23 September 2020
BBaptismal Font and Evie Parker’s baptism
Rev. Irene writes:
Last week I was able to share with you the news of the choir singing again, today it is good to share with you that there are two baptisms taking place this week. The first one was 22nd September when Sophie Bow was baptised and on Sunday 27th Adrian Musialowski will be baptised. How great to see that great font that William Wilberforce was baptised in being used again. It is also a first for Rev. Dominic to carry out baptisms at the Minster.
As we are all aware everything is different now and so our usual celebration of Harvest is not able to take place. However, on Sunday we will be celebrating and thanking God for the generous harvest that we receive. We are not able to decorate the church fully this year and are not able to receive gifts in the usual way so we are asking that people make a money offering – plates will be available in the church – or donations can be sent to the office (10a Market Place, Hull, HU1 2JJ) All donations will be given to the local food bank to help those struggling during these difficult times.
More good news, as our morning service time changes to 10:30am from October, Mandy will be offering activities for the children during that service too so do come along and give it a try but please remember to book in beforehand as spaces for Minster Kids are limited. By the beginning of November, we will also be holding a regular 3:30pm service on a Sunday so hopefully, along with the 4 pm on Saturday there will be something to suit everyone. In the meantime, we all pray that the virus will start to decline, and the Minster doors can be open and welcoming for many more hours a week!
This week Heather Black is bringing us up to date on the Mustard Seed Project and a little on how she and the family are settling in on their return to Hull….
"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14
This year has been full of change, things that we have been longing, waiting, and praying for over months or years, suddenly taking shape, and falling into place. I find God’s timing is often like that, sometimes we find ourselves becoming impatient, longing for God to move or change things, and then suddenly the way opens, and we see God’s plan unfold. For me, this year has been another lesson in trusting in God’s time and purposes.
We knew back in January that this was the place that God was calling Dominic to after months of listening and praying. We began preparations to leave our home and parish of 16 years to move and begin a new life in Hull. Then we had the long wait, made even longer by lockdown, and then a sudden flurry of activity as at last we could move, arriving just in time, on the day of Dominic’s licensing. We are settling into our new home, enjoying the wonderful view, and the boys are beginning their new life in college and school. Thank you for your love, prayers and welcome, we are slowly getting to know people and look forward to our new life with you. It has felt like the end of a long journey, and at the same time, the beginning of a whole new adventure!
The same is true for the Mustard Seed programme, which I have the privilege of leading.
Last week saw the beginning of Stepping Up in Hull and Middlesbrough. The end of a long journey that began over three years ago with careful listening to parishes. Clergy and lay people asking for the opportunity for ‘ordinary’ local people to be able to come together to learn and grow in mission in places where ‘life is tough.’
The beginning of a whole new adventure as eleven people came together to form the first Stepping Up learning communities. It has been a joy to begin to get to know each other, share our faith stories and explore how we want to grow through Stepping Up. Being together as a learning community from across churches seems particularly important, and although we may feel small and insignificant rather like the Mustard Seed there is faith and hope about what is going to grow in our lives and communities. Kat Cross from Hull Minster is part of the Hull Stepping Up group, so do chat to her and find out more.
‘When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realised that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished, and they took note that they had been with Jesus.
(Acts 4:13)
Many local people who come to faith may see themselves as just ‘unschooled ordinary people.’ The Stepping Up programme is a movement of courageous ordinary people beginning in Hull and Middlesbrough in September and growing next year in our coastal communities. We will be sharing Stepping Up stories over the coming weeks, so do follow us on social media and the Diocesan website www.dioceseofyork.org.uk/mustardseed, Facebook @DioYorkMustardSeed, Twitter @MustardSeedDofY -Heather Black
Rev Irene concludes:
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 12-3 pm.
WEDNESDAY Holy Communion at 12:30pm. Entry through the north church side door.
This Sunday there will be an online service at 10am and a live service in the Minster at 11:15 am. If you would like to be in the Minster for the service at 11:15am please book a place on-line here or by telephoning the office on 01482 224460.
Sunday morning Holy Communion (Common Worship) will be held at the new time of 10:30am instead of 11:15am. Including Minster Kids group, please book your place.
There will also be a Reflective service every Saturday at 4pm, starting 3rd October with Choral Evensong.
There is now limited parking due to the scaffolding being erected for the building work. Please would people refrain from parking in the square whenever possible. Thank you.
Volunteers still needed. If there is anyone who could offer help on the sound deck for our Sunday morning service, would they please inform one of the team at the Minster. You do not have to have extensive prior knowledge, however willing to be shown by a member of staff. The more volunteers the less frequent you would be required. Thank you.
The Collect for this week.
Lord of creation
whose glory is around and within us:
open our eyes to your wonders,
that we may serve you with reverence
and know your peace at our lives’ end,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
September Prayer Diary
Daily prayer points throughout the month of September can be found here.