Minster Lifeline #12

24 March 2021


Rev. Irene writes:

My favourite walk during the restrictions is along Ferriby Foreshore. Yesterday as the sun shone on the water with the Humber Bridge sparkling in the background, I noticed not only the daffodils and snowdrops around me but the pussy willow (species of the genus Salix) standing firmly in bud waiting to burst out in the spring sunshine. This scene was a real joy to me yet, in the field behind me, were two beautiful donkeys, well maybe not beautiful but I am sure you know what I mean!

My mind went immediately to the scriptures where we read in Matthew 21 about the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Jesus had instructed two of his disciples to go into the nearby village where they would find a donkey tied there with her colt, they were to untie them and bring them to Jesus.

This fulfilled what had been spoken through the prophet:

                               “Say to the Daughter of Zion,

                               see your king comes to you,

                               gentle and riding on a donkey,

                               on a colt, the foal of a donkey”

On Sunday we will once more celebrate Palm Sunday and that triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem the beginning of Holy Week and the lead up to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week Nick Gledhill writes for us, Nick is a Lay Reader at the Minster:


It is almost a decade since I first came to Holy Trinity, as then was. I had moved up from London due to my wife’s (Yvonne’s) work. So much has happened between then and now. Of course, as we all know, the church itself has been through significant change. Like many of you, I recall the day that Archbishop Sentamu announced that we were to become a minster; this plus Hull as UK City of Culture made for exciting times, culminating arguably in the visit of Prince Charles.

Today the parish, the city, the nation, and indeed the global scene all look different.  For many of us, our personal lives, family lives, financial and business fortunes, and job prospects have been adversely affected. The primary way that I have been touched is that my mum died early in the pandemic due to Covid 19. Fortunately, my children and their families have weathered the storm comparatively well; but I know many have been severely impacted.

So, the past year has been completely different from ‘normal’ life. Is there anything that has supplied continuity for me in this period? I have been incredibly grateful for the online services from the Minster, and the Zoom meetings. I know these are very much ‘second best’ but they have made the past year much less troubling than it would otherwise have been. Another much valued Internet resource has been my ongoing attendance at the York School of Ministry (YSOM) which has kept me grounded in a routine. Study, initially at Beverley and then at York was a basic part of Reader training. By the time that was finished I had completed two thirds of a degree, so it made sense to continue for a couple more years and gain the BA. That is what several of my cohort are currently doing. Of course, in present circumstances YSOM is operating entirely online.

The materials that are sent out via email from the church are much valued points of contact but obviously I look forward to the time when this sorry episode is behind us all and a new ‘normal’ emerges with face-to-face fellowship. Our dog (Lucy) has been limping from an injured paw, which the vet is treating but the problem is taking its time to fully resolve. (The phrase ‘looking for a needle in a haystack’ sometimes comes to mind). Otherwise, life goes on. In fact, as I write, Yvonne and I have just reached our 40th wedding anniversary.

Best wishes to all, Nick


Irene concludes with:

March services and opening times:

The Minster will continue to be open for Wednesday 12:30pm Holy Communion and Sunday 10:30am Holy Communion. Please click here to book in.


A full list of our Easter services can be found by clicking here:

All other public services are cancelled at the present time. However, changes could take place in the coming weeks so please keep checking in Lifeline or on the Hull Minster website.

If you are coming in to the Minster for services we want to encourage you to consider the environment and walk or cycle or use public transport if possible. If you are coming by car please do not park on Trinity Square the only people who should be parking there are contractors working on the building. There are plenty of parking places around the Minster including the recently opened Fruit Market just across the A63. https://www.fruitmarkethull.co.uk/fruit-market-hull-l-multi-storey-car-park-l-regeneration-l/

PLEASE NOTE The Minster will be open for personal prayer each Saturday 12-3pm.


At present Dominic is Priest-in-Charge of the parish of Holy Trinity. On 6th June, the position will change when the Bishop of Hull will institute Dominic as vicar. To enable this to happen the Bishop has agreed to allow the patrons (CPAS) to bring Dominic forward as their nomination as Vicar, this is a position supported by the PCC.

An Invitation to Lent 2021

During Lent there will be a zoom bible study on Wednesday evenings 7:30-8:30pm beginning 24th February. Do join Rev. Irene and Val in study and discussion around Gladness and Generosity, in the Holy Habits series. You can join here. You should now have received a booklet of daily reflections based on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book for 2021, Living His Story by Hannah Steel. These notes include a short passage of scripture, a reflection, and a prayer for each day of Lent. If you have a smart phone or tablet these notes are accompanied by the free #LiveLent App on iOS and Android where you can listen along to the reflections. [suggested donation £2.50 to cover booklet and postage].. Click here for full details.

The Heritage Volunteering group have been meeting via Zoom Coffee Mornings to have a chat and carry out some research about the Minster's history.  As part of this, our Heritage Project Manager, Jane Owen, has organised several talks and would like to open these up to the wider church to join in.  These will take place via zoom on a Wednesday or Friday morning at 10.00am, with a 15-minute chat before the talk starts. The dates and topics are below.  Please send Jane and email if you would like to join in any of them - or if you would like to give a talk in future - and she will send you the links. They are very informal and can be accessed by computer, telephone, tablet or even by telephone to listen in.  

We are also looking for any volunteers who would like to join our team to do some computer-based research at home about the church, the community surrounding it, the graveyard at the east end and the burial ground at Castle Street.  Again, if you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at jane@hullminster.org Click here for full details.

APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) The meeting this year will be held on TUESDAY 27th APRIL via zoom at 7pm. Further details to follow.

Ecclesiastical Insurance have provided cover for the Minster and the clergy houses for a long time and have a special interest in helping churches undertake maintenance through their grant scheme. We have benefitted from these generous grants in the past. In this, their 130th year they are offering donations of £130 to our church for every person who takes out home insurance cover with them - at any point during the year. Some of the staff team have been using their home insurance for several years and it is very comprehensive and reasonably priced.  So, if you are thinking of renewing with your provider please take a look at Ecclesiastical. The post below shows what you have to do. Just name the church and they will find it for you. Click the button below for full details.


Psalm 31:9-16

Isaiah 50:4-9a

Philippians 2:5-11

Mark 14:1-end


True and humble King,

hailed by the crowd as Messiah;

grant us the faith to know you and love you

that we may be found beside you

on the way of the cross,

which is the path of glory.


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.