Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline #8

14 May 2020

In the topsy turvey world we are inhabiting at the moment I remember that today, as I am writing on Wednesday, is the third anniversary of the day when we became Hull Minster.  And today was also the first day since the lockdown nearly eight weeks ago that I have been in to the City Centre and seen the church.  With some matters to deal with about archaeology I was pleased to be able to see the Church splendid as ever but in a completely silent Trinity Square; what a difference from that wonderful day three years ago!  Then, I had only recently retired and I was settling in as a member of the congregation.

When the great day occurred I reverted to a voluntary role I had played many times in the past, stewarding at major events and crowd control.  There was a terrific buzz about the swelling crowd and such a sense of occasion as we kept a corridor open for the splendid Archbishop’s procession to sweep up North Church Side and on to the Square.  We have Julia Allum’s fine painting of the day in the house so I can easily be transported back to that memorable day!  I wonder what your memories are?

We have many other reasons for thanksgiving this week.  Amy and Alasdair Hutson’s first child, Beatrice Evie Amelia arrived on May 11th, weighing in at a respectable 6lb 10oz.  She is definitely a Minster baby, being assisted into the big wide world by Becky Broom and Amber Yates who were on duty as midwives on Monday evening.  At the other end of the age range  Olga Clayton had a memorable 90th birthday; we had this message from her on our contact email address –

So, what about the weeks ahead?  Planning for events still remains very problematic and we are assuming that there will be no return to the church building anytime soon.  We are so looking forward to welcoming Rev’d Dominic and Heather Black, Leo and Ben as soon as they can come but they and we don’t yet know when it will be possible for them to move in to the new Minster Vicarage on Victoria Dock.  But we are hoping to stick to the broad timetable we had before lockdown so we are planning some special times of prayer and preparation between Ascension and Pentecost then on into June and July. 

Look out on the website – for a service on Ascension Thursday – May 21st – and then events on towards Pentecost and please join in the prayer as we follow the theme “Finding Firm Ground”.  And while we think about strengthening our spiritual anchorage we look forward to Val Fotherby’s new Bible study series on Themes in the Book of Acts which will be starting soon after Pentecost.  Those studies will be available on the website and will be for existing Minster Groups which are meeting by video links as well as for individuals who are getting to know their bible better at home.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has launched a free national phone line as a simple new way to bring worship and prayer into people’s homes while church buildings are closed because of the coronavirus. ‘Daily Hope’, offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line. The line is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 – has been set up particularly with those unable to join online church services during the period of restrictions in mind.

Finally, a big change is occurring around the Minster building at the moment.  South Church Side is closed completely to traffic for at least another couple of weeks as a new road surface is laid in preparation for it to become two-way and a revised traffic system put in place around the area – this is all part of the A63 changes.  The new pedestrian bridge is looking closer to being open and I wonder whether you picked up its name?*.  All of this will raise some challenging questions about car parking in the future and we are going to have to work out how to provide for the people who cannot participate without having access to a parking place right next to the Church.

A big thanks to everyone who has completed the Questionnaire about our on-line content.  Dan is doing the analysis of that and we hope to be able to refine our website and social media content taking into account what has been said. If you’ve not filled it in yet, there are only 4 questions, please click here:

We are continuing to offer worship on a Sunday morning at 10a.m. on the website and social media platforms. Please note that if you cannot join us at that time, the service is available throughout the week on

Little Fishes continues at 10a.m. on Friday and Minster Conversations at 6:30p.m. on Sunday.

For those who are missing Bible Studies there is material on the website to help encourage and develop your studies, at

With warmest good wishes and prayer for continuing strength and vigilance,

Frank White, Interim Minister.

*The new bridge will be named after Dr Mary Murdoch, the first female GP in Hull.