Minster Lifeline 9/2025

This week Revd. Irene writes:

The angel display in the Minster at present reminds me of the Christmas carol  ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’. I have never seen so many angels gathered together bringing hope to people here and around the world.

Our 600 angels have now reached well over 800 and just this week one was sent to Australia and one to Bali.

Many angels are being returned to the church and mounted on a display board with messages of hope. Others are being kept by people to have in their own homes as a reminder of Jesus’ love for us.

During Lent we reflect on the hope that Jesus brings us as he enters Jerusalem and meets the death which brings the offer of hope and freedom to all people.

Our scripture last Sunday gave the image of Jesus as the Mother hen willing to protect all people just like the hen gathers her chicks under her wing. (Luke 13. 31-end) The verses also refer to the fox, wily and cunning.

Are we willing to allow Jesus to protect us and be his children or are we the fox out to destroy that wonderful offer of forgiveness and protection?


Although we had a few girls missing on Tuesday,  you wouldn't have realised it from the boisterous game of “Doctor, Doctor”!  I was surprised to learn they didn't know how to play it, so we got tangled up and shouted for the doctor to untangle us. Stretching is good for the soul! After our games we went in crafts, Viktoria had prepared scrunchies for the girls to start making this will be a project over the next few weeks. We are so thankful that Betty very kindly came back to help us, as my sewing skills are minimal! The girls did amazingly and took to sewing brilliantly, others needed a little help, but we are looking forward to attaching the elastic next week. Rob came to visit this week, and it was great to hear how we are all good and made in the image of God, we are not born bad (like the good and bad side of the material for the scrunchies) but sometimes we can make bad choices and we either need to try and forgive and/or be forgiven. With Jesus' amazing example and a wonderful reminder when we are saying the lord's prayer. With God's help we can! Blessings, Lauren 


It is still a little way off Easter Sunday but Fiona our flower lady is planning the flowers for the Easter festival.

“I would like the church full of colourful spring flowers this Easter but like everything else the cost of flowers has risen a lot, although they are never cheap at Easter, but the prices of foliage has really gone up.  So I’m asking if anyone wo has a garden with greenery that is suitable for flower arranging if they could spare a bit and bring it into church on the morning of Wednesday 9th April.  This would give me a chance to sort through and then see what else I would need.

I’m looking for Forsythia, Leyland conifer, Choisya, privet, Eucalyptus and Phormium.  The long the stems the better.  Thank you.”



You are warmly invited to our second session of BRICK CHURCH on Saturday 5th April at 10am, this time thinking about the Easter story. 
We eat breakfast together, and build a bible story using Lego or Minecraft. (Your own device is needed for Minecraft with Minecraft: Play with Friends already installed.) 
Children need to be accompanied by an adult - and it's not just for children. The adults had great fun with the Lego last time! 
If you would like to come, please sign up so we can see how many to cater for - you can also give your preference for food. The link is below, and includes photos from the last Brick Church: 


Another 125 angels ready to be yarn bombed! That makes 870 tagged, and 511(that I know about), already on their way. On Thursday Irene took one for Bali and one for Australia, Jon took four to the Guildhall, Therese took twenty for St Georges Primary school, Olga took thirty to the Ukrainian lunch and fifty went up to the Paragon Pod. The net is up in the Minster for the returned ones to be displayed after one of the Vicars have read the prayer on the back, there is a box in the Chancel to drop them in ready for the Vicars blessing.


It was good to meet up with old and new faces this week, with everyone chatting and delighted to see Millie, Craig’s special dog.  She really does help to break down barriers

Thank You for Your GivingT

The Clergy, Finance Team and PCC would like to say THANK YOU!

Thank you to each person that gives, without our giving we could not keep Hull Minster open and do all that we do in the Minster, local community, schools, and the city. It costs around £1,000 a day to run the Minster, and every penny is raised locally through our giving, grants, the café, shop, and events.

Over the past year we have been blessed with a significant legacy, success with grant applications and a good year with Holy Trinity Trading which runs the shop, café, and events. This means Hull Minster’s finances are improving.

At the heart of our finances are the gifts that people in our congregations give each week as part of our worship and discipleship.

“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not regretfully or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

How to give

·         The Parish Giving scheme is the best way to give, so if you are not already signed up, please consider doing so, you decide how much you want to give and if you pay tax PGS claims the gift aid of an extra 25% on behalf of Hull Minster. You can sign up here: https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/donors/find-your-parish/hull-minster-hull/

·         If you prefer to give cash on the plate on Sundays, please remember to use a gift aid envelope so we can claim an extra 25% in gift aid. We are currently missing out on significant amounts when cash gifts are not given using gift aid. You don’t need to fill in the details each time, once you’ve signed up you just need to write your name on the envelope each time you give.

Thank you for your giving, and may you have a blessed Lent. Heather


On Wednesday, the Bishop of Hull blessed our new offices at Carmelite House.  This is in the estate of Trinity House on the same site as, the once, Carmelite Monastery (The Whitefriars – hence ‘Whitefriargate’).


If you have something written or photographs that you think should be in Lifeline, please send them to Val: valfotherby@gmail.com preferably by Friday.  Pictures in jpg format please.


If you wish to be able to take part and vote in the Annual Meeting, or the PCC, you need to be on the Electoral Roll.  This must be done before the Annual Meeting.  Forms are in the back of the Church, near the welcome desk.  Please, if you have not already, consider signing up and becoming a more active member of the church.


Eternal God, give us insight to discern your will for us, to give up what harms us, and to seek the perfection we are promised   in Jesus Christ our Lord



Psalm 63:1-9

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Luke 13:1-9


·         For peace in areas of conflict around the world, especially the Middle East and the situation between, and in, the US and Ukraine.

·         Pray especially for all those children in Ukraine and the Middle East who are going through horrendous suffering.

·         For those in need at this time, that people (ourselves included), will respond to meet those in difficult circumstances.

·         For all those suffering injustices, that they may receive freedom from the burden and suffering that they are undergoing, especially those who are suffering for their faith.  Pray this week for Syria where Christians are being brutally targeted.

·         For all those who come into the Minster seeking help, that God will meet them in their needs.

·         Pray for those receiving the knitted angels that they will be blessed by the prayers that go with them.

·         Pray that we will have the right attitude and be filled with love and concern for those who are struggling in whatever way.  Help us to give willingly for their needs.