“When you go home Tell them of us and say For your tomorrow We gave our today”
— John Maxwell Edmonds
Hull Minster has always had strong connections with local armed force and military organisations. The North Choir Aisle of the church is adorned with standards of old battalions and memorials to those who have fallen in the many wars throughout history.
Remembrance Sunday
Join us at 10:30 for our remembrance themed holy communion service.
At 12:30 we will read the names from our Golden Book. There are over 2500 names in the book and these are only the ones that are known.
11th November
We will be obseerving the minutes silence at 11am with prayers being said afterwards.
We will be open for all those who need a space to reflect and remember, perhaps lighting a candle as a prayer.
Hull Choral Union will be playing a special concert at 730pm.
We are so privileged to have a partnership with this amazing local artist. This year Martin will be celebrating 100 years of the Royal British Legion with an installation called ‘Lest We Forget’ For more information about Martin please visit his website www.martin-waters.co.uk