Minster Lifeline #48

30th November 2021

I have just broken off writing Christmas cards to prepare this weeks Lifeline. I know that once December starts church life becomes very hectic, yet at the same time it is Advent, and it is important that we make changes to our daily routine giving time to prayer and readings. I personally do enjoy Compline and throughout Advent I will make a point of saying compline every evening instead of only ‘sometimes’.

There are, of course lots of prayers and material online so I hope that you can find something that helps you to escape the busyness of the season and give time over to God as we prepare to welcome our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Writing for us this week is John Patrick – to know more read on:

I am very grateful to have been asked to write this article for Minster Lifeline.

First, who am I?  Well, like many over the past two years, life has changed a great deal: until recently I was Subdean of Lincoln Cathedral, Canon Pastor and responsible for its fabric and had oversight of the £16m Lincoln Cathedral Connected Project. During my ten years at the cathedral, I worked with a colleague, Dr Anne Irving, who was the Cathedral’s Fund-Raising Officer and then Connected Programme Manager. Recently, we chose to leave the cathedral, set up our own Heritage Consultancy Business, and use our knowledge and expertise helping churches and other heritage organisations. One such church is Hull Minster.

So, it could be said that we’re the hired hands! Being a hired hand is not always a form of praise, not least in some readings of scripture. Take John 10 as a starter:

The hired hand runs away because a hired hand does not care for the sheep (John 10.13).

The hired help in the Parable of the Wicked Tenants (the clue is in the title!) remove the owner’s agents, including his son whom they murder (Matthew 21.33-46); and in the parable of The Labourers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20.1-16) all the hired hands do is take the money and grumble. Oh dear, consultants do not come out well in the parables!

However, I’d like to think that that is not the whole story. In the parables, and elsewhere, Jesus employs - to great effect - Jewish Hyperbole, exaggeration if you like, to make his point. These are caricatures not accurate characterisations. So, it’s worth remembering that alongside these stories the main thrust of the Gospel Message is that we all have a role to play in bringing in God’s Kingdom. Looking at past contributions to this series of articles, it’s clear that so many people have helped, or been helped, by Hull Minster over the years, not least during these last difficult months. Some have been part of the Minster’s life for many years, others for a much shorter period, but all have had a role, and played a part in the ongoing life and ministry of this great parish church.

 Coming from the “outside” has the advantage that you can bring a different perspective and, as I know all too well, that when you’re in the midst of something it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see what is being achieved. Indeed, it’s all too easy to be overly self-critical, wishing that more could be done, and conscious of what is not being done. As the Prayer Book confession says, “We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; And we have done those things which we ought not to have done; And there is no health in us.”

But what has been immediately striking is the sheer amount and variety of healthy, and life-giving events and activities are taking place within Hull Minster. Along with the daily round of worship there is much to enjoy and be celebrated. On our first visit to we were greeted warmly and welcomed (thank you, Revd. Irene!) at the beautiful west entrance and (even at a time when lockdown was only gently easing) there was a buzz of activity and accompanying excitement within the nave. Since that first visit there has usually been something going on: The Gaia Event, Beer Festival, lectures, open days, Tower Tours, History Tours, Exhibitions, and Cultural Events. Now there are Advent Services, preparations for Christmas continue apace and the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Tree Festival is about to commence! These events enhanced, enriched, and made possible by faithful clergy, capable lay leadership, and, not forgetting, the marvellous choir and musical life of the Minster.

Behind the scenes you soon begin to realise that the work continues apace: from pastoral support to fund raising; financial management to arranging events; from managing significant building contracts to day-to day maintenance of the building; from PCC Planning Days to social engagement; and from working with the local community to planning diocesan services and activities. Again, the list can go on and on. Hull Minster is a busy place, achieving much!

The Revd. Canon John Patrick
Director IPC Ltd.

A great deal of what is achieved falls, perhaps inevitably, on the shoulders of a few, ably assisted by volunteers, friends, and people of goodwill all motivated by the desire that Hull Minster should be a thriving church, Kingdom Building, and moving into God’s future.

We are now in the season of Advent, a time of waiting, of anticipation and excitement as we expect the birth of the Babe of Bethlehem, Emmanuel, God in the here and now. We prepare ourselves for Christ’s coming amongst us; and by word and deed we also walk alongside others, preparing together, to celebrate the Incarnation, the wonder of God’s coming into the world in the person of Jesus Christ. In that we all have a role to play, even the hired hands!

The Revd. Canon John Patrick
Director IPC Ltd.



SATURDAYS 4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

Please check in Lifeline for changes during December

Evening Prayer 4th December at 5 p.m.


SUNDAY     10.30 a.m. Holy Communion in the Minster                           

CHURCH @ 4 There will be a break during Advent.  Further details will be in Lifeline, when available.


MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.

After the December Praise which is on the 16th December we are looking for volunteers to stay behind and help our new Associate Vicar Rob prepare for the Christingle  service by making 100 Christingles! Even if you can only give a short time this would be really appreciated. Thank you!


There are leaflets at the back of the church or details on our website of all the Christmas services and events. Please make sure you are up to date as we would love to see you in the Minster.

SATURDAY 4th December

Christmas Concert by Hull Minster choir and guest poet Vicky Foster 7 30 p.m.


SUNDAY 5th December

City of Hull Band in the Minster at 6 30 p.m.


WEDNESDAY 8th December


Everyone is very welcome to come along this Wednesday at 7pm for the welcoming of the Revd Robert SueKarran as Associate Vicar. Unfortunately, due to delays in work on their house Rob, Hannah and their son Ruben will not be moving to Hull until January. Rob will have particular responsibility for Mission, volunteers, and visitors to the Minster. We very much look forward to welcoming Rob and his family to the team. Rob's usual day off will be Monday. I am told there is cake!


Largely due to the success of the vaccination programme, hospitalisations and deaths remain at a much lower level than at similar points during the pandemic. However, the continuation of this will be dependent on a good uptake of booster vaccinations. We encourage everyone to be vaccinated, to keep washing their hands clean, to respect social distancing, and use face-coverings when distancing is not possible. Lastly if you or someone in your family has symptoms, please stay away until you have tested.

SUNDAY 12th December

There will be 5 candidates being confirmed during the morning Eucharist. We are delighted that Bishop Alison will be joining us.


At 2 p.m. 12th December there is a candle lighting service. This service is for those who have been bereaved through the loss of a child.

CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL in aid of the Lord Mayor’s charities will be held in Hull Minster from the 1st to the 11th December.


It is extremely important that everyone is welcomed into the Minster over the Christmas period whether this be for a service, concert or just for a visit. We are also desperate for operators to work the power point during our services. If you think this message applies to you, please give your details to one of the team. Thank you!


Thank you to everyone who has responded to the request to help with keeping the Minster warm this winter. The pledges to date have been significant in value and we are well on the way to meeting the required amount. The significant value hides the fact that the number of donors is small, and we thank them for their generosity. We are blessed to have members in the congregation who can afford to make significant donations, but the financial needs of our church are a responsibility we all carry and need to share more widely. We are a fortunate church in so many ways and our warm welcome to friends, visitors and those who seek comfort is one of our greatest blessings. So, if you are one of the many who have heard the request but have not yet pledged, and are able to do so, please help us. If you are able to pledge support weekly, monthly or a one-off amount please contact Iain Ogilvie (Churchwarden) on Iain@hullminster.org or 07808891988

BIBLE STUDIES will continue in January 2022. Lifeline will have further details when they are available.

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4 pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these time


The Minster Christmas cards are selling very quickly so grab yours as soon as you can. Packets of five are only £4.50. The tree decorations are selling fast. We will not be ordering anything new before Christmas so come & have a look at the lovely range of cards & gifts.  Sue McGaw Buying Team Coordinator. 


A plea from Becky Dexter the small group of crafters would love others to join them. An opportunity not only to be creative but to make new friends. If you don’t know who Becky is, please ask in the Minster and one of us will put you in touch with her.


Sentamu Academy are looking for people to get involved with the Celebrating Life mentors’ scheme, supporting the work of Rev Anne Richards in Archbishop Sentamu Academy.

You don’t need any previous experience to volunteer, just a commitment to a couple of hours a week on Thursday mornings and a heart for making a difference to a young person.



Almighty God, purify our hearts and minds,

that when your Son Jesus Christ comes again

as judge and saviour

we may be ready to receive him,

who is our Lord and our God.




Canticle Benedictus       

Malachi       3:1-4                              

Philippians 1:3-11

Luke3: 1-6


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.