Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline 23 2022

Rev. Irene writes: 

Revd. Dominic

We are delighted that Dominic is now home and feeling more comfortable, but still needs a lot of care. This is only the beginning of a long journey back to health and a very busy time for the family. Please continue to hold Dominic, Heather, Ben, and Leo in your prayers.

If you need any information, please contact any member of the ‘Team’ at the Minster as the family are not able to take calls at the moment. They are extremely grateful for all the messages of support and prayers.

I will make sure that you are updated in Lifeline each week.

I am delighted this week to show two photographs of our church family from Scarborough. Michael Walker was church warden in a Scarborough church however his wife suffered a long-drawn-out illness before she died 10 years ago, and during those years of illness,  Michael spent his time as her carer.

Susan Rickinson was married to Robin, who died in 2016. We are delighted that Susan has joined our prayer shawl ministry and is looking forward to her first assignment. Michael and Susan’s families were very close,

holidaying together and now Susan and Michael are friends with lots of good memories to share.

Michael and Susan began to watch our You Tube service when it came online and they were hooked, both finding a church family that they felt connected to even though they were miles away. They now have the Lifeline sent to each of them every week and they delight in receiving it.

Their only request is, “When will there be another You Tube online informal service!”

Great to have you on board Michael and Susan!



A church the age of ours, can be assured of having an ongoing habit of surprise. Related to its history, and archives, amassed over the centuries from its origins of 1285 and as happened recently, I personally experienced.

Sadly, many valuable documents of church pre-reformation days, the mid 1500’s, were destroyed at this time and Holy Trinity’s, as churches throughout the country, were wantonly vandalised and source of this destruction is evident around our church today.

The archives of Hull Minster or its official title Holy Trinity, are stored in the Treasurer House, Beverley, Hull History Centre, and the Carnegie Centre near the Anlaby Road entrance to the West Park. York Minster and Durham Cathedral also represent our church in their libraries.

My interest in archives and history go back to the years I spent in the BBC and Radio Times Archives. When I arrived at Holy Trinity in 2000, I soon became involved in voluntary work and there were several elderly gentlemen who were welcomers and were extremely knowledgeable regarding Holy Trinity. This gave me a good insight into church and local history and Jean Fenwick, our historian, became an invaluable, and still is, source of knowledge and 22 years on we still work together.

To expand my knowledge further, I spent time in the various place of information around the City researching, which proved valuable when welcoming and answering some of the many questions asked on church and City history.

The documents and ledgers stored in the Treasurer House Beverley make exciting reading and the civil war years documents in the Hull History Centre certainly are our history at its best.

Another source of our social history can be found in the bound volumes of Parish Magazines from 1894, recording a cold winter afternoon to recent in a warm setting!

As I mention researching our archives never fails to surprise and last month, I received a telephone call from one of the archive centres that they had received some Holy Trinity memorabilia from a house clearance – was I interested? I was and picked up the assorted items, official service leaflets, pamphlets, and other items covering the years 1910 – 1960’s. I can only assume whoever had kept these items had been a worshipper at Holy Trinity in former years.

I contacted the City Archivist at the Treasure House Beverley, made an appointment, and he accepted the material as of church historical interest, now part of our history.

One can only assume 100 years from now, the future church will have a team, as today researching our life of today and hope they will get the same dedication and pleasure I have experienced ‘Browsing the Archives’.

At 80 years of age, I must plan to shortly retire from the scene, which will be soon, and wish the history and archive team every success as they take our archiving and history into the future.

Peter Lord 3rd July 2022

Peter thank you for those great words. Only 80! Plenty more years for archiving delving!


SUNDAY     9:30 a.m.   Breakfast Church (toast and drinks from 9:10)

                   11 a.m.       Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY     4 p.m. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4th and 5TH Evening Prayer 

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. (21st July)

Sew for the Soul, is a new group for anyone interested in sewing.  It will start at 12.30 with refreshments and end around 15.00.

 21st July, 15th September, 20th October, 17th November, 15th December

Resumes: Feb 2023


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month) 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon (13th July)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month.) 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon. (14th July)


The study group will continue in September. Many thanks to Val and Sam who have delivered such a great programme this year.


  • We pray for Dominic, Heather, Ben and Leo as they cope with the aftermath of Dominic’s cycling accident. Lord, sustain each one of them and heal Dominic back to full health.

  • We give thanks that the building work at the church is progressing well and that we will have a café in which we can welcome people in the near future.

  • We pray for all those on the PCC and working groups as they struggle with busy lives yet give so much time to making the Minster run smoothly and be a place of welcome and worship.

  • We continue to pray for Carole Spamer as she continues to struggle with poor health.

  • Please remember to pray for the situation in Ukraine.


Gracious Father,

by the obedience of Jesus

you brought salvation to our wayward world

draw us into harmony with your will,

that we may find all things restored in him,

our Saviour Jesus Christ.




Psalm 82

Deut. 30:9-14

Colossians 1:1-14

Luke 10:25-37