Minster Lifeline #49

7th December 2021


This picture is part of a group of children visiting the Minster from one of the Hull schools. What a delight to share our lovely building with them and above all, to retell the Christmas story to eager young ears.

Adelaide Street school, which is in our parish is holding two Christingle services later this week and Rev. Rob is going in to meet with the staff and children to tell them about the Christingle.

We are delighted that Rob is part of the Ministry Team and look forward to getting to know him, his wife Hannah and their little boy, Reuben. Rob will be spending a great deal of his time in the Minster so do look out for him and make him welcome.

Last Friday I did Pause for Thought with Radio Humberside. As it goes on air at 6 40 in the morning, I thought I would share it in the Lifeline as I am sure that many of you, like me, will not be up and about at such a time!


As the month of November drew to a close, the bed in the spare room of my home was piled high with Christmas gifts yet to be wrapped. My dining table was strewn with Christmas cards yet to be written, and as for my study, well there’s a lot to prepare for at Christmas.

Then I looked outside my window beyond all my busyness, and saw a garden that was resting, sleeping, the leaves having fallen from the branches, the summer flowers all dead apart from the occasional fuchsia hanging on to those final frost-free days.  A relief too, that the grass no longer is in need of the twice a week cutting.

I thought how clever nature is knowing that to produce its best, it needs a time to rest. Very soon under the soil new shoots will be forming and the spring daffodils will cover our hedges with their yellow bloom. As they disappear summer draws near with all its glory only to disappear once more, and rest time begins again.

There is a message for me here and perhaps, for some listeners too. We also need a time to rest and take stock of things so that in our fruitful times we produce the best.

In the Christian calendar Advent and Lent have got to be those times when we evaluate, we pray, and we prepare. Advent began as November drew to a close, not the time to be over-busy with no time to spare, but the time to slow down, prepare ourselves to once again, thank God for the precious gift of his Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.



SATURDAYS 4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

Please check in Lifeline for changes during December

SUNDAY     10.30 a.m. Holy Communion in the Minster                           

CHURCH @ 4 There will be a break during Advent.  Further details will be in Lifeline, when available.


MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.

After the December Praise which is on the 16th December we are looking for volunteers to stay behind and help our new Associate Vicar Rob prepare for the Christingle  service by making 100 Christingles! Even if you can only give a short time this would be really appreciated. Thank you!


There are leaflets at the back of the church or details on our website of all the Christmas services and events. Please make sure you are up to date as we would love to see you in the Minster.


Largely due to the success of the vaccination programme, hospitalisations and deaths remain at a much lower level than at similar points during the pandemic. However, the continuation of this will be dependent on a good uptake of booster vaccinations. We encourage everyone to be vaccinated, to keep washing their hands clean, to respect social distancing, and use face-coverings when distancing is not possible. Lastly if you or someone in your family has symptoms, please stay away until you have tested.

SUNDAY 12th December

During the Eucharist service Bishop  Alison will be confirming five candidates: Christopher Fear, Tony Boynton, Anne-Marie Boynton, David Benn and Imad Abdul Satar. Please pray for these people as they grow in their journey of faith.

At 2 p.m. 12th December there is a candle lighting service. This service is for those who have been bereaved through the loss of a child.

MONDAY 13th December

Shoppers’ Carols Take a break from the Christmas shopping and join us at the Minster at 12 30 for readings and carols. This is the 75th Shoppers’ Carol service to be held at the Minster so let’s keep the tradition strong. Service followed by refreshments.



John Godber company present ‘A CHRISTMAS CAROL’ two performances 7:30 and 9:30pm.

CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL in aid of the Lord Mayor’s charities will be held in Hull Minster from the 1st to the 11th December.


It is extremely important that everyone is welcomed into the Minster over the Christmas period whether this be for a service, a concert, or just for a visit. We are also desperate for operators to work the power point during our services. If you think this message applies to you, please give your details to one of the team. Thank you!


The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10a.m. 4 p.m. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these time


Thank you to everyone who has responded to the request to help with keeping the Minster warm this winter. The pledges to date have been significant in value and we are well on the way to meeting the required amount. The significant value hides the fact that the number of donors is small, and we thank them for their generosity. We are blessed to have members in the congregation who can afford to make significant donations, but the financial needs of our church are a responsibility we all carry and need to share more widely. We are a fortunate church in so many ways and our warm welcome to friends, visitors and those who seek comfort is one of our greatest blessings. So, if you are one of the many who have heard the request but have not yet pledged, and are able to do so, please help us. If you are able to pledge support weekly, monthly or a one-off amount please contact Iain Ogilvie (Churchwarden) on Iain@hullminster.org or 07808891988

BIBLE STUDIES will continue in January 2022. Lifeline will have further details when they are available.

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4 pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these time


The Minster Christmas cards are selling very quickly so grab yours as soon as you can. Packets of five are only £4.50. The tree decorations are selling fast. We will not be ordering anything new before Christmas so come & have a look at the lovely range of cards & gifts.  Sue McGaw Buying Team Coordinator. 


A plea from Becky Dexter the small group of crafters would love others to join them. An opportunity not only to be creative but to make new friends. If you don’t know who Becky is, please ask in the Minster and one of us will put you in touch with her.


Sentamu Academy are looking for people to get involved with the Celebrating Life mentors’ scheme, supporting the work of Rev Anne Richards in Archbishop Sentamu Academy.

You don’t need any previous experience to volunteer, just a commitment to a couple of hours a week on Thursday mornings and a heart for making a difference to a young person.


God for whom we watch and wait,

You sent John the Baptist to prepare the way of your Son;

Give us courage to speak the truth,

To hunger for justice,

And to suffer for the cause of right,

With Jesus Christ our Lord



Canticle       Isaiah 12:2-end    

Zephaniah   3:14-end                                  

Philippians 4:4-7

Luke 3:7-18


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.