Hull Minster welcomes you to join us on a week long adventure asking the key question:

"Why should we care for our earth?"

The project, from 2nd – 8th August 2021, is a seven day, interactive, multi-platform programme with activities for all ages. Using as a starting point the question, “Why should we care for our Earth?”, and following the biblical account of the Creation, the Minster will host a series of activities including online lectures, craft activities and in-person activities.

Please see below the program and follow how each day explores this topical and relevant question.


Day 1: Light
Monday 2nd August 2021

An online exploration of the question,

“Why should Christians be Stewards of the Earth?”   

Introduced by Ruth Ogilvie, A Level Student and singer in the Hull Minster Worship Band, this event features short talks by a number of scientists and religious leaders including Professor Tom McLeish (York University).


Day 2: The Sky
Tuesday 3rd August 2021

Becca Alden MEng, who was baptised at Hull Minster and is a member of the Choir, presents an online activity pack aimed at children of all ages, including a chance to make your own wind turbine!



Day 3: Dry Land, Seas, Plants & Trees
Wednesday 4th August 2021

Join PhD student and congregation member Oliver Wilson in his titled “in Praise of plants”.


Day 4: Sun, Moon & Stars
Thursday 5th August 2021

Dr Tim Gregory talks to us about the science of Meteorites, and the birth of the Solar System. Tim is a full-time nuclear chemist and former meteorite scientist.

Reverend Canon Dominic Black will also give us his thoughts on how we can care for the Earth.


Day 5: Sea Creatures & Flying Creatures
Friday 6th August 2021

Come along to Hull Minster and have “Turtley Awesome” fun with our friends from The Deep! (suitable for all ages).

No booking required...just turn up.


Day 6: Animals & Humans
Saturday 7th August 2021

 Join us at the Minster for a special Choral Evensong, celebrating humanity and the gift of human creativity. “Rejoice in The Lord Alway!” Starts at 4pm.

And also, online, join Dr Denis Alexander Emeritus Director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion and Molecular Biologist. He talks to us about the balance between science and religion, and the questions around creation and evolution.


Day 7: A Day to Celebrate!
Sunday 8th August 2021

From 2.30pm to 4pm, join a family celebration at Hull Minster, featuring a tour of the Solar System and more family friendly activities as we look forward to the Gaia installation in August. We finish at 4pm with a family friendly service, café style, so bring a picnic!