Minster Lifeline 32

Rev. Irene writes:

Apologies to all our friends that receive the Lifeline through the post. No Lifeline was sent out last week as both myself and Val were smitten by the Covid virus and feeling very unwell!

It was great to be back in the Minster again yesterday, in time to join with around eighty people to hear the lunchtime concert – Vox Trinitas: Of All The Byrds - performed by eight members of the church choir.

The light-hearted selection of animal songs ranged from the Renaissance onwards and was well received by all.




If you would like to be prepared for the autumn term, why not read through Ruth and the wonderful story of God working in her life.

Online: hullminster.org/teaching 7:30 p.m.

ALPHA will be recommencing in September so please let Rev. Rob know if you are interested in participating.


Welcome café last week was in the first week of the school summer holidays and we had lots of families visiting, enjoying the heritage activities but also the giant Jenga! It stood out how many people said they did not know the Minster had so much to offer families and they almost universally used the word ‘Welcome’ in their description of their experience.  One lovely lady said she felt as she entered the Minster she was wrapped in a blanket of welcome. What a lovely image. Our wonderful welcomers make it so easy to come through the door and the Welcome Café adds so much to the service a Minster is intended to offer. I realise I have used the word ‘welcome’ a lot, but I promise you it is the right word to use! Please come and join us on any Thursday between 10.30am and 3pm for coffee, tea and a warm Welcome. Soup served from 12ish.

From 12:30 soup will be served and drinks throughout the afternoon until 3 p.m.


It is great to have ReNew and Hull City Council present during our Welcome Café held every Thursday in the Minster. These groups are there to help anyone with concerns or queries.

I must emphasise that this is available in the same way the Welcome Cafe and Listening Space are: to absolutely everyone.  That means you, your friends, family members, and even those who walk into the church for the very first time.

If you have any questions about either of these two organisations, or how you could be part of the Welcome Cafe and Listening Space team, please don’t hesitate to ask either Rev Irene or Tim.

TEDDY BEARS PICNIC only one week to go. Come along to join in the fun or lend a helping hand. More details from Rev. Irene 07711996519 or Shirley.


Our latest addition was well received on Thursday both by the children and the adults. Keep your eyes peeled you’ll be seeing parachute games taking place at many Minster activities. Thanks to the Henry Smith Fund for helping us to purchase this!


Three girls from 1st Hull went to Hull & East Yorkshire District Girls Brigade camp at the end of July. (There were approximately thirty-five of us altogether) Aurora and I went as well. It was their first time away with Girls' Brigade. We had a wonderful time together. On Friday evening we shared a lovely meal and got to know the girls from other groups and settled into our rooms. On Saturday we went to Flamingo Land, splitting into those who liked fast rides and those who did. They were very daring. I heard lots of screams. Some of the girls I was with went on the car ride, wagon wheel wide and helicopters ride. Aurora and I went on the wagon wheel ride, it was great to see the views across the park. After lunch Auora and I went for a walk around the zoo with the hope of Aurora having a nap... it never happened. 

We met up with some of the group and had a walk around the animals and fishes which was lovely. Aurora was animated watching the fishes and enjoyed showing me and the other girls them. After our train ride around the park, we met up with the rest of the group and whilst some were spending in the shop, we watched the pirate show and got squirted with more water. It was great fun.  

We went to Ings Park Alpacas on the Sunday. The girls had the opportunity to walk and feed alpacas, sheep, and goats. We learned how to care and look after them and choose the alpacas we wanted to walk. Some alpacas needed a little encouragement to keep walking, but it was all part of the fun and the girls got to take them over little jumps (over logs.) It was a bit wet, but they still had a fabulous time. The girls and staff helped to look after and entertain Aurora, especially whilst I was fighting to get her crib back in the roof box of the car! 

They were honestly amazing, and I am so proud of them all but especially the girls (Hollie, Alice and Risa) from 1st Hull. They all got on, made friendships and were present in the moment. It was a great opportunity for our girls to meet others locally in Girls Brigade, increase their independence and celebrate 130 Years of Girls Brigade being present and enriching girls’ lives and making a positive difference to "Seek, Serve and Follow Christ."

Friday night candlelit concert in the Minster


·         Please pray for Jane Owen and her family as Jane is ill in hospital.

·         For those we know who are sick or bereaved or awaiting hospital procedures, for healing and comfort.

·         For all who have been caught up in wildfires around the world. For those who have lost loved ones and their homes. For help in rebuilding broken lives.

·         For all those living as Christians in Manipur who are suffering. Particularly for Kamsat and his ministry there.

·         For all receiving exam results, for those celebrating and for those coping with disappointment.


God of constant mercy, who sent your Son to save us,

remind us of your goodness, increase your graces within us,

that our thankfulness may grow

through Jesus Christ our Lord AMEN


Psalm 124

Isaiah 51:1-6

Romans 12:1-8

Matthew 16:13-20