God for whom we watch and wait,

You sent John the Baptist to prepare the way of your Son;

Give us courage to speak the truth,

To hunger for justice,

And to suffer for the cause of right,

With Jesus Christ our Lord



Canticle       Isaiah 12:2-end    

Zephaniah   3:14-end                                  

Philippians 4:4-7

Luke 3:7-18


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.

Minster Lifeline #48

30th November 2021

I have just broken off writing Christmas cards to prepare this weeks Lifeline. I know that once December starts church life becomes very hectic, yet at the same time it is Advent, and it is important that we make changes to our daily routine giving time to prayer and readings. I personally do enjoy Compline and throughout Advent I will make a point of saying compline every evening instead of only ‘sometimes’.

There are, of course lots of prayers and material online so I hope that you can find something that helps you to escape the busyness of the season and give time over to God as we prepare to welcome our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Writing for us this week is John Patrick – to know more read on:

I am very grateful to have been asked to write this article for Minster Lifeline.

First, who am I?  Well, like many over the past two years, life has changed a great deal: until recently I was Subdean of Lincoln Cathedral, Canon Pastor and responsible for its fabric and had oversight of the £16m Lincoln Cathedral Connected Project. During my ten years at the cathedral, I worked with a colleague, Dr Anne Irving, who was the Cathedral’s Fund-Raising Officer and then Connected Programme Manager. Recently, we chose to leave the cathedral, set up our own Heritage Consultancy Business, and use our knowledge and expertise helping churches and other heritage organisations. One such church is Hull Minster.

So, it could be said that we’re the hired hands! Being a hired hand is not always a form of praise, not least in some readings of scripture. Take John 10 as a starter:

The hired hand runs away because a hired hand does not care for the sheep (John 10.13).

The hired help in the Parable of the Wicked Tenants (the clue is in the title!) remove the owner’s agents, including his son whom they murder (Matthew 21.33-46); and in the parable of The Labourers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20.1-16) all the hired hands do is take the money and grumble. Oh dear, consultants do not come out well in the parables!

However, I’d like to think that that is not the whole story. In the parables, and elsewhere, Jesus employs - to great effect - Jewish Hyperbole, exaggeration if you like, to make his point. These are caricatures not accurate characterisations. So, it’s worth remembering that alongside these stories the main thrust of the Gospel Message is that we all have a role to play in bringing in God’s Kingdom. Looking at past contributions to this series of articles, it’s clear that so many people have helped, or been helped, by Hull Minster over the years, not least during these last difficult months. Some have been part of the Minster’s life for many years, others for a much shorter period, but all have had a role, and played a part in the ongoing life and ministry of this great parish church.

 Coming from the “outside” has the advantage that you can bring a different perspective and, as I know all too well, that when you’re in the midst of something it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see what is being achieved. Indeed, it’s all too easy to be overly self-critical, wishing that more could be done, and conscious of what is not being done. As the Prayer Book confession says, “We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; And we have done those things which we ought not to have done; And there is no health in us.”

But what has been immediately striking is the sheer amount and variety of healthy, and life-giving events and activities are taking place within Hull Minster. Along with the daily round of worship there is much to enjoy and be celebrated. On our first visit to we were greeted warmly and welcomed (thank you, Revd. Irene!) at the beautiful west entrance and (even at a time when lockdown was only gently easing) there was a buzz of activity and accompanying excitement within the nave. Since that first visit there has usually been something going on: The Gaia Event, Beer Festival, lectures, open days, Tower Tours, History Tours, Exhibitions, and Cultural Events. Now there are Advent Services, preparations for Christmas continue apace and the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Tree Festival is about to commence! These events enhanced, enriched, and made possible by faithful clergy, capable lay leadership, and, not forgetting, the marvellous choir and musical life of the Minster.

Behind the scenes you soon begin to realise that the work continues apace: from pastoral support to fund raising; financial management to arranging events; from managing significant building contracts to day-to day maintenance of the building; from PCC Planning Days to social engagement; and from working with the local community to planning diocesan services and activities. Again, the list can go on and on. Hull Minster is a busy place, achieving much!

The Revd. Canon John Patrick
Director IPC Ltd.

A great deal of what is achieved falls, perhaps inevitably, on the shoulders of a few, ably assisted by volunteers, friends, and people of goodwill all motivated by the desire that Hull Minster should be a thriving church, Kingdom Building, and moving into God’s future.

We are now in the season of Advent, a time of waiting, of anticipation and excitement as we expect the birth of the Babe of Bethlehem, Emmanuel, God in the here and now. We prepare ourselves for Christ’s coming amongst us; and by word and deed we also walk alongside others, preparing together, to celebrate the Incarnation, the wonder of God’s coming into the world in the person of Jesus Christ. In that we all have a role to play, even the hired hands!

The Revd. Canon John Patrick
Director IPC Ltd.



SATURDAYS 4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

Please check in Lifeline for changes during December

Evening Prayer 4th December at 5 p.m.


SUNDAY     10.30 a.m. Holy Communion in the Minster                           

CHURCH @ 4 There will be a break during Advent.  Further details will be in Lifeline, when available.


MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.

After the December Praise which is on the 16th December we are looking for volunteers to stay behind and help our new Associate Vicar Rob prepare for the Christingle  service by making 100 Christingles! Even if you can only give a short time this would be really appreciated. Thank you!


There are leaflets at the back of the church or details on our website of all the Christmas services and events. Please make sure you are up to date as we would love to see you in the Minster.

SATURDAY 4th December

Christmas Concert by Hull Minster choir and guest poet Vicky Foster 7 30 p.m.


SUNDAY 5th December

City of Hull Band in the Minster at 6 30 p.m.


WEDNESDAY 8th December


Everyone is very welcome to come along this Wednesday at 7pm for the welcoming of the Revd Robert SueKarran as Associate Vicar. Unfortunately, due to delays in work on their house Rob, Hannah and their son Ruben will not be moving to Hull until January. Rob will have particular responsibility for Mission, volunteers, and visitors to the Minster. We very much look forward to welcoming Rob and his family to the team. Rob's usual day off will be Monday. I am told there is cake!


Largely due to the success of the vaccination programme, hospitalisations and deaths remain at a much lower level than at similar points during the pandemic. However, the continuation of this will be dependent on a good uptake of booster vaccinations. We encourage everyone to be vaccinated, to keep washing their hands clean, to respect social distancing, and use face-coverings when distancing is not possible. Lastly if you or someone in your family has symptoms, please stay away until you have tested.

SUNDAY 12th December

There will be 5 candidates being confirmed during the morning Eucharist. We are delighted that Bishop Alison will be joining us.


At 2 p.m. 12th December there is a candle lighting service. This service is for those who have been bereaved through the loss of a child.

CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL in aid of the Lord Mayor’s charities will be held in Hull Minster from the 1st to the 11th December.


It is extremely important that everyone is welcomed into the Minster over the Christmas period whether this be for a service, concert or just for a visit. We are also desperate for operators to work the power point during our services. If you think this message applies to you, please give your details to one of the team. Thank you!


Thank you to everyone who has responded to the request to help with keeping the Minster warm this winter. The pledges to date have been significant in value and we are well on the way to meeting the required amount. The significant value hides the fact that the number of donors is small, and we thank them for their generosity. We are blessed to have members in the congregation who can afford to make significant donations, but the financial needs of our church are a responsibility we all carry and need to share more widely. We are a fortunate church in so many ways and our warm welcome to friends, visitors and those who seek comfort is one of our greatest blessings. So, if you are one of the many who have heard the request but have not yet pledged, and are able to do so, please help us. If you are able to pledge support weekly, monthly or a one-off amount please contact Iain Ogilvie (Churchwarden) on Iain@hullminster.org or 07808891988

BIBLE STUDIES will continue in January 2022. Lifeline will have further details when they are available.

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4 pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these time


The Minster Christmas cards are selling very quickly so grab yours as soon as you can. Packets of five are only £4.50. The tree decorations are selling fast. We will not be ordering anything new before Christmas so come & have a look at the lovely range of cards & gifts.  Sue McGaw Buying Team Coordinator. 


A plea from Becky Dexter the small group of crafters would love others to join them. An opportunity not only to be creative but to make new friends. If you don’t know who Becky is, please ask in the Minster and one of us will put you in touch with her.


Sentamu Academy are looking for people to get involved with the Celebrating Life mentors’ scheme, supporting the work of Rev Anne Richards in Archbishop Sentamu Academy.

You don’t need any previous experience to volunteer, just a commitment to a couple of hours a week on Thursday mornings and a heart for making a difference to a young person.



Almighty God, purify our hearts and minds,

that when your Son Jesus Christ comes again

as judge and saviour

we may be ready to receive him,

who is our Lord and our God.




Canticle Benedictus       

Malachi       3:1-4                              

Philippians 1:3-11

Luke3: 1-6


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.

Minster Lifeline #46

17 November 2021


If you have been out and about at dusk, you no doubt will have seen the beautiful sunsets. The deep gold and red colours as the sun sinks each day ready to rise again just a few hours later.

I have just heard that some form of agreement has been signed at COP26, maybe not a great breakthrough, however a start which will hopefully lead to greater things so that many generations to come can still look on those great sunsets and give thanks for the earth and all its glory.

 Psalm 65:8 says

The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;
    where morning dawns, where evening fades,
    you call forth songs of joy.


BABY NEWS Lauren and Mark Jeffries are now proud parents of Aurora Carol Jean, born two weeks ago weighing 7lbs 1 oz.

MIDWIFE TO MUM We are delighted that Dan and Becky Broom are expecting their first baby in the spring of ‘22

Please pray for Lauren, Mark, Becky, and Dan that parenthood may be a treasured time for them.

On Wednesday last week I was asked by Rev. Irene to help with refreshments at the Grief Awareness Café she and Kim were organising. I loved the concept and, as anyone who has met me knows, I never say no to helping if Rev. Irene asks.

So, I pitched up at 9.30am to find the nave filled with tables decorated with flowers. Heather and three of her Mustard Seed friends were there and had set up some thoughtful stations including a Thank You space, a tear drop collector (a glass jar and glass spheres you could drop in) and a candle prayer table. The fourth area resonated most deeply with me, it was a chair representing the empty chair left by your loved one, and heart shaped decorations were available to tie on to the chair on which you could write their name.

Just before 10am Rev. Irene led us in prayer and asked us to be listeners to those who joined us.

We opened the doors and waited to see who came.

Carole manned the coffee and tea station, and I was on cake and biscuits.

Within a short time, there were people at every table chatting to Kim, Rev. Irene and the Mustard Seed team.

From my station behind a huge selection of cake I saw tears, smiles, pictures being shared on phones and conversations. It seemed to me that sharing the memories of lost friends and family was really helping those who came.

For the next two hours I could see more and more candles flickering, notes appearing on the thank you notice board and heart shapes appearing on the empty chair.

Sadly, just before I left home to come to Minster, I had received news that a former colleague and friend had died a couple of days earlier, and at the end of the event as I put cups and plates in the dishwasher, I felt that this had been such a positive time in which I felt I could pray for him and all those we have lost.

I can’t wait for the next time we can make time for coffee and a chat with those who are missing their loved ones.

Gill Alden


SATURDAYS 4pm 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

SUNDAY                 10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster

RECORDED SUNDAY WORSHIP As we continue to struggle putting on You Tube a good quality service on a Sunday at 10am we are interested to know how many people would like this service to continue. We are live streaming our 10:30 service of Holy Communion however this is only available on Facebook at the present time. Please do let us know your thoughts by contacting Rev. Irene  at irene@hullminster.org  We will keep you informed.

CHURCH @ 4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service.

Starting December there will be a break during Advent. Further details will be in Lifeline when available.

BAPTISMS Please pray for Harriet Thong and Theo Nolan as they are being baptised on Sunday 21st November


MINSTER PRAISE IS BACK – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am. This week, 19th November is the next Praise.

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times.

WELCOMERS REQUIRED if you think meeting and greeting people in the Minster may be something that you would enjoy doing before and/or after our Sunday services please let a team member know. We will arrange to meet with all who are interested to discuss what is required. This is a very important part of our ministry at the Minster! Thank you.


A plea from Becky Dexter the small group of crafters would love others to join them. An opportunity not only to be creative but to make new friends. If you don’t know who Becky is, please ask in the Minster and one of us will put you in touch with her.


Minster Christmas Card. 

The Minster Christmas Card is now in stock on the Minster Shop. Single card £1 or packets of 5 for £4.50. The image is taken from the Nativity Harbord window in the North Transept. The greeting inside reads “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”.

Sue McGaw, Buying Team Co-ordinator

CHRISTMAS SERVICES AND EVENTS There are leaflets at the back of the church or details on our website of all the Christmas services and events. Please make sure you are up to date; we would love to see you in the Minster


We are currently renting a temporary boiler to heat the Minster during December at a cost of £825 per week plus fuel oil. The boiler is due to be removed at the end of December after the Christmas celebrations. The new boiler room should be complete at the beginning of March. We have a choice, if we want some warmth on a Sunday morning during January and February, we need everyone to give at least an extra £10 per week to take off the chill during services and protect the building from potential frost damage.


David and Julia Allum would like to thank all of those who participated in reading almost 2800 names from the Golden Book on Remembrance Sunday afternoon.  These names are just some of the servicemen who died in WW1.  Many other names are not included in the Book.


Hull Minster choir will be singing ‘If Ye Love Me’ – Tallis, along with a recording of Hull Minster bells.  If you miss this live it will subsequently be available to stream for 30 days on BBC SOUNDS.

BIBLE STUDIES The Minster Bible Study has begun a new series this week entitled ‘What is Praise’. This is on zoom so do join in if you are able. 7:30pm every Wednesday evening.


Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,500 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer, and start shopping. It is that simple! Get started today!

Shop online with Give as you Live Online and raise a money for PCC of The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Hull the simple way.



Psalms 93

Daniel 7:9-10,13-14                                       

Revelation 1:4b-8

John 18:33-37



God the Father,

Help us to hear the call of Christ the King

And to follow in his service,

Whose kingdom has no end;

For he reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

One God, one glory


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.

Minster Lifeline #45

9 November 2021


If you visit the north aisle of the Minster in the next couple of weeks you will see that once again Martin Waters has provided a very thoughtful poppy drift.

This display commemorates 100 years of the British Legion

Martin invites people to bring their own poppies and lay them on top of his work to create a larger collaborative piece.

He added: "These installations are in response to my feelings towards war and remembrance. I wanted to create something large enough to describe the immense empathy people have towards those killed in or as a result of war and conflict past and present, including civilians.”

I remember part of a prayer that read:

“Continually remind us, Lord, that it is not peace lovers who are blessed but peacemakers”

In a world of ever-increasing conflicts remind us that we are those who need to strive as peacemakers.

Sadly, Mandy will be leaving Hull Minster this weekend to begin her new position in fostering care. She writes for us now:

Anyone else struggle with goodbyes? I do! So, when Irene asked me to write for this week’s lifeline, I wasn’t sure what I would write. You see I’m still processing the fact that I will be leaving my job at Hull Minster at the end of next week (19th Nov), and while I am excited and up for the challenge of my new job, I will be very sad to not be working with all the wonderful families that I have become so fond of during my time at the Minster.

I started my role at the Minster in January 2020, excited and nervous to be working at such a large church and it was go, go, go, right from the start with meetings, Sunday sessions, and planning a huge Teddy Bears picnic as well as a ‘Come and See’ weekend event. The ‘Come and See’ event in March kicked off with an evening with the then Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, and finished with a day of family activities in the Minster. Unfortunately, the world was heading into a pandemic crisis that our generation had never experienced before, and the week after this event we, along with every other church in the country, had to close our doors and work from home!

What followed next was a time of great uncertainty as well as a test of everyone’s creativity to find new ways to minister to our church family and keep them connected. For myself, this meant leading our Little Fishes toddler group (thank you to Rachel Turner and Rev Irene) and family activities via Zoom, making numerous calls each week, and setting up a WhatsApp group to keep parents connected.

After a nine-week Furlough I was brought back to work to develop my technical skills to be able to man the Tech desk for online services (socially distanced of course) and to produce and publish weekly Lifelines onto our website. As my job was funded, it was safe at that time, but with dwindling revenue it was sad to say goodbye to colleagues we knew and loved.

One of the highlights of this difficult time was getting to lead an online Alpha course alongside Dan Broom (before he left) and Kat Cross, where we spent a couple of hours each week helping people explore faith whilst also reconnecting in new ways to our Heavenly Father. This course kept all our spirits up and was a real joy to be part of, especially when it led to three people making the commitment to follow Jesus and being confirmed at the Minster on Easter Saturday 2021. Praise the Lord, who’s Spirit can work through any circumstance!

As restrictions lifted our toddler group met for ‘play in the park’ sessions whenever we could, and I was also able to host covid secure Family craft sessions and socially distanced Sunday sessions for children and young people again. The Minster opened back up for in person services and we gained a new Vicar, Rev Dominic Black and whilst some families were still staying home to keep safe it was a privilege to be part of a rota that provided chaplaincy services to many people throughout Hull as they came to our chancel to light candles and receive personal prayer.

The latter half of this year has seen all restrictions lift and we now have our toddler group back in person each week, two Sunday sessions for children and families as well as a new venture of Girls Brigade up and running in the Minster. Alongside Lauren Jeffries and Sarah Martin (who is providing maternity cover for Lauren), we host Girls Brigade each Tuesday evening for girls aged 7-11yrs old and provide a space for girls to come to know more about Jesus and have fun and fellowship. I have found great joy in helping lead these sessions and feel it is of utmost importance to continue this great mission so I will continue to be a leader for 1st Hull Girls Brigade as a volunteer after I part. Thanks also go to Jill Harpham, Ellie Hardy and Gill Alden for being volunteer helpers.

So, you see, as much as we may all struggle with goodbyes, because goodbyes mean change, we must remember how far we have come in the last two years. How much we have overcome as a church family, and how much we can all still play a part in the Mission of Hull Minster to the city of Hull!

It has been good to look back on the highlights of my time at the Minster, but also to look forward to seeing how things develop for Children, Youth and Family ministry going forward. With the appointment of Rev Rob Suekarran as associate Vicar and ministry lead for CYF I’m sure things will continue to grow, and my prayer is that the whole church family gets involved in helping with this most important ministry in the meantime, and after Rev Rob’s start at the beginning of December.

Thank you to all who have welcomed me and supported me over the last two years and for now, instead of saying ‘Goodbye’ as that seems so final, I will instead say ‘See you soon’ as I will from time to time be around for Girls Brigade parade and dedication services. Please continue to pray for everyone involved with CYF ministry as well as the leadership team at the Minster.

Blessings, Mandy x


SATURDAYS 4pm 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

SUNDAY                 10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster


We continue to explore different ways of producing a recorded service for a Sunday morning online. Still experiencing a few issues but we will keep trying!

CHURCH @ 4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service.


MINSTER PRAISE IS BACK – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.


On Remembrance Sunday 14th November we will be reading out, in the Minster, all the names from within the Golden Book. This will begin at 12:30pm and if you are willing to read a section of names, please contact Dave Allum 07856 942067

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times.


There will be a celebration of Maisie’s life in the Minster on Friday 12th November at 2pm. The family hope this will be an opportunity for them and friends to come together and give thanks for her long life.

If you have any stories or anecdotes about Maisie, please contact Rev Irene or Maisie’s daughter Anne.

WELCOMERS REQUIRED if you think meeting and greeting people in the Minster may be something that you would enjoy doing before and/or after our Sunday services please let a team member know. We will arrange to meet with all who are interested to discuss what is required. This is a very important part of our ministry at the Minster! Thank you.

The Heritage Volunteering group

If you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at jane@hullminster.org Click here for full details.


A plea from Becky Dexter the small group of crafters would love others to join them. An opportunity not only to be creative but to make new friends. If you don’t know who Becky is, please ask in the Minster and one of us will put you in touch with her.


Minster Christmas Card. 

The Minster Christmas Card is now in stock on the Minster Shop. Single card £1 or packets of 5 for £4.50. The image is taken from the Nativity Harbord window in the North Transept. The greeting inside reads “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”.

Sue McGaw, Buying Team Co-ordinator

CHURCH HEATING Thank you to the wardens and operations team that have worked hard to get a temporary heating system fitted in the Minster for this winter. Success! It made such a difference over the weekend both for the craft fayre and café on Saturday and the worship on Saturday and Sunday. However, this if costly, any donations to help keep the Minster warm this winter would be appreciated.

BIBLE STUDIES The Minster Bible Study has begun a new series this week entitled ‘What is Praise’. This is on zoom so do join in if you are able. 7:30pm every Wednesday evening.


Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,500 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer, and start shopping. It is that simple! Get started today!

Shop online with Give as you Live Online and raise a money for PCC of The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Hull the simple way.



Psalms 16

Daniel 12:1-3                                     

Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25

Mark 13:1-8


Heavenly Lord,

you long for the world’s salvation:

stir us from apathy,

restrain us from excess

and revive in us new hope

that all creation will one day be healed

in Jesus Christ our Lord


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.

Minster Lifeline #44

2 November 2021

OOlga Clayton


We were delighted to present Olga Clayton with flowers and a card on Sunday morning for her ‘behind the scenes’ work she has done over the past 8 years. Olga has sent an ‘anniversary of baptism’ card every year to each child/baby that has been baptised at the Minster until they reach school age. Olga has now passed this role onto Kim Jenkinson and so the good work continues!

Unfortunately, we are unable to give everyone who works voluntarily in the Minster flowers, but we can say ‘thank you’ as we do appreciate everything that you do.

I really enjoy going into the Minster on a Saturday morning, I think the shop and café are so welcoming, everything is such good quality and the display for both is very appealing! Out of site often there are also those who are polishing the woodwork, cleaning the toilets, washing the pots, all an important part of what makes the Minster work. Not to forget of course our wonderful welcomers, who are often multi-tasking to make sure everyone feels comfortable and many others of course that I failed to have mentioned – you are not forgotten!

In 1 Corinthians 12 it says:

 “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every

            part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of

            you are a part of it.”


I am delighted that one of our young bell-ringers Caitlin Turpin has written for us this week:

CCaitlin Turpin

You might recognise my face from around the Minster as I ring the bells (at least) twice a week: before the Sunday morning service and then a practice on a Monday night. I have rung the bells for marriages, deaths, the city of culture – even a climate change demo. I first started ringing when I was tall enough to reach the ropes and the other day, I worked out I have been ringing for more than half my life. On Sunday mornings, I used to watch my mum in the tower when she returned to ringing after a long break (she started when she was thirteen).

Over the years we have been joined by my sister (after some persuading), and more recently, my dad, who took up a rope with our last intake of learners. It is quite a family-oriented activity; it is one of the rare times in the week that I can look around the ringing chamber and see my family in the same room. There are other family groups who also ring: Fathers and daughters, siblings, partners, which made it handy when we had to ring in distanced groups as lockdown eased.

Although familial groups ring Hull Minster, there is a wider sense of family in the tower. We are a group as different and diverse as any other family. We come from different walks of life, cover many ages, live in different parts of Hull, and have the occasional difference of opinion. There are people who have been ringing for years, some ringers who started learning just before Covid struck, and some who come back after a long break to pick up where they left off ‘just like riding a bike’. But however, experienced anyone might be, we are all at different stages on the learning journey.

We gained several ‘new recruits’ a couple of years ago through the Ringing Remembers campaign, an act of remembrance that aimed to recruit as many new ringers as were lost one hundred years ago during the First World War. Ringing for this occasion made me reflect on our links to the past and was a reminder that I am part of a tradition that would look familiar to a ringer from four hundred years ago (although thankfully ladies are now allowed up the tower steps).

Bells have called people to the Minster since the 1640s – people on open days have commented on the sound of the bells and I like to think of them as a voice above the city noise saying “Hello! We are here! Come and join us!”

Even though we are a small ringing community up in the tower, we are undoubtedly part of the wider Church community. Although I have rung in several other towers, the patience, generosity, and kindness of the Hull Minster ringers as well as their involvement in Church life is something to cherish. So, if you see a ringer around, do say hello!

This Saturday…


SATURDAYS 4pm 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

SUNDAY                 10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster


We continue to explore different ways of producing a recorded service for a Sunday morning online. Still experiencing a few issues but we will keep trying!

CHURCH @ 4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service.


BAPTISMS:  Please pray for Peggy Frances Middlebrook and Jessica Eveline Nistor being baptised this Sunday at the Minster.

MINSTER PRAISE IS BACK – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.


On Remembrance Sunday 14th November we will be reading out, in the Minster, all the names from within the Golden Book. This will begin at 12:30pm and if you are willing to read a section of names, please contact Dave Allum 07856 942067

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times.


There will be a celebration of Maisie’s life in the Minster on Friday 12th November at 2pm. The family hope this will be an opportunity for them and friends to come together and give thanks for her long life.

If you have any stories or anecdotes about Maisie, please contact Rev Irene or Maisie’s daughter Anne.

WELCOMERS REQUIRED if you think meeting and greeting people in the Minster may be something that you would enjoy doing before and/or after our Sunday services please let a team member know. We will arrange to meet with all who are interested to discuss what is required. This is a very important part of our ministry at the Minster! Thank you.

The Heritage Volunteering group

If you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at jane@hullminster.org Click here for full details.


A plea from Becky Dexter the small group of crafters would love others to join them. An opportunity not only to be creative but to make new friends. If you don’t know who Becky is, please ask in the Minster and one of us will put you in touch with her.


The Christmas stock will be out for sale from Wednesday 20th October. Some orders are taking a while to arrive, but this means that new things will keep appearing over the next few weeks. We have some lovely children’s books coming from Lion Publishing that we’re excited about. There is new jewellery and Fair-Trade items, tree decorations and Advent calendars. We are also working hard to bring you a new Minster Christmas card, taken this year from the Nativity Window in the North Transept. At soon as we have a copy, I will put it in the Lifeline so that orders can be taken. Please feel free to contact me anytime relating to the Shop on email. shop@hullminster.org

Sue McGaw, Buying Team Co-ordinator

CHURCH HEATING Thank you to the wardens and operations team that have worked hard to get a temporary heating system fitted in the Minster for this winter. Success! It made such a difference over the weekend both for the craft fayre and café on Saturday and the worship on Saturday and Sunday. However, this if costly, any donations to help keep the Minster warm this winter would be appreciated.

BIBLE STUDIES The Minster Bible Study has begun a new series this week entitled ‘What is Praise’. This is on zoom so do join in if you are able. 7:30pm every Wednesday evening.


Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,500 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer, and start shopping. It is that simple! Get started today!

Shop online with Give as you Live Online and raise a money for PCC of The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Hull the simple way.


Jonah 3:1-5, 10

Psalm 62:5-end

Hebrews 9:24-end

Mark 1:14-20


God, our refuge and strength,

bring near the day when wars shall cease

and poverty and pain shall end,

that earth may know the peace of heaven

through Jesus Christ our Lord


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.

Minster Lifeline #43

27 OCTOBER 2021


Every morning as I look out of my kitchen window, I see the two-bird feeder in heavy use by the blue tits and sparrows having their breakfast treat. However, on the ground under the feeder there are always pigeons, waiting to eat the crumbs that have fallen to the ground as the small birds get their fill. Every day this reminds me of the verse in the bible where the Gentile woman asks Jesus to save her daughter. After some discourse between them the woman says, “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' tables.”  Although I have read many commentaries on this passage it still makes me feel uncomfortable – the response of Jesus is very hostile, however he does show compassion when he sees the amount of faith the woman has, and her daughter is healed.

I think of the many times we hear the words ‘levelling up’ and how there are many happy with the ‘crumbs’ that may come their way. Only last week I was in touch with the co-ordinator for the asylum seekers in Hull asking how the Minster may be able to help. This is an ongoing conversation, but an immediate need is warm clothing for winter particularly, hats, scarves, gloves, warm jackets, jumpers, and boots.

If anyone can help with any of these, we will have a collection point in the Minster.

Thank you!

Rev. Dominic wrote for Lifeline a couple of weeks ago however we were unable to put Lifeline onto social media so here it is, to share with you now…

There are not many programmes my wife and I watch together on the TV these days, she likes Strictly Come Dancing and gruesome medical dramas and, when I don’t have evening meetings, I prefer historical drama and documentaries. But there is one series that we never miss, Call the midwife. Call the Midwife captures the struggles and the joys of the drama of the beginning of human life tracing the great social changes of the mid-20th century. 

Until you have had a child you have no idea how your life is going to change! There is something wonderful and terrifying about a new life coming into the world. Who is this new person and what will they become? Dread and fear, hope and joy, but mostly an overwhelming love. I remember the weight of responsibility of coming out of Hull Royal Infirmary with this tiny child in a car seat. The car came with a maintenance and repair manual, but the baby didn’t! Well somehow our parenting was good enough and nearly 18 years on our eldest is testing his wings and getting ready to fly the nest.

Both my parents died before I met my wife, my mum just a year before. She wasn’t there at the wedding, she wasn’t around to see my children, something she talked about when she was dying of cancer. But to her dying day she carried a greater loss, a loss more painful even than the sudden death of her husband 15 years before, a loss that was seldom talked about and many had probably forgotten about, the death of her first baby, Christopher who died at a few weeks old, the brother I never met. People were full of good advice, move on, try for another, that was me, my name means gift of the Lord. But that loss never went away, it was a pain she took to her death bed. 

Baby Loss Awareness Week (9-15 Oct) now in its 19th year. Some things cannot be fixed; they can only be carried but it can help when you can be with other parents who have been through similar trauma. On Sunday 12th December 2-3pm there will be a special Candle Lighting service for all those who have lost babies and children at Hull Minster. 

Grief is the price we pay for love. We never truly ‘get over’ a loss, there is always a part of us that is broken, life will never be the same again. We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company in all the world — the company of those who have known suffering. For a parent, losing a child is the most devastating and painful experience. As Christians we know that Jesus came to be with us in life and through death, through his love we are always connected with those we have loved.  


SATURDAYS 4pm 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

SUNDAY                 10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster


We continue to explore different ways of producing a recorded service for a Sunday morning online. Still experiencing a few issues but we will keep trying!

CHURCH @ 4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service.

WELCOMERS REQUIRED if you think meeting and greeting people in the Minster may be something that you would enjoy doing before and/or after our Sunday services please let a team member know. We will arrange to meet with all who are interested to discuss what is required. This is a very important part of our ministry at the Minster! Thank you


MINSTER PRAISE IS BACK – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times.


2pm HANA – fashion & talent show

7pm WITH A VOICE OF SINGING – Four local choirs come together after a long time of silence!


There will be a celebration of Maisie’s life in the Minster on Friday 12th November at 2pm. The family hope this will be an opportunity for them and friends to come together and give thanks for her long life.

If you have any stories or anecdotes about Maisie, please contact Rev Irene or Maisie’s daughter Anne.

Hull Art Circle exhibition is on display in the northeast side of the Minster

The Heritage Volunteering group

If you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at jane@hullminster.org Click here for full details.


The Christmas stock will be out for sale from Wednesday 20th October. Some orders are taking a while to arrive, but this means that new things will keep appearing over the next few weeks. We have some lovely children’s books coming from Lion Publishing that we’re excited about. There is new jewellery and Fair-Trade items, tree decorations and Advent calendars. We are also working hard to bring you a new Minster Christmas card, taken this year from the Nativity Window in the North Transept. At soon as we have a copy, I will put it in the Lifeline so that orders can be taken. Please feel free to contact me anytime relating to the Shop on email. shop@hullminster.org

Sue McGaw, Buying Team Co-ordinator


On Remembrance Sunday 14th November we will be reading out, in the Minster, all the names from within the Golden Book. This will begin at 12:30pm and if you are willing to read a section of names, please contact Dave Allum 07856 942067

CHURCH HEATING Thank you to the wardens and operations team that have worked hard to get a temporary heating system fitted in the Minster for this winter. Success! It made such a difference over the weekend both for the craft fayre and café on Saturday and the worship on Saturday and Sunday. However, this if costly, any donations to help keep the Minster warm this winter would be appreciated.

BIBLE STUDIES The Minster Bible Study has begun a new series this week entitled ‘What is Praise’. This is on zoom so do join in if you are able. 7:30pm every Wednesday evening.


Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,500 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer, and start shopping. It is that simple! Get started today!

Shop online with Give as you Live Online and raise a money for PCC of The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Hull the simple way.


Psalms 24:1-6

Isaiah 25:6-9

Revelation 21:1-6a

John 11:32-44


God of holiness, your glory is proclaimed in every age.

as we rejoice in the faith of your saints,

inspire us to follow their example

with boldness and joy

through Jesus Christ


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.

Minster Lifeline #42

20 OCTOBER 2021


We are delighted that part of the money from the sale of the sports clothing at Adelaide school has bought plants for each of the classrooms, and other areas in the school. The Deputy Head has sent the following words and pictures of the distribution around the school. “We gave out twenty-six plants in assembly last Friday. The children were very excited and thought of lots of people and places in school that should receive one. Consequently, we now have plants in all classrooms, most of the offices, the staff room, the dinner hall; and the caretaker was given one to take to his room. 

We talked to the children about responsibility and the importance of taking care of something. They knew that to keep the plant healthy it needed light and water, but we also spoke about them giving it a name and even singing it a song!

Thank you very much for providing us with these plants. I hope you will be in to see them soon.”

Plants are a real source of well-being, and the children are being encouraged to look after and nurture these plants so that they bring brightness to the classrooms.

Becky Dexter has written for Lifeline this week. Although Becky finishes her piece with ‘the rest is history’ I would like to point out that Becky is a valuable member of Hull Minster family, she heads up the crafters, knitters, prayer shawl ministry and is part of the pastoral team. Thank you, Becky……

Hello, I’m Becky, I moved to Yorkshire about 35 years ago and now call it home. After a few traumatic events I suddenly found myself alone with a sick baby and a toddler, with no family and a few friends. After struggling for some years and getting deeper into confusion and loss I decided I had to do something to improve my well-being. I retrained for a new career and started my own business, and I went to my local church. The church was cold, damp, and uninviting, but I persevered, I was about to give up one day when a lovely new vicar arrived Rev. Kate Goulder, I met Rev. Irene, who wasn’t a reverend at the time! I joined an enquirers group and knew I was in the right place. I suddenly felt like my life made sense and through God found strength I did not know I had. For many years, with the Lord and their support I raised my boys.

Both Rev. Kate and Rev. Irene left my local church after a few years, and that church started going in a direction I wasn’t happy about, despite my love of the Lord I had to find somewhere else to worship him, at the same time as looking after two teenage boys, one of whom was still unwell. I home schooled my youngest son for a year and with God’s help he caught up academically. However, after missing church for so long my well-being began to fail particularly after being diagnosed with a debilitating illness. I clearly needed to lean on the Lord again and find good fellowship. This is when I walked into Hull Minster... and the rest as they say is history. I am now very content living alone with my black lab as a companion and both of my boys are happy and employed and we are very close. I am still very much a heart Christian (rather than head, or both), and enjoy prayer a great deal.

Children and Families…

GGirls Brigade is now at the Minster, every Tuesday 6:30-8pm. Click photo for more information.

LLittle Fishes baby & toddler group, 10am in the Minster Nave on Fridays, email mandy@hullminster.org or just show up


SATURDAYS 4pm 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

SUNDAY                 10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster


We continue to explore different ways of producing a recorded service for a Sunday morning online. Still experiencing a few issues but we will keep trying!

CHURCH @ 4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service.

WELCOMERS REQUIRED if you think meeting and greeting people in the Minster may be something that you would enjoy doing before and/or after our Sunday services please let a team member know. We will arrange to meet with all who are interested to discuss what is required. This is a very important part of our ministry at the Minster! Thank you


MINSTER PRAISE IS BACK – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times.


The Christmas stock will be out for sale from Wednesday 20th October. Some orders are taking a while to arrive, but this means that new things will keep appearing over the next few weeks. We have some lovely children’s books coming from Lion Publishing that we’re very excited about. Lots of new jewellery & Fair-Trade items, tree decorations and Advent calendars. We are working hard to bring you a new Minster Christmas card, taken this year from the Nativity Window in the North Transept. At soon as we have a copy, I will put it in the Lifeline so that orders can be taken. We are also planning to stock some nice Christian Christmas cards. I will be in church for the morning service on Sunday 24 October to open for just 15 minutes after if anyone would like anything from the Shop. Please feel free to contact me anytime relating to the Shop on email shop@hullminster.org

Sue McGaw, Buying Team Co-ordinator


There will be a celebration of Maisie’s life in the Minster on Friday 13th November at 2 p.m. The family hope this will be an opportunity for them and friends to come together and give thanks for her long life.

If you have any stories or anecdotes about Maisie, please contact Rev Irene or Maisie’s daughter Anne.

Hull Art Circle exhibition is on display in the northeast side of the Minster

The Heritage Volunteering group

If you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at jane@hullminster.org Click here for full details.

Exploring Hull Minsters medieval stained-glass FREE, 2-hour Family workshop At Hull Minster Saturday Oct 23rd, 2021 Sessions: 10am to 12pm, 1pm to 3pm Aged 8yrs+, Limited places.

Click link to book:


Click photo for full details:


On Remembrance Sunday 14th November we will be reading out, in the Minster, all the names from within the Golden Book. This will begin at 12:30pm and if you are willing to read a section of names, please contact Dave Allum 07856 942067

BIBLE STUDIES The Minster Bible Study has begun a new series for the Autumn on Jacob. This is on zoom so do join in if you are able. 7:30pm every Wednesday evening.


Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,500 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer, and start shopping. It is that simple! Get started today!

Shop online with Give as you Live Online and raise a money for PCC of The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Hull the simple way.


Psalms 34:1-8, 19-end

Jeremiah 31:7-9                                             

Hebrews 7:23-end

Mark 10:46-end


Blessed Lord, who caused all holy scriptures

to be written for our learning;

help us so to hear them,

to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them,

that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy word,

we may embrace and for ever hold fast

the hope of everlasting life,

which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.

Minster Lifeline #41

13 OCTOBER 2021


BAPTISM BOOM – since the lifting of lockdown it has been great to have so many families bringing their toddlers and babies for baptism at the Minster. Katie Ogilvie and I have been inundated with enquiries and we are now booking well into next year.

As our baptism services take place at 1pm on a Sunday we miss the church family being there, however it is important to make sure everyone is aware of the children we welcome into God’s family hence we have started to include the names in Lifeline so that we all can pray for the child and their parents and godparents.

Baptism is a time when the child begins his or her journey with Jesus – a very important role for godparents who make promises to share with their godchild the Christian faith. It is hoped that later in life the child will have enough knowledge of Jesus and his love for us that they will come to confirmation to make decisions themselves and continue in the faith.

If you are interested in being confirmed there is a confirmation service to be held in December in the Minster. Please see Rev. Dominic or me for further details.

This week Jett Harvatt is being baptised please hold him and his family in your prayers.

Rev. Dominic writes:

There are not many programmes my wife and I watch together on the TV these days, she likes Strictly Come Dancing and gruesome medical dramas and, when I don’t have evening meetings, I prefer historical drama and documentaries. But there is one series that we never miss, Call the midwife. Call the Midwife captures the struggles and the joys of the drama of the beginning of human life tracing the great social changes of the mid-20th century. Until you have had a child you have no idea how your life is going to change! There is something wonderful and terrifying about a new life coming into the world. Who is this new person and what will they become? Dread and fear, hope and joy, but mostly an overwhelming love. I remember the weight of responsibility of coming out of Hull Royal Infirmary with this tiny child in a car seat. The car came with a maintenance and repair manual, but the baby didn’t! Well somehow our parenting was good enough and nearly 18 years on our eldest is testing his wings and getting ready to fly the nest. Both my parents died before I met my wife, my mum just a year before. She wasn’t there at the wedding, she wasn’t around to see my children, something she talked about when she was dying of cancer. But to her dying day she carried a greater loss, a loss more painful even than the sudden death of her husband 15 years before, a loss that was seldom talked about and many had probably forgotten about, the death of her first baby, Christopher who died a few weeks old, the brother I never met. People were full of good advice, move on, try for another, that was me, my name means gift of the Lord. But that loss never went away, it was a pain she took to her death bed. 

This week is Baby Loss Awareness Week (9-15 Oct) now in its 19th year. Some things cannot be fixed; they can only be carried but it can help when you can be with other parents who have been through similar trauma. On Sunday 12th December 2-3pm there will be a special Candle Lighting service for all those who have lost babies and children at Hull Minster. 

Grief is the price we pay for love. We never truly ‘get over’ a loss, there is always a part of us that is broken, life will never be the same again. We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company in all the world — the company of those who have known suffering. For a parent, losing a child is the most devastating and painful experience. As Christians we know that Jesus came to be with us in life and through death, through his love we are always connected with those we have loved.  

Children and Families…

GGirls Brigade is now at the Minster, every Tuesday 6:30-8pm. Click photo for more information.

LLittle Fishes baby & toddler group, 10am in the Minster Nave on Fridays, email mandy@hullminster.org or just show up


THANK YOU to everyone who supported our harvest food collection. All those gifts have now been taken to the food bank to help many who are struggling financially at this time.

SATURDAYS 4pm 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

SUNDAY                 10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster



We continue to explore different ways of producing a recorded service for a Sunday morning online. Still experiencing a few issues but we will keep trying!

CHURCH @ 4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service.

WELCOMERS REQUIRED if you think meeting and greeting people in the Minster may be something that you would enjoy doing before and/or after our Sunday services please let a team member know. We will arrange to meet with all who are interested to discuss what is required. This is a very important part of our ministry at the Minster! Thank you


MINSTER PRAISE IS BACK – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times.


The Christmas stock will be out for sale from Wednesday 20th October. Some orders are taking a while to arrive, but this means that new things will keep appearing over the next few weeks. We have some lovely children’s books coming from Lion Publishing that we’re very excited about. Lots of new jewellery & Fair-Trade items, tree decorations and Advent calendars. We are working hard to bring you a new Minster Christmas card, taken this year from the Nativity Window in the North Transept. At soon as we have a copy, I will put it in the Lifeline so that orders can be taken. We are also planning to stock some nice Christian Christmas cards. I will be in church for the morning service on Sunday 24 October to open for just 15 minutes after if anyone would like anything from the Shop. Please feel free to contact me anytime relating to the Shop on email shop@hullminster.org

Sue McGaw, Buying Team Co-ordinator


There will be a celebration of Maisie’s life in the Minster on Friday 13th November at 2 p.m. The family hope this will be an opportunity for them and friends to come together and give thanks for her long life.

If you have any stories or anecdotes about Maisie, please contact Rev Irene or Maisie’s daughter Anne.

Hull Art Circle exhibition is on display in the northeast side of the Minster

The Heritage Volunteering group

If you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at jane@hullminster.org Click here for full details.

Exploring Hull Minsters medieval stained-glass FREE, 2-hour Family workshop At Hull Minster Saturday Oct 23rd, 2021 Sessions: 10am to 12pm, 1pm to 3pm Aged 8yrs+, Limited places.

Click link to book:


Click photo for full details:

BIBLE STUDIES The Minster Bible Study has begun a new series for the Autumn on Jacob. This is on zoom so do join in if you are able. 7:30pm every Wednesday evening.


Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,500 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer, and start shopping. It is that simple! Get started today!

Shop online with Give as you Live Online and raise a money for PCC of The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Hull the simple way.


Psalms 104:1-10

Isaiah 53:4-end                       

Hebrews 5:1-10

Mark 10:35-45


God, our light and our salvation;

illuminate our lives

that we may see your goodness in the land of the living;

and looking on your beauty

may be changed into the likeness of

Jesus Christ our Lord


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.

Minster Lifeline #40

7 OCTOBER 2021

tractor apples.jpg


‘All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above, then thank the

Lord, O thank the Lord for all his love’


Many will have sung these words at a harvest celebration over the past few weeks. No doubt if you have travelled on our country roads and lanes recently you will have been following a tractor, often absolutely ladened with hay. Farmers struggling to get the harvest in during dry weather and hopefully avoiding the cost of drying the grain. We do right to give thanks for the harvest and for all farming families who often struggle with loneliness and isolation. It never fails to surprise me that as soon as the fields are harvested the farmer is out ploughing and sowing for the following year’s produce. It is extremely easy to pick our fruit and vegetables at our supermarkets or local shops but how often do we stop to think of how these goods arrived there and are ready for us to purchase.

This year, with Brexit and covid we are more aware of the process that takes place, the number of people involved in picking fruit and sowing seeds forever in short supply. When we bring climate change into the equation, we really do have a delicately balanced process. Both rain and sunshine in excess can destroy the crops and we know this is what is happening with climate change.

We will, hopefully, appreciate the harvest this year more than usual and will do whatever we can to support our farmers. If we can, buying local produce would be a good start.

We heard from Carol Spamer last week and today her close friend Kim Jenkinson is telling us about her journey so far and about the exciting things yet to come.

Hello everyone, my name is Kim.

Four years ago, my life was amazing. I worked for the NHS and had a beautiful daughter, Sophie, who was the centre of my world until one day we were given the most horrific news. My 18-year-old daughter had Leukaemia (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia), one of the worst types of cancer. Sophie battled for eight months and fought with every fibre of her being, but one 10th January 2017, she lost her battle. My whole world ended that day. How could my 19-year-old beautiful, energetic, caring, and loving Sophie, be gone forever? I did not want to be here anymore, I just wanted to be with my daughter. I had never felt pain like it before. It was mental and physical pain, as if someone had reached inside and pulled out my heart.

As the months passed mine, and Sophie’s amazing friends were always there for me, but I felt I did not have a purpose to my life anymore. The person I lived for had gone, taken away when her adult life was just beginning. I felt it was so cruel that this should happen.

Then in November 2017 I felt drawn to the church as I somehow knew I would get comfort from going. My friend Carole and I went to a couple of local churches but did not feel at home. We decided to go to Hull Minster and from that first time we attended everyone was so welcoming and friendly. We met Reverend Irene and spoke to her after the service. I just wanted to talk about Sophie, and she listened and prayed with me. I felt so comfortable being there. Reverend Irene mentioned a Candle Lighting Service taking place the following month for anyone who had lost a child. Carole and I came to the service, and it was beautiful. It made me feel at peace, something I had not experienced for a long time. I knew then that I wanted to be part of this congregation. We both became involved with many of the activities: raising funds, welcoming, being a reader in the Wednesday service, and serving tea and coffee after the Sunday service, and more. All these have become very important to me because we are now a part of this church community.

In 2019 I started a Grief coffee morning in Hull Minster where people could come and meet others who had lost loved ones, they could sit and talk together over a coffee because that helps, you do not feel so alone as they are probably going through the same emotions. We had an amazing response and they wanted to know when the next one was going to be held. Unfortunately, at the beginning of 2020, Covid made it impossible to arrange anything. Shortly we are going to restart them and hope that we can bring comfort to those grieving by listening when they want to speak about their loved ones.

Well, that is my journey to Hull Minster, and I am so grateful to have become a member of this wonderful family.

Children and Families…

GGirls Brigade is now at the Minster, every Tuesday 6:30-8pm. Click photo for more information.

LLittle Fishes baby & toddler group, 10am in the Minster Nave on Fridays, email mandy@hullminster.org or just show up


THANK YOU to everyone who supported our harvest food collection. All those gifts have now been taken to the food bank to help many who are struggling financially at this time.

SATURDAYS 4pm 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

SUNDAY                 10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster




We continue to explore different ways of producing a recorded service for a Sunday morning online. Still experiencing a few issues but we will keep trying!

CHURCH @ 4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service.


MINSTER PRAISE IS BACK – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times.

The Heritage Volunteering group

If you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at jane@hullminster.org Click here for full details.

Exploring Hull Minsters medieval stained-glass FREE, 2-hour Family workshop At Hull Minster Saturday Oct 23rd, 2021 Sessions: 10am to 12pm, 1pm to 3pm Aged 8yrs+, Limited places.

Click link to book:


Click photo for full details:

PLEASE NOTE: there is a job vacancy at SEARCH. Click the Logo for further details. Closing date is 18th October.

BIBLE STUDIES The Minster Bible Study has begun a new series for the Autumn on Jacob. This is on zoom so do join in if you are able. 7:30pm every Wednesday evening.


Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,500 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer, and start shopping. It is that simple! Get started today!

Shop online with Give as you Live Online and raise a money for PCC of The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Hull the simple way.


Psalms 22:1-15

Amos 5:6-7, 10-15                 

Hebrews 4:12-end

Mark 10:17-31


Faithful Lord, whose steadfast love never ceases

and whose mercies never come to an end;

grant us the grace to trust you

and to receive the gifts of your love,

new every morning,

in Jesus Christ, our Lord


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.