This week Revd. Irene writes:
Did you empty your cupboards of flour, eggs, and milk to make delicious pancakes on Shrove Tuesday? Perhaps you had a pancake race like our Girls’ Brigade or even got out the skipping rope as is the tradition in Scarborough and other seaside resorts on the East Coast.
We follow Shrove Tuesday with Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Traditions include burning of the previous year’s Holy Week palms to create ash for Ash Wednesday ‘ashing’ which takes place in many churches. If you came along to either of the Ash Wednesday services at the Communion you would have been offered the mark of the cross on your forehead with the words “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”
Lent is the observance in the Christian calendar that commemorates the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan. This took place before Jesus began his public ministry. It is an opportunity for us to reflect and pray about our relationship with God and about how our ministry may be pleasing to God
We now have over 600 knitted/crocheted angels in the Minster that we need distributing throughout the city. These angels will come with a prayer card attached and the idea is that the recipient of the angel write a prayer on the card and both the angel, and the card are brought into the Minster to be put on display.
This will form part of the HT600 anniversary year, but we need your help to distribute the angels in places the public visit. They need, ideally, to be inside so they don't spoil.
So if you visit places or attend groups and you think you can place or give these wonderful angels a home, please let myself, or Gill Alden know, and we will gladly give you some to take away.
We are not expecting all the angels to come back to the church as people may want to keep them, this is fine.
If you do manage to place any, photographs are always welcome!
The angels can be distributed from 6th March but we ideally need them back by the 1st April.
Many thanks to those who have already taken some. Shirley
And from Gill: This is what 100 angels look like when they are ready to be yarn bombed! The single angel is based on a beautiful bit of knitting done by our very talented verger. So far 670 are tagged ready to go, and there are more waiting for their tags in church. We would happily receive more up until 1st April. Some are already off out to be distributed, if you have any good places you think would like some, let us know and we will try and get some for you.
Image 1: There is no end to Jon’s talents as he brings the angel total t well over 600!
Image 2: Therese and Gill now have the job of adding the prayer cards tothe angels. Make sure you pick up an angel at one of the many places.
Image 3: What a great job Dave! With the help of Glynis and her stitcing skills, the East end is looking great, emphasising the memorial area to be the focus.
You are warmly invited to our second session of BRICK CHURCH on Saturday 5th April at 10am, this time thinking about the Easter story.
We eat breakfast together, and build a bible story using Lego or Minecraft. (Your own device is needed for Minecraft with Minecraft: Play with Friends already installed.)
Children need to be accompanied by an adult - and it's not just for children. The adults had great fun with the Lego last time!
If you would like to come, please sign up so we can see how many to cater for - you can also give your preference for food. The link is below, and includes photos from the last Brick Church:
This half term we are looking at Forgiveness and Approaching Easter. It is giving us space to think about what Easter means, to reflect on the Sacrifice Jesus did for us and think about how we and others do things wrong and how to ask for forgiveness. Hopefully around the church you will some wonderful hearts the girls have made this week entitled "The world needs forgiving hearts." It can be hard to forgive and to say sorry but with the help of God and his guidance we can try to forgive and live more like Jesus. These hearts are just wonderful! Well done girls.
Thank you to the Ann Watson Trust for your wonderful donation of £750 It means so much to our amazing group as it enables our census fees to be paid so we can carry on spreading Jesus' hope and love to all we meet and be a part of this wonderful church community.
It was great night to come to Girls Brigade on Tuesday. Viktoria our new leader spoke about Lent and what happens in Greece. We learned what foods can be eaten during Lent and how the start of Lent is celebrated across different days as the meat is eaten up on a Thursday and the dairy on the Sunday ready for 'clean Monday' when their lent begins. It was interesting to hear what happens in Greece. We also celebrated by learning new facts about shrove Tuesday and having a pancake race. The girls thought about what they may give up for Lent. They all enjoyed eating pancakes and free choice over the fillings. Fruit was offered and some accepted, but the popular choice was chocolate, cream, and of course golden syrup! Thank you to our wonderful leaders who made the night happen! Laure
If you have something written or photographs that you think should be in Lifeline, please send them to Val: preferably by Friday. Pictures in jpg format please.
If you wish to be able to take part and vote in the Annual Meeting, or the PCC, you need to be on the Electoral Roll. This must be done before the Annual Meeting. Forms are in the back of the Church, near the welcome desk. Please, if you have not already, consider signing up and becoming a more active member of the church.
Almighty God, by the power and discipline of Lent may we enter into the mystery of Christ’s sufferings, and by following in his Way may we come to share in his glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord
Psalm 27
Philippians 3:17 – 4:1
Luke 13:31-end
· For peace in areas of conflict around the world, especially the Middle East and the situation between, and in, the US and Ukraine.
· For Europe as they come together to help sort out the situation in Ukraine.
· Pray especially for all those children in Ukraine and the Middle East who are going through horrendous suffering.
· For those in need at this time, that people (ourselves included), will respond to meet those in difficult circumstances.
· For all those suffering injustices, that they may receive freedom from the burden and suffering that they are undergoing, especially those who are suffering for their faith. Pray this week for India in particular, where there have been serious threats against Christians.
· For all those who come into the Minster seeking help, that God will meet them in their needs.
Although our tower tours do not start officially until Wednesday 5th March, we took a family of six up this week. The family were visiting Hull for the day on a trip from Norfolk. Bookings are now being taken for the tours.. All welcome.