Rev. Irene writes:
As we talked about our favourite fruits in the 9:30 service on Sunday, Rob shared with us the parable of the vine and how Jesus used this illustration to sow that sometimes we need pruning. Vineyards were an important part of agriculture in biblical times, so vines were everywhere. Jesus often used everyday examples to illustrate spiritual truths, like fig trees and grape vines, in a way everyone could understand.
Jesus says to bear good fruit we must be connected to the vine, in other words, we must be close to Jesus. He also says that like the vine, sometimes we need to be pruned, get rid of all the bad ‘stuff’ and allow new healthy growth.
Being connected to the vine means we are never alone. As well as being connected to Jesus we are connected to other branches where we can encourage and be encourage. In other words, we can use the gifts that God has given us in the best way possible.
As we come together as a church, we need to rely on each other and cherish the gifts that each has to offer so that we may grow in faith and strength to be an example of true Christian love.
John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
Gabrielle’s favourite fruit, as the picture tells us, is water melon.
Revd. Ben Norton has asked if we could collect sweets and chocolate as treats for the Ukrainian soldiers being trained in this country.
In addition, Olga has asked whether we could collect summer clothes for teenagers in Ukraine, particularly suitable for wearing at school. The temperature there at present is 26 degrees!
April is the month when Spring is supposed to happen bringing with it warmer weather and new life, the weather seems to have got lost along the way. April is also the month we hold our annual beer festival which was opened by the Bishop of Hull and the Archdeacon of East Yorkshire along with the Lord Mayor & Lady Mayoress of Hull.
This year, thanks to the tireless work from our Director of Operations Alasdair Hutson we saw record numbers come through the doors. Over the three days we welcomed over 2500 people in to enjoy their favourite tipple.
There were 14 breweries from Yorkshire & Lincolnshire who all reported record sales on their relevant pitches, some having to go back to the breweries each day to restock.
The music was provided by local musicians to keep everyone entertained and was well received by all who attended.
A special thanks must go to our catering manager Zoe and her marvellous team who kept everyone fed with a selection of hot and cold local food.
Overall it was a great success and raised much needed funds for the church.
On the Saturday morning Jon took some of the brewers on a short tower tour as a break from the bar.
We look forward to welcoming even more breweries next year albeit without the fantastic organisational skills of Alasdair, who we wish well in his new job. Big shoes to fill next year if anyone wants to jump on board.
Events as big as this could NEVER happen if it wasn’t for the wonderful team of volunteers we have here at the Minster under the leadership of Shirley Kay. A massive shout out to :- David and Phil for the immense cleaning tasks and Jill, Tracy, Sam, Ellie, Margaret, Paul, and John for covering all the other roles. You are all stars. Jon Major
Sunday 19th May is now Hull Deanery’s Pentecost Praise at 6:30pm in Hull Minster.
There will be no other Sunday evening worship.
This is Alex being admitted into the choir today.
Zoom Bible Study continues this Wednesday the 1st May when we shall be studying the parables of Jesus. The last two Alpha series of this session will be on the 1st and 8th May. A new series will begin again in September.
Pilgrim Bible course commences this Wednesday 1st May at 5:30 p.m. in the Trinity Café area.
Young Arthur Fear, son of Dr. Chris and Jess, indicating the direction of his future?
Nominate Hull Minster to win £1,000
Benefact Group Movement for Good is an annual programme of giving that anyone can get involved in. You can nominate Hull Minster to be in the next draw with the possibility of winning £1,000. It is very quick and easy to do, and the more people who nominate the Minster the greater the chance we could be one of the 50 winners. Simply use the link and fill in your nomination. You will need our charity number, which is 1130772.
If you are not on the Electoral Roll (which allows you to vote in the Annual Meeting in May and be eligible for the PCC), please see Val Fotherby for a form. You need to have been in regular attendance at the Minster for six months.
Beautiful flowers arranged by our very talented ladies.
Risen Christ, by the lakeside you renewed your call to your disciples;
help your Church to obey your command
and draw the nations to the fire of your love,
to the glory of God the Father.
Psalm 22:25-end
Acts 8:26-end
John 15:1-8
· For the people in Ukraine, for the soldiers being trained in this country, for an end to the Russian invasion.
· For peace in Israel and Palestine and other areas of conflict in the world. For families of the hostages and those suffering the repercussions.
· We pray for food supplies and aid to reach the desperate.
· We pray for safety for all aid workers and for the families of those that have recently been killed.
· We pray for negotiations not retaliation as we try to move forward to peace
· We pray for those who are struggling to keep their homes through no fault of their own. Asking for compassion and help to be shown.
· For all those who have been recently bereaved. Comfort them in their sorrow.
· For farming communities struggling to sow and grow crops. For all those involved in the lambing season where fields are flooded causing extreme stress to all.
Messy Church returns for Holy Week. This service will include craft activities around the story of Easter, followed by a short act of worship and then refreshments. Messy Church is a great way for the whole family to explore the Easter story in a creative and fun way.