Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline 11 2022

5th April 2022

Rev. Irene Writes:

If you were not able to be there, I hope you managed to listen to ‘Any Questions’ on Radio 4. There was a good audience and varied group of people asking questions to the panel. The flexibility of the Minster is ideal for all types of events and very soon it will be time for the Beer Festival again.

We are delighted that the heating is back on and the Minster once more is comfortable to be in. Work along the south side of the Minster is progressing well albeit a little slower than anticipated. In the meantime, everyone is doing their best to produce hot drinks after services and for all our volunteers during the week, not an easy task as the kitchen is completely out of action so ‘thank you’ to all involved.

As you will see from the photograph the prayer shawl ministry continues to flourish. The picture is Mandy wrapped up in her new scarf. She says a big ‘thank you’ as she thinks of all the prayers said for her by those involved in the making

Breakfast Praise launches 9:30, 24th April.  Toast and tea served from 9:10!


The kneelers, seat cushions and stools in Hull Minster are unique. Many have graced our lovely church for over 50 years. The project began in 1971, the last few pieces being completed in the early 1990s. Marjorie Brown, the amazing lady who masterminded the whole scheme was in her mid 60s when the project began & late 80s when it was nearing completion. She was an inspiration & eventually had over 100 embroiderers working for her & I was one of them. I am privileged to be the custodian of all the data and the original designs she collected during the project. All that I look after will eventually be on the Minster Database for all to see.

So it was with a heavy heart that I agreed that some of the kneelers needed to be moved on, now we no longer have space for them as so many of the pews have been removed. The selection of kneelers to has been very sensitively done. I would like to thank Jenny Harrison of the Shop Volunteer Team for all her help in cleaning kneelers & in helping me decide which should be moved on & which we should keep. I am absolutely delighted to announce that 70 kneelers have gone to St Wilfred’s Church Ottringham, to replace their very old kneelers just like we did in the 1970s. I always hoped that they would go to another church where they can be used and cherished. A communion service & dedication of the kneelers in Ottringham Church took place on Sunday 3 April, Revd Irene Wilson, and Reader Sam McGaw officiating.

I can assure you that all seat cushions and stools, kneelers depicting companies and organisations will remain, as will many of the memorials. We have very carefully selected from the cross designs those memorial kneelers where there is no record of the person being remembered and those kneelers with no memorials at all. Marjorie’s notes are incomplete and wherever she had recorded details of the person the kneeler was dedicated to; we have kept those.

There are a very small number of kneelers left of the cross design without memorials as depicted in the photo, that we are selling. I feel it is only right that members of the congregation get the first chance to buy these. They are £25 each or more if you wish to make a further donation, as one member of the congregation has already very generously done. I will sell these on a first come first served basis. All enquiries through me please 01482 446757 or the email I use:

Sue McGaw

Easter at Hull Minster

Holy Week and Easter is the highlight of the Christian year when we remember Jesus dying and rising again for our salvation and we look forward to welcoming you to join the journey. The week begins on Palm Sunday at our 10.30am Holy Communion we remember Jesus' triumphant entry on a donkey to Jerusalem as a carpet of palms was laid before him and hear the story of Holy Week from the Gospel of Luke. On Maundy Thursday at 7.30pm we remember Jesus' last supper with his disciples. On Good Friday between 10am and 12noon we have a special Messy Church for families to hear the story of Easter through craft and story. The Minster will be open for personal prayer between 12 and 3pm finishing with the Good Friday Liturgy at 3pm where we hear the passion according to St John and reflect on what Jesus did for us on the cross. The celebration of Easter begins with the candlelit Easter Vigil Eucharist at 8pm as we hear the story of God's creation and redemption finishing with proclamation of the resurrection. On Easter Sunday morning we gather for our 10.30am Holy Communion to celebrate the resurrection and welcome Aurora Jeffries into the church as she is baptised. Easter Sunday is rounded off at 4pm by a gathering of Christians from around the city at Trinity Square for Raised: Easter Praise 2022. 


SUNDAY       10:30 am Holy Communion in the Minster

PLEASE NOTE: The 10 30 morning service will be moving to an 11 a.m. start from 24th April, this will enable the 9 30 service to take place.


SATURDAY    4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer        

MAUNDY THURSDAY    7 p.m. Service

GOOD FRIDAY               10 a.m. – 12 noon ‘Messy Church’ 

                                      12noon – 3 P.M. CHURCH WILL BE OPEN

                                      3 p.m.       Prayer at the Cross

SATURDAY                    8 p.m.       Easter Vigil

EASTER DAY                   10 30 a.m. Holy Communion and baptism

URGENT PLEA – Used cereal boxes for use at ‘Messy Church’

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ 9th MARCH (Second Wednesday of every month)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING 10th March (Second Thursday of every month)

Request. If anyone has size 8 or 9-men’s trainers, they no longer require could you please bring to the Minster our friends at the café would be very grateful. Thank you


We do not like to use disposable cups for our refreshments however for the next few weeks there is no kitchen in the Minster so have had to resort once more to these. It would be much appreciated, If you have a cup you carry around, to bring it along with you and help to save the environment! Thank you


The Knitters meet every Wednesday and the crafters meet on the 2nd Monday of each month only.

BIBLE STUDIES are held on Wednesday evening online. We are taking a break over Easter and these will recommence the first Wednesday in May.


Forms are available in church.


There is to be a new plan for the churches in the Deanery of Hull.   Wide consultation is taking place and the Deanery Leadership Team  (DLT) is especially keen to hear the voices of lay church members.   Please feel welcome to pop in for refreshments and have your say.

Monday 25th April 4pm-7pm

St John Church, Clough Road, Newland, Hull.  HU6 7PA

Tim Scott (Lay Dean of Hull) and Helen Rawdon (DLT) will be there to welcome you and share ideas together. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

The Refreshed Vision for Churches in the Diocese of York ('Living Christ's Story') includes: 

'Becoming more like Christ' 'Reaching people we currently don't' 'Growing churches of missionary disciples' and 'Transforming our finances and structures' 

ENQUIRIES:  Helen's mobile 07969 421 354 


This year Believe in Hull have organised for people to come together to sing God’s praises on Easter Day.  It will take place in Trinity Square at 4pm and you are encouraged to come along but make sure you dress up warm.


If you are interested in helping, please contact Cathy:



  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  • We pray for Kate Smith and Tom Smales who will be married in the Minster on Saturday

  • We pray for Ivy, Oliver and Ruben being baptised at the Minster this Sunday and for their parents and godparents as they support these children in their journey of faith

  • We pray for all those attending baptism preparation on Saturday. Help the families to understand the importance of baptism and encourage those being baptised on their journey of faith

  •  Please pray for the Deanery Consultation.

  •  Pray for RAISED on Easter Day, that it will be a great witness to the City.

Volunteering Manager

Right now, we are looking for a Volunteering Manager to help us recruit, train and manage our core volunteer team, develop special roles for volunteers and make sure Hull Minster is a welcoming and friendly place to visit.

We are looking for someone who has worked across different age groups and has experience of visitor engagement with volunteers and evaluating activities and hosting thank you events.

If you are interested in this rewarding and fulfilling role and would like to know more, please link on the button below for a job description.

How to Apply

Please send a CV, and covering letter explaining your suitability for the post to

The closing date for the post is Friday 15th April.

Interviews will be held at Hull Minster on Thursday 21st April 2022.



True and humble King

hailed by the crowd as Messiah;

grant us the faith to know you and love you

that we may be found beside you

on the way of the cross,

which is the path of glory



Liturgy of the palms

Psalm 118:1-2, 19-25

Luke 19:28-40