20 OCTOBER 2021
We are delighted that part of the money from the sale of the sports clothing at Adelaide school has bought plants for each of the classrooms, and other areas in the school. The Deputy Head has sent the following words and pictures of the distribution around the school. “We gave out twenty-six plants in assembly last Friday. The children were very excited and thought of lots of people and places in school that should receive one. Consequently, we now have plants in all classrooms, most of the offices, the staff room, the dinner hall; and the caretaker was given one to take to his room.
We talked to the children about responsibility and the importance of taking care of something. They knew that to keep the plant healthy it needed light and water, but we also spoke about them giving it a name and even singing it a song!
Thank you very much for providing us with these plants. I hope you will be in to see them soon.”
Plants are a real source of well-being, and the children are being encouraged to look after and nurture these plants so that they bring brightness to the classrooms.
Becky Dexter has written for Lifeline this week. Although Becky finishes her piece with ‘the rest is history’ I would like to point out that Becky is a valuable member of Hull Minster family, she heads up the crafters, knitters, prayer shawl ministry and is part of the pastoral team. Thank you, Becky……
Hello, I’m Becky, I moved to Yorkshire about 35 years ago and now call it home. After a few traumatic events I suddenly found myself alone with a sick baby and a toddler, with no family and a few friends. After struggling for some years and getting deeper into confusion and loss I decided I had to do something to improve my well-being. I retrained for a new career and started my own business, and I went to my local church. The church was cold, damp, and uninviting, but I persevered, I was about to give up one day when a lovely new vicar arrived Rev. Kate Goulder, I met Rev. Irene, who wasn’t a reverend at the time! I joined an enquirers group and knew I was in the right place. I suddenly felt like my life made sense and through God found strength I did not know I had. For many years, with the Lord and their support I raised my boys.
Both Rev. Kate and Rev. Irene left my local church after a few years, and that church started going in a direction I wasn’t happy about, despite my love of the Lord I had to find somewhere else to worship him, at the same time as looking after two teenage boys, one of whom was still unwell. I home schooled my youngest son for a year and with God’s help he caught up academically. However, after missing church for so long my well-being began to fail particularly after being diagnosed with a debilitating illness. I clearly needed to lean on the Lord again and find good fellowship. This is when I walked into Hull Minster... and the rest as they say is history. I am now very content living alone with my black lab as a companion and both of my boys are happy and employed and we are very close. I am still very much a heart Christian (rather than head, or both), and enjoy prayer a great deal.
Children and Families…
LLittle Fishes baby & toddler group, 10am in the Minster Nave on Fridays, email mandy@hullminster.org or just show up
SATURDAYS 4pm 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer
SUNDAY 10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster
We continue to explore different ways of producing a recorded service for a Sunday morning online. Still experiencing a few issues but we will keep trying!
CHURCH @ 4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service.
WELCOMERS REQUIRED if you think meeting and greeting people in the Minster may be something that you would enjoy doing before and/or after our Sunday services please let a team member know. We will arrange to meet with all who are interested to discuss what is required. This is a very important part of our ministry at the Minster! Thank you
MINSTER PRAISE IS BACK – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.
PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times.
The Christmas stock will be out for sale from Wednesday 20th October. Some orders are taking a while to arrive, but this means that new things will keep appearing over the next few weeks. We have some lovely children’s books coming from Lion Publishing that we’re very excited about. Lots of new jewellery & Fair-Trade items, tree decorations and Advent calendars. We are working hard to bring you a new Minster Christmas card, taken this year from the Nativity Window in the North Transept. At soon as we have a copy, I will put it in the Lifeline so that orders can be taken. We are also planning to stock some nice Christian Christmas cards. I will be in church for the morning service on Sunday 24 October to open for just 15 minutes after if anyone would like anything from the Shop. Please feel free to contact me anytime relating to the Shop on email shop@hullminster.org
Sue McGaw, Buying Team Co-ordinator
There will be a celebration of Maisie’s life in the Minster on Friday 13th November at 2 p.m. The family hope this will be an opportunity for them and friends to come together and give thanks for her long life.
If you have any stories or anecdotes about Maisie, please contact Rev Irene or Maisie’s daughter Anne.
Hull Art Circle exhibition is on display in the northeast side of the Minster
The Heritage Volunteering group
If you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at jane@hullminster.org Click here for full details.
Exploring Hull Minsters medieval stained-glass FREE, 2-hour Family workshop At Hull Minster Saturday Oct 23rd, 2021 Sessions: 10am to 12pm, 1pm to 3pm Aged 8yrs+, Limited places.
Click link to book:
Click photo for full details:
On Remembrance Sunday 14th November we will be reading out, in the Minster, all the names from within the Golden Book. This will begin at 12:30pm and if you are willing to read a section of names, please contact Dave Allum 07856 942067
BIBLE STUDIES The Minster Bible Study has begun a new series for the Autumn on Jacob. This is on zoom so do join in if you are able. 7:30pm every Wednesday evening.
Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,500 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer, and start shopping. It is that simple! Get started today!
Shop online with Give as you Live Online and raise a money for PCC of The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Hull the simple way.
Blessed Lord, who caused all holy scriptures
to be written for our learning;
help us so to hear them,
to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them,
that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy word,
we may embrace and for ever hold fast
the hope of everlasting life,
which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ
This Month’s Prayer Diary
Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.