Minster Lifeline 25 2022

Rev. Irene writes: 

Revd. Dominic continues to make slow, steady progress. Please continue to pray for him, Heather, and the boys.

During this unprecedented heatwave Hull Minster is the coolest place to be! Last week saw many activities taking place in the Minster. On Wednesday, after the Queen’s Baton Relay had taken place in the square, we held the monthly Grief Awareness Café. Whilst this was taking place, we had a young man being given help with English language skills by one of our church family, a group of three volunteers undertaking training in another corner of the building. On top of this we had 150 children in the Minster doing a workshop on stained glass windows – a hive of activity being helped along by the many volunteers and staff. It was so good to see the Minster in action again.

It also was a week of graduations. Congratulations to all who have recently graduated. Evie, Simon, and Hester have all had their graduation ceremonies this week. Hester will be taking up her Postgraduate course at St. Andrew’s University in September. We all wish her every success in this exciting next step on her journey.

I couldn’t resist adding our youngest graduate – so Gill Alden updates us:

Gill Alden writes:

On a vaguely related topic, one of our own congregation graduated on Wednesday. Samuel graduated from Little Einstein’s Nursery and is now preparing for his move to big school in September. There was a lovely Graduation Ceremony at the University for his year group, Dolphins, where the children sang three songs in French before performing a play called Spinderella and singing us a song about being a fish.  He will start at Endike Academy in September. 


Our beautiful welcoming narthex does, on occasion, mean that we have visitors we cannot let in. On Tuesday last week Sentamu Academy held their Graduation Ceremony at Hull Minster, so, although it is not a day on which we are normally open, the open doors were welcoming visitors to venture in. As we were politely telling visitors we could not let them in we met a wonderful lady called Christine Dove. She said she was 83 and lived in Canada now but was visiting Hull showing family around her childhood hometown. With the biggest smile on her face, she confessed that she had wanted to show them Hull Minster because she had a secret to tell. She said that when she was nine, for about eight months she spent her pocket money on bus fares into Hull each day to ‘twag’ from School, proud of herself that it had taken the eight months for the school to report her. She said that hiding in the pews she felt safe no one would see her. We do meet some fabulous people on the entrance to Hull Minster. 


Building Works Update

It seems like having building works done is the norm at Hull Minster. Can you remember what the Minster looks like without the hoardings at the West End on the square.

Good News the end is in sight!

The building of the Trinity Room café and Heritage Centre are nearly complete, the finishing touches are underway. There have been many challenges as we have gone through the build and its seems a long time ago that we had a big hole and lots of archaeological finds. The archaeology will be displayed in the heritage interpretation and the stories of the people told alongside.

As part of the works, we have completed

·         the Vicars Vestry has been refurbished,

·         the Kitchen equipped to run the café,

·         the Choir Vestry refurbished to help the choir store music and robes and will include facilities for volunteers during  the week.

·         New toilets have been installed

·         A new boiler house has been built

·         The Vicars Porch has been opened up and will be the new link between the Café and the Minster. The Mousey Thompson porch in the Nave has been moved to the South Transept.

·         The Southside of the Church has had the paving re-laid and raised beds will be installed.

·         The café and works will be handed over to us in early August and the café open later that month. The café will be able to open up onto the square with tables and chairs to enjoy the food and drinks on offer.

As soon as the works are complete and handed over to us, we will open it up and take members round on a Sunday and provide the Coffee in the new café to allow you to explore it and ask questions about the works undertaken.

Works that remain to be completed are the refurbishment of the Broadley Chapel, Outside Signs and Storage within the Nave, all of which should be done in the Autumn.

The Trinity Room is the significant aspect and will help us to reach out missionally to the City and encourage those not familiar with Church to come in and experience our welcome. There will be challenges as we open, and I ask that you are patient as we launch the new café. However, it is an exciting new opportunity for us, and we want to know your ideas about how we use the space to connect with the people of Hull and visitors to the city, so please come and find Robin or me and share your ideas.

Iain Ogilvie, Church Warden


We will be celebrating Carole’s life in church on Wednesday 27th July at 10 30. This will be a short service to give thanks for Carole’s life followed by coffee and cake something which Carole loved to help with. Please do join us as we hope Carole’s husband and family will be with us.


This summer, Hull Minster hosts a full range of heritage activities for people to enjoy. This first two weeks focus on the archaeology discovered over the last seven years at our burial grounds at Trinity Square and  Castle Street. Come along on the 28th/29th July or 4/5th August and you can get close to the objects, try a mini dig, make a replica object, or try calligraphy, meet the archaeologists, or attend a talk by a researcher.

The day is open to all and has something for everyone in the family to enjoy.

You can find out more at our heritage page or click on the link to download a brochure.  Summer Activities 2022 — Hull Minster


SUNDAY     9:30 a.m.   Breakfast Church (toast and drinks from 9:10)

                      11 a.m.     Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 p.m. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4th and 5TH Evening Prayer 


PLEASE NOTE – the choir will be taking a well-earned rest over the summer so please check in Lifeline if you are unsure of Saturday services.


MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

Sew for the Soul is a new group for anyone interested in sewing.  It will start at 12.30 with refreshments and end around 15.00.

 21st July 15th September 17t h November. 15th December Resumes February 2023


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month) 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month.) 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon.


The study group will continue in September, many thanks to Val and Sam who have delivered such a great programme this year


  • We pray for Dominic, Heather, Ben, and Leo as they cope with the aftermath of Dominic’s cycling accident. Lord sustain each of them and heal Dominic back to full health.

  • We pray for Joshua Arthur Barber, his parents, sister, and godparents as he is baptised at the Minster on Sunday.

  •  We give thanks that the building work at the church is progressing well and that we will have a café to welcome people to in the near future.

  •  We pray for the family of Carole Spamer following her sudden death. Bring comfort and healing as they come to terms with the shock.

  • Please pray for those suffering because of the terrible fires which are raging across so many counties.

  • Please continue to pray for the situation in Ukraine.


Creator God,

you made us all in your image

may we discern you in all that we see,

and serve you in all that we do,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.




Psalm 85

Hosea 1:2-10

Colossians 2:6-15

Luke 11:1-13

