31 March 2021
LLittle Fishes Picnic
Rev. Irene writes:
More changes, we have welcomed the lighter nights and at last we can meet up with friends in outdoor places. For myself it is strange to journey through Holy Week yet not be in the Minster each day of that journey. However, this is a great improvement on last year when we were all in the shock of the first lockdown and Easter took place behind closed church doors!
There is something reassuring that amidst all the unknown and the changes we are facing, we can walk with Jesus through this Holy Week knowing that new life is what he promises us. His journey to the cross and resurrection from the dead give a guarantee that we can experience new life. It will never change. No-one can take away the Easter promise, so enjoy and have a Happy Easter.
Talking of meeting up outdoors: Yesterday our toddler group, Little Fishes, met up for a socially distanced picnic at a local park and Mandy reports that a great time was had by all:
It was so amazing to meet face to face for the first time in quite a few months, to see how big some of our little people have grown over the past year, and also to meet some new members who we’ve previously only seen via the computer screens on zoom!
We had some snacks sat on the grass where me and Hannah took turns to lead us in a few songs then we went for a walk together to see the ducks and we finished with a play in the play park and some of us had an ice cream to finish our morning.
All children received a takeaway craft bag and I also delivered some to children who were isolating and therefore could not make it. It was so lovely for the mums and dads to chat freely and just enjoy the moment that even I did not think to take any photos but luckily some mums did and so we have a few to share above.
One little boy (aged 2) had such a great time that during his bath time last night he prayed ‘Thank you God for playing in the park with our friends today’, Melts my heart, and I cannot wait until we can resume Little Fishes each week either in the Minster, or outside if nice weather. 😊 Mandy Richardson
Rev. Dominic writes for us today:
Alleluia Christ is Risen!
If my boys really want to wind me up, of the many ways they have learnt over the years, is to use the ‘A’ word during lent. Since they were tiny our family life has been built round the patterns of the practice of the Christian Church. They have grown up surrounded by people who have shared the same annual and weekly rhythms of celebration, the same framework of beliefs and values. They have heard repeatedly the stories of the Bible, sung the songs of the faith as we have celebrated year after year Christ’s birth, death, resurrection, and the sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. But as they have grown up there has been an increasing cultural dissonance from the wider society that no longer has a common story and few common values. It is predicted that for the first time ever it is likely that less than 50% of people when asked their religion in the census will answer ‘Christian’. This is partly to do with immigration and the growth particularly of the British Muslim community, but it is mostly due to rapid growth in the ‘nones’, people who say they have no religion. The rate of decline since the mid 1960’s has been staggering. The younger you are the more likely you are to describe yourself as having ‘no religion.’ For the vast majority of these people, the research suggests, it is not that have not become atheists, most would still describe themselves and spiritual but not religious.
This week Guardian journalist John Harris, one of those who ticked ‘no religion’, reflected on the cultural loss that represents. As believers we have all struggled over this last year to keep strong and see meaning at times, but without the framework of faith and supportive community that we as believers have, what sense does it all make? As John Harris laments ‘how do faithless people like me make sense of this past year of Covid? Many of us yearn for meaning. But in our individualistic, secular society we lack even the flimsiest of narratives to guide us.’ He continues, ‘For many of us, life without God has turned out to be life without fellowship and shared meaning.’ It is unlikely that the vast cultural shift of the last 50+ years is suddenly reversed. However, there will be many people who are searching for meaning and community and as St Paul saw in Athens (Acts 17:23). There will be many people who are ‘spiritual but not religious’ who are worshiping an unknown God who will be open to be led towards the one true God not made by human hands. There is a hunger, there is a restlessness that can only truly be satisfied by Christ alone. As we tell again the greatest story ever told this Holy Week let us proclaim loudly and boldly once again the story of the one who came to share our humanity that we might share in his divinity. The one who died and rose again for the salvation of the whole world. Alleluia, Christ is risen! Rev Dominic.
Irene concludes with:
April services and opening times:
The Minster will continue to be open for Wednesday 12:30pm Holy Communion and Sunday 10:30am Holy Communion. Please click here to book in.
EVENSONG/EVENING PRAYER will commence again from the 17th of April. Further details to follow as we hopefully find out more information on singing etc.
Church@4 will take place in the Minster from 18th April, please note the new time of 4pm, All are welcome.
A full list of our Easter services can be found by clicking here:
All other public services are cancelled at the present time. However, changes could take place in the coming weeks so please keep checking in Lifeline or on the Hull Minster website.
If you are coming in to the Minster for services we want to encourage you to consider the environment and walk or cycle or use public transport if possible. If you are coming by car please do not park on Trinity Square the only people who should be parking there are contractors working on the building. There are plenty of parking places around the Minster including the recently opened Fruit Market just across the A63. https://www.fruitmarkethull.co.uk/fruit-market-hull-l-multi-storey-car-park-l-regeneration-l/
PLEASE NOTE The Minster will be open for personal prayer each Saturday 12-3pm.
ELECTORAL ROLL If you have been attending Hull Minster for at least six months you are eligible to be put on the Electoral Roll. This allows you to vote at the annual meeting. If you are interested, please see Val Fotherby before 13th April
We are looking for people to volunteer, on a rota, to work the sound desk during this service. The desk is pre-set, so it is very straightforward. If you think you can help, please speak to one of the wardens for more information. Thank you.
At present Dominic is Priest-in-Charge of the parish of Holy Trinity. On 6th June, the position will change when the Bishop of Hull will institute Dominic as vicar. To enable this to happen the Bishop has agreed to allow the patrons (CPAS) to bring Dominic forward as their nomination as Vicar, this is a position supported by the PCC.
Last week of Lent 2021
During Lent there will be a zoom bible study on Wednesday evenings 7:30-8:30pm beginning 24th February. Do join Rev. Irene and Val in study and discussion around Gladness and Generosity, in the Holy Habits series. You can join here.
The Heritage Volunteering group have been meeting via Zoom Coffee Mornings to have a chat and carry out some research about the Minster's history. As part of this, our Heritage Project Manager, Jane Owen, has organised several talks and would like to open these up to the wider church to join in. These will take place via zoom on a Wednesday or Friday morning at 10.00am, with a 15-minute chat before the talk starts. The dates and topics are below. Please send Jane and email if you would like to join in any of them - or if you would like to give a talk in future - and she will send you the links. They are very informal and can be accessed by computer, telephone, tablet or even by telephone to listen in.
We are also looking for any volunteers who would like to join our team to do some computer-based research at home about the church, the community surrounding it, the graveyard at the east end and the burial ground at Castle Street. Again, if you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at jane@hullminster.org Click here for full details.
APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) The meeting this year will be held on TUESDAY 27th APRIL via zoom at 7pm. Further details to follow.
Ecclesiastical Insurance have provided cover for the Minster and the clergy houses for a long time and have a special interest in helping churches undertake maintenance through their grant scheme. We have benefitted from these generous grants in the past. In this, their 130th year they are offering donations of £130 to our church for every person who takes out home insurance cover with them - at any point during the year. Some of the staff team have been using their home insurance for several years and it is very comprehensive and reasonably priced. So, if you are thinking of renewing with your provider please take a look at Ecclesiastical. The post below shows what you have to do. Just name the church and they will find it for you. Click the button below for full details.
God of glory, by the raising of your Son
you have broken the chains of death and hell;
fill you Church with faith and hope;
for a new day has dawned and the way to life stands open
in our Saviour Jesus Christ.
This Month’s Prayer Diary
Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.