Minster Lifeline 9 2022

22nd March 2022

Rev. Irene Writes:

Officially spring has arrived! There is something special about this time of year as we see new life in our fields and hedgerows. If you happen to be awake at dawn the chorus of birds singing is so wonderful. It is as though they have a new lease of life, and they want the whole world to hear it!

Yet with this season comes a time of hardship for many who are struggling to make ends meet. Essentials have often become luxuries so it is important for all of us to look out for one another and help in whatever way we can to ease the difficulties for those struggling.

We were delighted to see a good amount of people at our integration café last week, as well as cake and coffee there was great conversations taking place. Next month Jon, the Verger is taking a group for a tower tour during the coffee morning so let us pray for a good day so they can see the City of Hull in all its splendour from the top of the tower.

Request. If anyone has size 8 or 9 men’s trainers, they no longer require could you please bring to the Minster our friends at the café would be very grateful. Thank you.


God of peace and justice,

We pray for the people of Ukraine today.

We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons.

We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,

That your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them.

We pray for those with power over war or peace,

For wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions.

Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them.

We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen

Archbishop Justin Welby

Archbishop Stephen Cottrell

We are delighted that the new 9 30 ‘Big Breakfast’ service is starting soon. Please read our article by Reverend Rob bringing us up to date with all the planning.

Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.- Isaiah 43.19

In my previous life as a pioneer minister, I spent a lot of time thinking about what it means to be church. As a Multiply Minister, which is part of the Diocese of York’s strategy to reach those in their 20s-40s, much of my work was to prayerfully be among these people, seeking to connect with them, and see how this could grow into a mature expression of church. I didn’t know who I would meet, or what shape the community would take. I didn’t know who the leaders might be, but in faith I trusted that God was calling people in our local community to follow him. This, of course, turned out to be the case.

God is always calling people to find faith in Jesus Christ. And a key part of finding faith is to join the family of God, the church, the Body of Christ. But a key question for me in my previous ministry was, what shape should that expression of church take? In my own reflections I have come to the conclusion that no one shape is the right shape, and the shape that a church will take will reflect its people, its community, and of course the distinctive part of Body of Christ to which it belongs, which, in our case, is the Church of England.

One thing, however, that I do think is vitally important when thinking about what it means to be church, is the question: who are we? In other words, what is our identity? Because knowing who we are will affect how we see ourselves in relation to God and others and what we do.

Worship is at the heart of our identity in the Anglican Church. And so, in addition to our existing expressions of worship at Hull Minster, another expression of worship is beginning on Sunday 24th April at 9.30am (moving our existing Holy Communion service to 11am). The name for this service is still under discussion(!), but what I can say is that the service will be 45 minutes long, interactive, with all ages worshipping, learning, and growing together, beginning with toast at 9.15am. In our first sequence of services, we shall be pondering what it means to be church, learning from the early chapters of the book of Acts.

It is my prayer that God will help more and more people to find faith through the diverse worship found at Hull Minster, that we might grow in our witness and ministry in this city and beyond. I hope you will join me in praying for this new service, and perhaps even join in if you feel God is calling you to this particular expression of worship.  Also, please do invite anyone you know for who might be interested in coming.

With my prayers,  Rev Rob 


SUNDAY 10:30 am Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY  4 PM 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from the 16th March

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ 9th MARCH (Second Wednesday of every month)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING 10th March (Second Thursday of every month)


We do not like to use disposable cups for our refreshments however for the next few weeks there is no kitchen in the Minster so have had to resort once more to these. It would be much appreciated, If you have a cup you carry around, to bring it along with you and help to save the environment! Thank you


This group will run every Wednesday until further notice. The Minster Crafters will restart Wednesday 14th March at 1:30 pm and will run on the second Monday of each month.


These commence Saturday 19th March at 12 noon.

REFRESHMENTS We do not like to use disposable cups for our refreshments however for the next few weeks there is no kitchen in the Minster so have had to resort once more to these. It would be much appreciated, If you have a cup you carry around, to bring it along with you and help to save the environment! Thank you

BIBLE STUDIES are held every Wednesday evening online.

Please see below the details for two exciting lent studies to be held in the church.


A way of marking Lent is to spend some extra time studying the scriptures and praying together. This year we are offering two in person Lent courses starting on the 9th of March at 1.30pm and 7.30pm The Room Where it Happened written by Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin based on the Musical Hamilton.

Click here to sign up to afternoon session
Click here to sign up to evening session.

The Zoom Bible Study during Lent on Wednesdays at 7.30 will be looking at The Road to Calvary. The Zoom link can be found at hullminster.org/teaching.


Forms are available in church.


On 1st April 2022 you can be part of the audience and even ask a question to the panel as the programme is broadcast live from church.

Tickets are free but must be booked as spaces are limited.

Go to: https://hm.churchsuite.com/events/iw2lvyhc to book your ticket


The new boiler house has been completed and the boiler reinstated. A new gas supply has been commissioned. This is all good news, and we are on track to have a fully heated Minster in time for Easter. The heating will be turned on at the end of March but due to the historic fabric of the building it will take us two weeks to get up to temperature.


This will take place on Friday at 12:30 pm


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.

  • We pray for Benjamin Patrick Foulds, Edward Francis Andrew Parker and Elwyn Marie Daisy Parker being baptised at the Minster on Sunday. Please pray also for their parents and godparents

  •  We pray for all those affected by the P & O redundancies, including workers from our own City of Hull. May all be treated fairly and with respect.

  •  We celebrate the life of Marion Lawson who died last week aged 100. We pray for her family and the coming together at Marion’s funeral on Tuesday at the Minster



Merciful Lord, you know our struggle to serve you;

when sin spoils our lives

and overshadows our hearts, come to our aid

and turn us back to you again

through Jesus Christ our Lord


Psalm 32

Joshua  5. 9-12

2 Cor.  16 - end

Luke 15:1-3, 11b - end