Minster Lifeline #30

28 July 2021

Record fair.JPG


Saturday saw the return of the Minster open to events as the Record Fair was held in the Nave. Not full capacity however over 600 people attended, and stall holders were very pleased with sales. A ‘pop up café’ and the Minster Shop were open throughout the day. Wendy who worked at the café pre covid has volunteered to open every Saturday selling hot and cold drinks and very basic snacks. This is good news for the Minster and of course we look forward to the completion of phase 3 and an ‘all singing and all dancing café’.

We are always saying that God uses our gifts whatever they may be. Wendy is a great example of someone who wanted a challenge, felt that she had spare time, came to us to chat about possibilities and everything fell into place. Whatever your gifts, if you want to offer your time, please do contact us.

1 Peter 4:10

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace’

We have a great summer in store at the Minster, along with our huge variety of worship on offer. 2nd August sees the beginning of our ‘Scientists in Congregations‘ week with lots in store both online and in the Minster. I am delighted that Brian Gilliland has written about this special week, so do read on:


Scientists in Congregations (2-8 August) is a whole week of science activity at Hull Minster, to suit everybody from amateurs to eggheads.

When we discovered that ECLAS were awarding grants to help connect churches and scientists, we just had to apply. There had to be a connection between the church and a scientist, and an event of some kind.  Why one, was our reaction, so instead, we’ve got a stack of scientists, and a whole week of stuff going on, either in the church or online.

We found our own scientists in the congregation, and constructed a programme themed around the seven days of creation; Rachel Miller and Gill Alden brilliantly led our group, and successfully submitted a bid. 

On Monday the 2nd of August, ‘A’ Level student Ruth Ogilvie has curated a series of short talks online, on “Why should Christians be stewards of the earth?” by scientific and religious leaders, including the eminent theoretical physicist and Christian writer, Professor Tom McLeish.

On Tuesday the 3rd of August, activity packs from engineer Becca Alden, on the theme of wind power, will be available to download from our website. These education packs for children have already winged their way around the city, as they rise to the challenge of making their own wind turbine.

On Wednesday the 4th of August, Oli Wilson, who is doing a PhD on the past and future of a threatened Brazilian forest, viewed through pollen, will lead a session “In Praise of Plants” online. 

 On Thursday the 5th of August, Rev Dominic Black discusses the importance of caring for the earth online.

Friday the 6th of August sees The Deep joining us at the Minster for an exciting day of hands-on activities, exploring the ecology of the sea, and caring for marine animals. It promises to be ‘Turtly Awesome’! Admission is free, and the event runs from 10am.

On Saturday the 7th of August at 4pm, a special choral evensong celebrating humanity and creativity will fill the Minster with beautiful music, and on Sunday the 8th of August, we finish with a celebration in the Minster with a children’s trail around the planets, and a service at 4pm – bring a picnic!

Then, just when we thought the programme was set, one of the world’s leading experts on the science and evolution, Dr Denis Alexander, from the Faraday Institute and St Edmund’s College, Cambridge, agreed to give us an online presentation – which will hopefully be part of our online content on Saturday the 7th of August.

Find where you fit in at https://hullminster.org/sinc

When the week of activity ends, and we pass over to the preparation for the Gaia exhibit, we hope that, really, things are only beginning.  We want the Minster to continue being a place where science and faith meet up, where we are acutely aware of our responsibilities to the earth, and where we keep learning about how to care for creation. Brian Gilliland

Covid update 21st July 2021

To ensure Hull Minster continues to be a safe place to worship for all, we are asking all congregation members to continue to wear masks, and to keep a safe distance from each other.

Please continue to sign up to services and check in at the door.

Chairs will remain spaced as they have been for the last year, and communion will be continued to be offered in one kind. The south porch will be opened to increase ventilation.

Congregational singing: The congregation will be invited to sing the final hymn at the 10:30am Eucharist but asked to refrain from singing otherwise. People who are uncomfortable with this are free to leave at that point. Depending on numbers the person leading Church@4 will make a judgement based on numbers.

We will continue to share the peace in a socially distanced way.

We thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Summer Holidays 2021:

CClick photo for more information

Archaeology Festival Trinity Square - 1st August 11-3pm

The National Conference of Archaeologists is taking place in Hull over the weekend 29th July to 1st August.  At the end of this, there will be an archaeology festival where organisations from Hull will be able to showcase some of their recent finds. It will be an opportunity for us to show some of the exhibits from the Churchyard collection and gauge the public's interest in them. We will have two things going on.

  1. Collection and activity table - Dr Marianne Gilchrist (medieval art historian), Rhi Baxendell (masters student in collections management) and volunteers - with objects from Trinity Square.

  2. Visits to the medieval foundations in the Alcock Chantry - Mark Keith (staff member and historian)

The archaeologists from the Castle Street Burial Ground will also be on Trinity Square showing what they have discovered during their recent dig and the Museums Quarter will have exhibits from the R38 airship disaster as well as finds exhibits and talks by Humber Field Archaeology.  It will be a great day out for all the family!!  Click the photo below for more details.

Showing excavated finds from the graveyard dig in 2016 the Hull Minster heritage volunteer team have a range of exhibits to show people dating from 1400 onwards. Taking place in Trinity Square this weekend, visitors to the services will be able to enjoy the archaeological finds before and after the Sunday services.  You can also create your own "find" at the stall which you can take home. Jane Owen

Design your Heraldry at Hull Minster

FREE family Heraldry workshop Tuesday 10th August, 10am to 1pm with artist Sam Metz.

Hull Minster has many memorials and carved heraldry stones that immortalise the history of Hull. These carvings and memorials give us a glimpse into the past lives of those that once lived and worked in the city and tell us their stories.

Heraldry is about showing people who you are with designs full of symbolism using animals, colours and lettering.

Sam Metz Heraldry workshop will allow you to:

·      explore and get up close to the Ministers heraldry and memorials

·      gather ideas and design for your own heraldry

·      design you own ‘beast’ using traditional symbols and modern emojis, emoticons and memes.

·      Create and print your ‘beast’ 

This FREE  session must be booked in advance

Family/friend tables of 6 people maximum, to ensure COVID safety

To book Contact paula@ourbigpicture.co.uk or Mandy@hullminster.org

Rev. Dominic writes:

We have the faculty approved for Altar frontals for the chancel Communion Table to add colour and mark the liturgical seasons. Because of our financial position we cannot afford to pay for these from PCC funds so are appealing for donations. If this is something for which you would like to make a donation, please email finance@hullminster.org or by cash or cheque payable to 'Holy Trinity Hull' clearly marked 'Altar Frontals.' 

Irene continues:

Please pray for Enid, Stanley & Max Gilson as their parents bring them for baptism on Sunday and for all our families that have baptisms booked in the weeks ahead.


Our Wednesday evening Bible study will be taking a break for the month of August.


Our Minster Kids 10:30am group will also take a break for the month of August but there will be resources available for children to use during the service.


SATURDAYS 4 PM 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5th Evening Prayer.     

SUNDAYS     10am Online Recorded Service.

                      10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster

Church@4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service. Refreshments now available.

Please click here to book for either service.

The Minster will continue to be open for Wednesday 12:30pm Holy Communion


Minster doors will be open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday each week between 10am and 3:30pm. This will be both for personal prayer and for general visiting, taking in the wonderful 700 years of heritage.

Of course, this means that we need lots of volunteers. I was delighted that over a hundred people came along to the volunteer training held two mornings last week. These sessions were so informative and helpful that many went away and have signed up for helping in the weeks ahead. We can never have too many so if this interest you please do let us know as there will be more training events in the future.


We are looking for people to volunteer, on a rota, to work the sound desk during these service.  The desk is pre-set, so it is very straightforward.  We also need strong individuals to help with setting up the Minster in between services, and booking people in on the doors. If you think you can help with any of these tasks, please speak to one of the wardens for more information. Thank you.


Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,500 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer, and start shopping. It is that simple! Get started today!

Shop online with Give as you Live Online and raise a money for PCC of The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Hull the simple way.


Psalm 51:1-13, 78:23-29

Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15   

Ephesians 4:1-16

John 6:24-35


Almighty God, who sent your Holy Spirit

to be the life and light of your Church;

open our hearts to the riches of your grace,

that we may bring forth the fruit of the Spirit

in love and joy and peace;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord.


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.