Minster Lifeline 17

Rev. Rob writes:


But for you who revere my name the sun of righteousness shall rise, with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall.

Malachi 4.2 

I am someone who feels the cold. Judging by the conversations I’ve had with many people here at Hull Minster in recent weeks, I am not the only one! And I have joked with these same people that it is supposed to be springtime, but where is the sunshine? Will it ever come? All we seem to be getting is rain, and a chilly wind.

But then, this week…the sun came out. I spent a morning at the wonderful Community of the Holy Name in Hessle, and found myself sitting in the beautiful garden, reading a delightful book, the sunshine warming my usually-feeling-cold body. Spring has come! (Though as I write this it is quite cold again!)

The seasons are inextricably linked to worship in the Anglican tradition. For example, Easter is a movable feast, depending on the moon and lunar cycle. Easter Sunday is set to coincide with the Paschal Full Moon (or the Spring Equinox) that marks the official start of Spring. The reason for this is that Christ’s death and resurrection happened after the Jewish festival of the Passover. In fact, the final meal Jesus shared with his disciples, in what is known as the last supper, was a Passover Feast. So it is fitting that the celebration of forgiveness and new life, brought by Jesus’ death and resurrection from the dead, is celebrated at the time when the earth comes back to life with warmth, colour, and beauty.

The irony then, that since Easter, it has been cold. In fact, in a couple of weeks, we will be leaving the church’s season of Easter as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Where is the sun?

Life may feel a bit chilly. I don’t know about you, but world events are leaving me feeling cold. However, the reality is springtime is here. Sometimes we feel its warmth, and sometimes we don’t. But the verse from Malachi chapter 4 tells us that ‘the Sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings’. Christians have read this ‘Sun of righteousness’ to be Jesus Christ, who has come, and in his life, death and resurrection brings light, warmth, comfort, and healing to our aching and cold bodies in his presence by the Holy Spirit.

May we all experience the warmth and healing of the risen Son, that we may leap like calves, whatever the weather.

Rev Rob Suekarran


This term on Wednesday evenings we are meeting together in Trinity Cafe for a light tea and then learning together about the creeds, using the Pilgrim Course. The creeds are what we believe as Christians, said together as part of our service on a Sunday morning at 11am, or at 9.30 when we are having Communion. The creeds cover the most central aspects of our Christian faith about who God is, about what Christ has done for us, of the work of the Holy Spirit, and how God is three in One. The early Christians spent a lot of time coming together over the first few centuries to try to work out how Jesus can be both fully God and fully human, and how the Holy Spirit is God. There were many heresies, or wrong beliefs, being thought up and claimed, and so they would meet to discuss and argue, to philosophise and pray together until they were convinced of what the Church truly believed.  Do join us at 5:30pm on a Wednesday evening for fellowship and to learn more. Rev. Louise White

I saw this on a country walk last week.  Does anyone know why the snails are climbing this tree?  Rev. Louise   (I do hope you will have the answer for us next week?)


It gives me great pleasure in making this lovely lady Lifeline famous as she celebrates her birthday this week.

Olga has been worshipping here for 33 years, originally drawn in by the sound of the church bells.

Happy birthday Olga, hope your day is as wonderful as you.  

Jon Major

(I’m not giving away any secrets, but she will be 94!)


Saturday lunchtime saw a large gathering enjoying the sounds of Barbershop Journeys, which included ‘Three Crown Sound’ and ‘Humber Harmony’.  It was also good to welcome back former members of Hull Minster Choir.

Please keep an eye on the website throughout the summer for our next recital afternoon.   Jon Major


Revd. Ben Norton has asked if we could collect sweets and chocolate as treats for the Ukrainian soldiers being trained in this country.

In addition, Olga has asked whether we could collect summer clothes for teenagers in Ukraine, particularly suitable for wearing at school.  The temperature there at present is 26 degrees!


Sunday 19th May is now Hull Deanery’s Pentecost Praise at 6:30pm in Hull Minster.

There will be no other Sunday evening worship.


Zoom Bible Study continues this Wednesday the 8th May when we shall be studying the parables of Jesus.  The last two Alpha series of this session will be on the 1st and 8th May.  A new series will begin again in September.

Pilgrim Bible course continues this Wednesday 8th May at 5:30 p.m. in the Trinity Café area.


After months of work in the background, the diocesan website has been relaunched following a major rewrite  It is now much more user friendly and easy to find information.  There is lots of information there about faith life and running churches.   Do have a look.  You will also spot a number of Hull Minster pictures on there. https:/dioceseofyork.org.uk

Websites are always a work in progress.  Our web audience is more public facing than the diocese site so there are those looking for a church but also those looking to find the café or interested in events.  If you spot anything on the Hull Minster website that you think is incorrect, out of date or a broken link, please let us know by emailing office@hullminster.org


We have some lodgers in the Minster who are very difficult to move out!!  Ann Richards was taking no chances!!


Risen, ascended Lord, as we rejoice at your triumph,

fill your Church on earth with power and compassion,

that all who are estranged by sin may find forgiveness and know your peace,

to the glory of God the Father



Psalm 1

Acts 1.15-17, 21 – end

John 17. 6-19


·         For the people in Ukraine, for the soldiers being trained in this country, for an end to the Russian invasion.

·         For peace in Israel and Palestine and other areas of conflict in the world.  For families of the hostages and those suffering the repercussions.

·         We pray for food supplies and aid to reach the desperate.

·         We pray for safety for all aid workers and for the families of those that have recently been killed.

·         We pray for negotiations not retaliation as we try to move forward to peace

·         We pray for those who are struggling to keep their homes through no fault of their own. Asking for compassion and help to be shown.

·         For all those who have been recently bereaved. Comfort them in their sorrow.

·         For farming communities struggling to sow and grow crops. For all those involved in the lambing season where fields are flooded causing extreme stress to all.