Minster Lifeline 39 — Hull Minster

Minster Lifeline 39

This week Irene writes:

I write these words on a beautiful autumn day with the sun shining through the Minster windows onto me. The clocks have been put back for the winter months and our children and those working in schools are at the beginning of the half term holiday. We gathered this morning in freedom to worship God and there was a good feeling that the Holy Spirit gathered with us just as Jesus promised ‘where two or three gather in my name, there am I in the midst.’

In our 9:30 service we heard of another miracle that Jesus performed, the healing of blind Bartimaeus.  He had heard about Jesus, how he healed people, and was determined to get the attention of this wonderful man and ask for his own miracle.  Bartimaeus ran to Jesus, throwing off his begging cloak, ready to embrace a new life.

Sam McGaw spoke to us on the bible passage, and he emphasised that Jesus asked Bartimaeus, ‘what do you want me to do for you?’

What a great offer Jesus is making to Bartimaeus. I wonder, do we know what we would answer to that question if Jesus spoke to us today?


Our Ukrainian friends have asked whether we could collect Advent chocolate calendars, chocolates for Christmas and clothes for teenagers.

Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine continues and the people are so incredibly grateful for the supplies we can send to them.

Our Thursday café has taken £1,000 in donations for drinks and food which is being sent to fund transport from Hull to Ukraine.

Thank you to everyone who has helped.


As always on Remembrance Sunday, we read out the names of those in the Golden Book.  If you would like to volunteer to do some reading, please contact Jon Major.  We will start reading at 1 p.m. and people can stay as long as they like and read as many as they wish.

Why start a Men’s Group?  Simply because It was my firm belief there was a need. What’s the basis of that belief. I’ll leave that for another occasion, if anyone is interested.
Despite the initial caution and concern, such as: is it just an excuse to go to the pub we did get it off the ground.  (Seriously, that was a concern!  We did once, just once, go to the Blue Bell.  Interestingly, I was given a caution, by the Landlady, like above, if anyone is interested, I’ll gladly explain.)
As with any new venture, some research was undertaken.  Attending established Men’s Groups and checking out with a couple of guys that I knew had been members of the Men’s Group started by Rev Matt Woodcock, some years earlier was one area. With that insight and with the permission of the PCC it started.
No discussions are off limits. Confidentiality is understood including Chatham House Rules.
What has become well established is that as far as possible I will be in church at 7.00pm every other Monday. I’m particularly grateful to Sam, who has stepped in on the odd occasion when I could not make it.
There is no expectation or commitment from anyone to attend.
That’s based on my firm belief that as Christ said, ‘Wherever two or three are gathered together in my Name, I will be amongst you’ . That is a constant for me, in whatever I do.
So, given it’s a year now that we have been meeting, thoughts of a celebration had been considered.
Getting Pizza delivered was a suggestion.  Some may have considered a couple of pints. That’s the traditional view of a group of men meeting up. Not this Men’s Group, where we ensure no one must consider whether they can afford to go with the others or how can they go because of the recovery program they are currently part of.  These are just some of the reasons we always meet in the church.  If members want to go on to the pub, OK, no problem, that’s a choice they can make, for themselves.
We did one glorious summer evening decide to make the most of it and went for a walk and talk.
What happened was an amazing realisation for two members that there was a connection between them. Never saw that coming.
The range of the topics we talk about are varied.  I’ll mention just a couple.  I’m fortunate to have a Jewish friend who is a Professor of Politics. So, cautiously, I asked if he would come and talk to us about the complex issue of the conflict in Israel. It was early in the conflict and accurate information was very blurred in my view.  He agreed to it.  His presentation covered four thousand years of history. Absolutely fascinating.  Because of the security at the time, I would not publicise it. I’m only sorry more could not have been present. The speaker is an internationally recognised published author on several important issues of our time.
Occasionally, our meetings are open to all members of the church. Such was the occasion when our guest speaker was talking about the work of the Samaritans. Another was when two of my acquaintances, friends, talked about the journey from addiction to recovery.
Simple subjects such as ‘’Who’, What’, and Why, are topics. Artificial Intelligence featured on a couple of occasions.
So, to mark one year on, the topic is ‘Freedom’ that much, and not fully appreciated, state we are so fortunate to have.
Happy Days.  I’ll leave it there.  Here’s to the next year. Tim


This week Hull Minster welcomed the Lakyn-Cruz family when Revd. Irene baptised their two sons: Maxwell and James.  Please pray for them.


Until recently 4 pm on a Saturday was a time for worship at the Minster. Please note that Evensong which takes place on the first and third weeks of the month will now be on a SUNDAY AT 3.30. Taize will be on the second SUNDAY AT 3.30 and there will be evening worship on the fourth SUNDAY AT 3.30

These new timings help our choristers and their families to have Saturdays free and enables the young people to have their song school before the Sunday evensong.


Visit Hull are filming a Christmas advert and want Hull Minster to feature as the final shot of the ad. As part of this, they've put a call out for participants so that they can get a shot of a big crowd celebrating. Lucy

Project Description:

Different Resonance, a local marketing agency, has been commissioned to create a Christmas Advert on behalf of Visit Hull. The story will have a "night before Christmas" vibe with businesses putting the final touches to their Christmas displays in the middle of the night. We are then transported to Hull Minster for the final scene as dawn breaks. This is where we need your help alongside an appearance from a Christmas VIP. The purpose of this scene is to showcase the scale of Hull's friendly and welcoming nature.

Shift Description:

Filming is an odd experience. When we shout Action, it's great fun. But whilst the video team is setting up their shots, there can be quite a bit of hanging around, in the same spot seemingly doing nothing. But this is vital for the videographers to be able to get the lighting and angles just right. So, patience is going to be key!

The shots we need to get are of everyone forming a large crowd, a bit of milling around and then reacting to the arrival of our VIP - so there are no lines to learn.


Please wear what you would normally wear to a winter/Christmas service. Whether that’s plain clothes or Christmas attire, either is fine by us.

Dates & Times

Wednesday 6th November
9am - 12pm

Meeting Point:

Hull Minster


God of glory, touch our lips with the fire of your Spirit,

that we with all creation may rejoice to sing your praise;

through Jesus Christ  our Lord




Psalm 119:1-8

Hebrews 9:11-14

Mark 12:28-34


·         For the people of America as they face an important election in their country.

·         For the people in our country that they will be able to access sufficient food to feed their families.

·         Help us who have plenty to give generously.

·         We pray for the many areas of conflict in our world.  Give wisdom to those who have the power to bring about change.  Particularly we pray for the Middle East.

·         We pray for the people of Ukraine, that we may help wherever we can

·         We pray for all those who have been recently bereaved. 

Comfort them in their sorrow.



