Minster Lifeline 23

Rev. Irene writes:

Midsummer’s day has, once more, been and gone. Let’s make the most of those glorious light nights especially now the weather has changed for the better. Last night as I went to bed around 10 20 the sun was setting, and the sky was a beautiful deep red.

Marion, one of our volunteers sent me the photos below of the wonderful display of poppies in the fields and verges near Thorngumbald and Paul. The sky and the fields made me think of the hymn:

For the beauty of the earth

For the beauty of the skies……

Lord of all to thee we raise, this our sacrifice of praise.

We praise God for these wonderful gifts. Someone at our welcome café said to me last week ‘yesterday’s history, tomorrow’s a mystery and today’s a gift’. How absolutely true but let us make sure the mystery includes Jesus!


I was born and grew up in Lancaster. I started singing when I joined secondary school in the school's Junior Boys Choir before being told to join the chapel choir at school. I was then invited to join the choir at Lancaster Priory where I became a choral scholar. In 2016, I joined the Northern Cathedral Singers and toured some of the biggest churches in Northern England, with an evensong at Hull Minster in 2017. I moved to Hull in 2021 when I started University studying Chemical Engineering. I've always watched lots of Sports, mainly following and supporting four sports, Rugby (Ulster Rugby, Ireland RFU), Football (Burnley FC, England FC), Cycling (Fred Wright, Tadej Pogacar) and F1 (Lando Norris, McLaren). I also have a great love for Lego and Star Wars.    Jeremiah Powers

Louise's Announcement

My big news is that Richard(my husband) and I have been appointed to a new job!

We will be leaving Hull at the end of August to do a job-share as vicars of the St Aldhelm's Benefice: a group of seven village churches in the Purbecks in Dorset, just a few miles from where I was born and grew up.

We knew that my curacy here at Hull Minster would be coming to an end during this year, but we hadn't thought it would be quite as soon as this, or that we would be moving so far away. During the five years I have been in theological college and a curate, Richard and I have been in different churches, so we're looking forward to being able to worship and work together, and we are confident that this is God's call for us for the next step together.

If anyone has been watching Springwatch on television, we will be living in the village of Corfe Castle, where the peregrine nest is being filmed. Our house is another big, old vicarage with a very overrun garden, so we have had plenty of practice with that! Also, it has plenty of rooms if anyone fancies a trip to Dorset. The steam train to Swanage runs along the bottom of the garden, so we will be exchanging the sirens of Clough Road for the chuff chuff of steam.

During August I am hoping to say goodbye to people by having a BBQ in the vicarage garden – Saturday 17th August at 6 pm.  Please save the date.   I shall really miss you all and have been so thankful  to God for my time with you all at Hull Minster.  Louise


You will remember seeing the poster for the Poster for the Northern Lights Girls’ Brigade Band at Sewerby in last week’s Lifeline.  Here is Lauren’s report and some delightful photographs of the donkeys and penguins.

“The band played brilliantly. Luckily the sun came out and we entertained everyone at the café with tunes from Disney, James Bond, My Girl and traditional hymns. Various children enjoyed dancing to the music and lots of people stopped to watch. 

Afterwards we spent the day together enjoying lunch, catching the land train to Bridlington, having ice cream, playing on the penny arcades and visiting the animals back at Sewerby Hall.” Lauren Jeffries 


This week the Junior Church older group have started a project endeavouring to meet people in the congregation and ask questions about themselves and their faith.

The first kind contributor was Olga Clayton who spoke of her experiences in the second world war and her faith journey in Hull Minster. They did ask how fast her scooter went but she was keen to say she was careful around people but a little speedier when on the road alone!


The next Messy Church date is approaching (23rd July) and for one of the All Things Bright and Beautiful crafts we need empty tin cans, if you could help, please would you bring your empties and give them to me!   Thank you!!


A joint celebration was held in the Trinity Rooms over the weekend for two big milestones.  One was our volunteer manager Shirley, and the other was one of our wonderful volunteers Tracey.   I’m a gentleman so I would never tell everyone their ages.   All those who attended was kept fed and watered by our resident cocktail expert Gill (who we will hear more from in the next couple of weeks).  Jon Major 


Sunday saw one of the most important Civic Services of the year.  The Lord Mayors Service when the Lord Mayor is officially ‘churched’.


This year His Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Kingston upon Hull and Admiral of the Humber is Councillor Mark Collinson, his Lady Mayoress is Cllr. Christine Randall who people might recognise as the Lord Mayor from two years ago.  The Lord Mayors Chaplain this year is Revd. Canon Dominic Black.

After the service invited guests were went to the Guildhall for high tea.


Almighty God, send down upon your Church

The riches of your Spirit,

and kindle in all who minister the gospel your countless gifts of grace.

through Jesus Christ Our Lord



Psalm 130

2 Corinthians 8:7-end

Mark 5:21-end


·         For the many areas of the world where there is conflict. We ask for peace and reconciliation. Where dialogue can replace weapons

·         We pray for food supplies and aid to reach the desperate.

·         We pray for those who are struggling to keep their homes through no fault of their own. Asking for compassion and help to be shown.

·         For all those who have been recently bereaved. Comfort them in their sorrow.

·         For the people of Myanmar facing a humanitarian crisis.

·         For all political parties, that they may be truthful and honest as they move towards the general election.

·         For all those sitting examinations in school or university. Help them to be calm and achieve the desired outcomes.