Minster Lifeline #33

5 November 2020

Hero image - Prayer for the nation hands.jpg

Rev. Irene writes:

How things can change in one week! I am writing this Lifeline the day before we go into second lockdown which is due to begin today, Thursday. We are all saddened by this; however, we cannot fail to be concerned for our hospital workers, the sheer demand put upon them as they fight to save as many lives as possible.

A letter received from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and the Bishop of London suggests ‘that the Church of England make this month of lockdown a ‘month of prayer’. The letter continues ‘more than anything else, whatever the nation thinks, we know that we are in the faithful hands of the risen Christ who knows our weaknesses, tiredness and struggles and whose steadfast love endures for ever.’

It is our intention that the Minster will stay open for personal prayer on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday each week between 12 noon and 3pm. However, for this to happen it does require several volunteers. We are grateful for all those who have been able to help so far and understand that some may now feel they need to stay at home to keep safe. If you feel you are able to offer any time at all and would be willing to be on a rota to welcome at the door, or see visitors through the church to the area of prayer, please let myself 07711996519 or Al 07708178420 know.

We have had to take the decision to move our toddler group, Little Fishes, back online via zoom. Click here to find the link, this will be weekly on a Friday at 10am from next week, 13th November. (No group this week as Mandy is on annual leave).

There will be no face to face services in the Minster until December however the streamed service will continue at 10am on a Sunday morning. This Sunday our service will include a short act of remembrance. You can access this by clicking here or alternatively watch via our Facebook page or YouTube channel.

We are still awaiting more details around streaming services from the Minster, as soon as we know more we will put information on the website and inform you in the Lifeline if you receive it by post.

REMEMBRANCE 11th November 2020 (Wednesday)

We are going to be open 10:30am to 2pm to allow anyone who wants to find a place a solace and quiet, to come and reflect. Candles will be available to light in memory of loved ones.
It is important that social distancing and other covid-19 precautions are undertaken so if we are too busy, we may ask you to come back at another time. Click here for more details.

The 3:30 pm service which was due to start on Advent Sunday has also been put on hold due to the lockdown so we will keep you informed on progress regarding this service.

This week Al Hutson, our Director of Operations, is writing about how he has ‘kept the plates spinning’ during the hectic, everchanging situation we find ourselves in:


When Rev. Irene asked me to write a piece for this week’s lifeline, she said it would be good for people to hear about how I manage to keep the plates spinning particularly during this time of Covid-19 and all that it brings with it.

I have reflected that I could explain at great lengths about all the various aspects of my role, the long hours, the late nights, the endless meetings, and the constant moving of furniture. But, in reality, that is just the stuff that needs to be done to make Hull Minster happen.

In my working career I have always aimed to work for something I can believe in. My time at M&S was one that I will look back fondly on but with a bitterness that, in the end, I lost the belief in what the brand was turning into.

When the opportunity arose to interview and accept the role here at the Minster, I truly felt God calling me to this place. If I am honest, I have not always thanked God for this move. The work is often hard, frustrating, back breaking, long, and tedious, but more often it is rewarding, fun, different and satisfying.

In one of my first weeks being at the Minster, I was questioning whether I had done the right thing after having discovered the true extent of the job that needed undertaking. As a somewhat non-conformist when it comes to churchmanship I was also questioning why I was here in one of the largest Church of England Parish churches.

Then God did what God does best, which is flattens our perspective, our thoughts and our beliefs and swept the carpet from underneath me.

A young person, late teens, early twenties, came in through the main doors, she was clearly upset and as she came closer towards me, she just dropped to her knees in tears. Not knowing what the exact procedure was, it quickly became apparent that, with no clergy or chaplain around at the time, it was down to me to sort this.

I helped the person up and we ended up praying in the Broadley chapel. She had recently lost her closest friend to suicide, she had problems with drink and drug abuse and she just had “nowhere else to go”

“Nowhere else to go”! that was the thunderbolt moment that I then realised what my job is all about. It is not about spreadsheets, monthly accounts, building works, cleaning schedules or HR policies. My job is to keep the doors open to allow those with ‘nowhere else to go’ to have a place to go to.

The classic Ephesians 12 passage about the church being one body but many parts has always resonated with me. The idea that we all have a part to play and if one part fails it weakens the rest.

I am in a very privileged position to see almost all of what goes on both behind the scenes and on show. We have so many dedicated and hardworking individuals who do so much to keep the body going, I take this opportunity to thank all those that do, all those that pray and all those that give to keep Hull Minster being Hull Minster and to carry on fighting the good fight of faith.

God’s work will never stop, and neither will that of the Minster, thankfully God has given me something to make sure I leave work on time….


P.A. to the Vicar:

A new grant funded position is being recruited to help with capacity over the next 5 months. Click here for more detail


Psalm 70

1 Thessalonians 4:13-end                             

Matthew 25:1-13

The Collect for this week.

God, our refuge, and strength,

bring near the day when wars shall cease

and poverty and pain shall end,

that earth may know the peace of heaven

through Jesus Christ our Lord  


November Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the month of November can be found here.