Minster Lifeline #45

9 November 2021


If you visit the north aisle of the Minster in the next couple of weeks you will see that once again Martin Waters has provided a very thoughtful poppy drift.

This display commemorates 100 years of the British Legion

Martin invites people to bring their own poppies and lay them on top of his work to create a larger collaborative piece.

He added: "These installations are in response to my feelings towards war and remembrance. I wanted to create something large enough to describe the immense empathy people have towards those killed in or as a result of war and conflict past and present, including civilians.”

I remember part of a prayer that read:

“Continually remind us, Lord, that it is not peace lovers who are blessed but peacemakers”

In a world of ever-increasing conflicts remind us that we are those who need to strive as peacemakers.

Sadly, Mandy will be leaving Hull Minster this weekend to begin her new position in fostering care. She writes for us now:

Anyone else struggle with goodbyes? I do! So, when Irene asked me to write for this week’s lifeline, I wasn’t sure what I would write. You see I’m still processing the fact that I will be leaving my job at Hull Minster at the end of next week (19th Nov), and while I am excited and up for the challenge of my new job, I will be very sad to not be working with all the wonderful families that I have become so fond of during my time at the Minster.

I started my role at the Minster in January 2020, excited and nervous to be working at such a large church and it was go, go, go, right from the start with meetings, Sunday sessions, and planning a huge Teddy Bears picnic as well as a ‘Come and See’ weekend event. The ‘Come and See’ event in March kicked off with an evening with the then Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, and finished with a day of family activities in the Minster. Unfortunately, the world was heading into a pandemic crisis that our generation had never experienced before, and the week after this event we, along with every other church in the country, had to close our doors and work from home!

What followed next was a time of great uncertainty as well as a test of everyone’s creativity to find new ways to minister to our church family and keep them connected. For myself, this meant leading our Little Fishes toddler group (thank you to Rachel Turner and Rev Irene) and family activities via Zoom, making numerous calls each week, and setting up a WhatsApp group to keep parents connected.

After a nine-week Furlough I was brought back to work to develop my technical skills to be able to man the Tech desk for online services (socially distanced of course) and to produce and publish weekly Lifelines onto our website. As my job was funded, it was safe at that time, but with dwindling revenue it was sad to say goodbye to colleagues we knew and loved.

One of the highlights of this difficult time was getting to lead an online Alpha course alongside Dan Broom (before he left) and Kat Cross, where we spent a couple of hours each week helping people explore faith whilst also reconnecting in new ways to our Heavenly Father. This course kept all our spirits up and was a real joy to be part of, especially when it led to three people making the commitment to follow Jesus and being confirmed at the Minster on Easter Saturday 2021. Praise the Lord, who’s Spirit can work through any circumstance!

As restrictions lifted our toddler group met for ‘play in the park’ sessions whenever we could, and I was also able to host covid secure Family craft sessions and socially distanced Sunday sessions for children and young people again. The Minster opened back up for in person services and we gained a new Vicar, Rev Dominic Black and whilst some families were still staying home to keep safe it was a privilege to be part of a rota that provided chaplaincy services to many people throughout Hull as they came to our chancel to light candles and receive personal prayer.

The latter half of this year has seen all restrictions lift and we now have our toddler group back in person each week, two Sunday sessions for children and families as well as a new venture of Girls Brigade up and running in the Minster. Alongside Lauren Jeffries and Sarah Martin (who is providing maternity cover for Lauren), we host Girls Brigade each Tuesday evening for girls aged 7-11yrs old and provide a space for girls to come to know more about Jesus and have fun and fellowship. I have found great joy in helping lead these sessions and feel it is of utmost importance to continue this great mission so I will continue to be a leader for 1st Hull Girls Brigade as a volunteer after I part. Thanks also go to Jill Harpham, Ellie Hardy and Gill Alden for being volunteer helpers.

So, you see, as much as we may all struggle with goodbyes, because goodbyes mean change, we must remember how far we have come in the last two years. How much we have overcome as a church family, and how much we can all still play a part in the Mission of Hull Minster to the city of Hull!

It has been good to look back on the highlights of my time at the Minster, but also to look forward to seeing how things develop for Children, Youth and Family ministry going forward. With the appointment of Rev Rob Suekarran as associate Vicar and ministry lead for CYF I’m sure things will continue to grow, and my prayer is that the whole church family gets involved in helping with this most important ministry in the meantime, and after Rev Rob’s start at the beginning of December.

Thank you to all who have welcomed me and supported me over the last two years and for now, instead of saying ‘Goodbye’ as that seems so final, I will instead say ‘See you soon’ as I will from time to time be around for Girls Brigade parade and dedication services. Please continue to pray for everyone involved with CYF ministry as well as the leadership team at the Minster.

Blessings, Mandy x


SATURDAYS 4pm 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

SUNDAY                 10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster


We continue to explore different ways of producing a recorded service for a Sunday morning online. Still experiencing a few issues but we will keep trying!

CHURCH @ 4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service.


MINSTER PRAISE IS BACK – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.


On Remembrance Sunday 14th November we will be reading out, in the Minster, all the names from within the Golden Book. This will begin at 12:30pm and if you are willing to read a section of names, please contact Dave Allum 07856 942067

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times.


There will be a celebration of Maisie’s life in the Minster on Friday 12th November at 2pm. The family hope this will be an opportunity for them and friends to come together and give thanks for her long life.

If you have any stories or anecdotes about Maisie, please contact Rev Irene or Maisie’s daughter Anne.

WELCOMERS REQUIRED if you think meeting and greeting people in the Minster may be something that you would enjoy doing before and/or after our Sunday services please let a team member know. We will arrange to meet with all who are interested to discuss what is required. This is a very important part of our ministry at the Minster! Thank you.

The Heritage Volunteering group

If you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at jane@hullminster.org Click here for full details.


A plea from Becky Dexter the small group of crafters would love others to join them. An opportunity not only to be creative but to make new friends. If you don’t know who Becky is, please ask in the Minster and one of us will put you in touch with her.


Minster Christmas Card. 

The Minster Christmas Card is now in stock on the Minster Shop. Single card £1 or packets of 5 for £4.50. The image is taken from the Nativity Harbord window in the North Transept. The greeting inside reads “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”.

Sue McGaw, Buying Team Co-ordinator

CHURCH HEATING Thank you to the wardens and operations team that have worked hard to get a temporary heating system fitted in the Minster for this winter. Success! It made such a difference over the weekend both for the craft fayre and café on Saturday and the worship on Saturday and Sunday. However, this if costly, any donations to help keep the Minster warm this winter would be appreciated.

BIBLE STUDIES The Minster Bible Study has begun a new series this week entitled ‘What is Praise’. This is on zoom so do join in if you are able. 7:30pm every Wednesday evening.


Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,500 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer, and start shopping. It is that simple! Get started today!

Shop online with Give as you Live Online and raise a money for PCC of The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Hull the simple way.



Psalms 16

Daniel 12:1-3                                     

Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25

Mark 13:1-8


Heavenly Lord,

you long for the world’s salvation:

stir us from apathy,

restrain us from excess

and revive in us new hope

that all creation will one day be healed

in Jesus Christ our Lord


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.