2 December 2020
HHappy Golden Wedding Anniversary Terry and Linda
Rev. Irene writes:
It is hard to believe that we are now into December, however going outside this morning (1st December), there is a definite drop in temperature!
Last Saturday I had the privilege to pray with a lovely couple, Terry and Linda, in the Minster. They were celebrating their golden wedding anniversary that day and each year since they were married, they have visited the Minster on their anniversary. It was extra special this year, not only because it was 50 years but also because Terry is suffering with some serious health problems, so to pray with them was incredibly special. You will see from the photograph the choir boys of 50 years ago, we are challenged now to see if anyone remembers their names?
There is a lot of work taking place behind the scenes to put together services for Christmas and we are aware that things change on week to week basis. We hope that the outline of Christmas and Advent services will be helpful to you as you choose whether to watch from home or join us in the Minster.
Any updates or changes that take place we will include in Lifeline each week.
It is good that Dan has written for us this week as it is his last week of employment at the Minster. I am sure we all want to say ‘thank you’ to Dan for being part of an exciting adventure in the life of Hull Minster. We hope that he and Becky have a great future ahead of them and that God uses them to help share his kingdom message here in Hull.
Dan writes:
“We all look at the same world but see it in different ways” a quote from the latest Audi car advert. It would be quite fitting to adapt it and say, “We all look at the same Hull Minster but see it in different ways!” I have had the joy of grappling with what it means to hold a shared vision of mission, community, and outreach among so many different people who see Hull Minster in so many ways. Crucially though, this has happened at the same time as knowing we are called to encourage one another in unity, towards the one, most captivating source of love and purpose that we find in Jesus.
No doubt there are many dusty folders in church offices across the land with great plans drawn up to “reach new people” and “get them into the church”. Embracing and acting on these plans is another challenge. And yet as a church we have genuinely seen this happen and continue to make deep relationships with people who did not otherwise belong to the community of faith. Through sharing stories of how God is working in our lives and transforming our hearts, we have had the privilege of seeing our community grow at the Minster. If you are reading this, I imagine you regularly engage in part of the rich, diverse life of Hull Minster. Much to celebrate and give thanks for. And of course, there are many who may not engage in the core life of the Minster but are just as valued as the rest of us. As I say goodbye to the Minster family, I am encouraged to know that many of you share with me a heart for those remarkable encounters, often through the most unlikely of events and activities.
It has been amazing to see the way that Hull Minster has developed and now holds a trusted reputation in the city as a springboard to bring together and engage with thousands. Festivals, Royalty, Holiday clubs, Curry nights, Car shows, Concerts, Tours, Pub carols, START & Alpha. The list could go on and on. An amazing responsibility, to share life and faith with searching people, longing for answers. It is hard to predict the future, especially considering the pandemic, though one thing is certain, people will continue to seek purpose, meaning and community.
Whatever Hull Minster means to you, I hope it stirs up as much joy, hope and togetherness as Becky and I have experienced over the past six years. We have valued every conversation, every laugh, and every tear. From the ‘Fun Day at the Farm’ to the weekends away, the ‘Community Days’ to the ‘Minster Pod’, always be looking beyond the event itself, to the people that are gathering, and the Holy Spirit that is ministering through you.
You may have never thought about it, but when you next sit in the Minster for a service, remember that others sitting near you are probably from a different part of the city or surrounding village – a gathered church. Whether or not those sitting alongside you have walked a similar path in life, take a moment to ask something of their story, or if that seems too much, simply thank God for them, that they’ve come to be at Hull Minster. I know that many of you either come to worship alone, or as a family you do not know others beyond the church who have Christian faith. Take encouragement that others are in the same boat of exploring faith and growing in confidence.
As I leave this week through redundancy, I invite you to hold us both in prayer. We are ever so thankful for the warm welcome we received and the friendships we have made. We have irreplaceable memories of time with you all, and we are gutted that the pandemic restricts the affection we can show to each of you. Keep in touch!
With love, Dan and Becky Broom (Dan is serving as Community Minister until the 10th December).
Irene concludes with:
Other news this week:
Friday 4th-10 am-Little Fishes meets on Zoom. Join with Mandy and Rachel for songs and chat.
Sunday 6th-10 am- ADEVENT SUNDAY 2 Church at home- You can access this by going onto hullminster.org and follow ‘Worship’ or alternatively via You Tube or Face Book.
Sunday 6th-10:30am-ADVENT 2 Holy Communion in the Minster-click here to book a seat.
Sunday 6th-11 am-Coffee & Chat- For access click here.
Sunday 6th-3:30pm-Sunday Praise, Advent All age service in the Minster- click here to book a seat. Book a seat for every family member and we will sit households together. Craft Activities will be provided for any children.
The Minster continues to be open for personal prayer between 12noon and 3pm on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
For a full list of Christmas services view the Christmas section of our website or click here for a printable list.
The Collect for this week
Almighty God, purify our heart and minds,
that when your Son Jesus Christ comes again
as judge and saviour
we may be ready to receive him,
who is our Lord and our God.
December Prayer Diary
Daily prayer points throughout the month of December can be found here.