16 September 2020
MMinster Choir Practise
Rev. Irene writes:
“Sing to the Lord a new song, sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name, proclaim his salvation day after day.” Psalm 96
Hull Minster came alive to praise God this past Sunday as eight members of our choir led us in worship and praise. At the end of the first hymn the congregation could not resist putting their hands together to show their appreciation at having at least some of our choir do what they do best, praising God through song.
Mark Keith has been working extremely hard in the background to make this happen. The choir are now split into small groups of eight and each week one group will be leading the choral music.
For those who enjoy contemporary style worship there will also be a contemporary song during the service and Mark and others are hoping we can develop this style over the coming months as they work their way around quite stringent regulations for group meetings.
It is also great news that from this week we will see the return of the Wednesday communion service at 12:30pm. This will be held in the chancel. These are small steps but in such a difficult situation it is important that we do not rush into starting things that then have to be cut, unfortunately we are seeing the increase in corona virus case numbers in Hull.
In ‘normal times’ Julia Allum would be holding her art exhibition in the Minster this week however this has now been rescheduled for spring 2021. It is also the time when our Minster Christmas Card is launched. I am pleased that Julia has written a few words for us this week and that we get a preview of the 2020 Christmas card.
TThis year’s Christmas card design
When Revd Irene kindly asked me to produce a piece for Minster Life, I realised that this was an opportunity to thank all those who, over recent months, have produced a weekly on-line service, which has made us feel we were still participating in worship together. It has literally been a Godsend, until we were able to meet again in the Minster. Reading in Minster Life what other members of the church family have been doing over this period of lock-down, made me realise how different life has been for those in our age-group ( 70’s and 80’s). We have not had the worry of losing our jobs and homes, nor the task of helping children with their schoolwork or had to keep lively toddlers cooped up, perhaps in cramped flats with no outside space.
At the beginning of lock-down, Dave and I both appreciated the opportunity to slow down and take a breather, but soon found we missed having a ‘pattern’ to the week; we developed a new way of structuring our days, including a short walk each day, giving us the opportunity to chat to neighbours and strangers in their gardens as we walked by. Many more phone calls and texts were sent, and the occasional letter, to keep in touch with family and friends. So how have I filled my days? To start with, along with lots of my friends, I was like a ‘woman possessed’, determined to clear out every cupboard and drawer in the house and achieve the tidy and well-organised home that I sometimes dreamed of. Perhaps a sock or cutlery drawer had a quick sort before my enthusiasm for domestic perfection faded. Instead, I finished two large jigsaws, read many more books than usual, and helped Dave to decorate the living-room and staircase.
At that point I began to think about my September Art Exhibition in the Minster and the Christmas card which usually goes on sale then. So, I managed to complete several new paintings including the one for this year’s Christmas card, which shows the Minster on a wet, winter evening, with lights shining out, welcoming everyone inside. Sadly, there will not be an Exhibition this month (postponed until the Spring) but the Christmas cards will be on sale in the Minster shop from early October. Please have a look and support the Minster by buying some and telling your friends about them.
Not seeing family members has been difficult to come to terms with but happily, at the beginning of August, we travelled up to Northallerton to celebrate my birthday in a garden party at my daughter’s home. It was so good to see again my son and daughter and their families; all the grandchildren had shot up, towering over me! A real joy, not having seen them since the end of last year. I felt very blessed and am mindful that for many parents with families abroad, their reunions are still on hold. We all hope and pray that better times are not too far away.
Rev Irene concludes:
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 12-3 pm.
FROM THIS WEEK there will be a service of Holy Communion at 12:30pm every WEDNESDAY in the chancel. Entry through the north church side door.
On Sunday there will be an online service at 10am and a live service in the Minster at 11:15 am. If you would like to be in the Minster for the service at 11:15am please book a place on-line here or by telephoning the office on 01482 224460.
*Please note that from October our Sunday morning service will be at the new time of 10:30am and Minster Kids group will be back. Please ensure you book in, so we know to expect you*
From next week there will be limited parking due to the scaffolding being erected for the building work. Please would people refrain from parking in the square whenever possible. Thank you.
Volunteers needed. If there is anyone who could offer help on the sound deck for our Sunday morning service, would they please inform one of the team at the Minster. You do not have to have extensive prior knowledge, however willing to be shown by a member of staff. The more volunteers the less frequent you would be required. Thank you.
The Collect for this week.
Lord God
defend your church from all false teaching
and give to your people knowledge of your truth,
that we may enjoy eternal life
in Jesus Christ, our Lord
September Prayer Diary
Daily prayer points throughout the month of September can be found here.