Minster Lifeline #3

8th April 2020

A warm welcome to all our readers as we share our life in thanksgiving for the crucified and risen Lord.

This edition comes hot on the heels of the previous Lifeline so we can help our dispersed community and our friends from further afield to know about Hull Minster and to join in the services of worship which have been specially prepared by our Ministry Team.  You will see in this edition there is a link to services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday itself.

I promised in the last edition to share something of the story of our hard-working and dedicated “Operations Team” who lubricate the wheels of much of the daily life of the Minster but many of whom are not able to be at work at the moment.  Alasdair Hutson, Operations Manager, offers us this up-to-date information at this important season of the Christian Year.

Alasdair Hutson

Alasdair Hutson

So, I have been asked to update you all on the current state of the Operations Team, and it would be really appreciated if you could hold us in your prayers. 

James, David, Chris and David, our facilities team; Cathy, Wendy and Marion, our café team; Andy from the shop and Ed from the office, have all been put on to the Government scheme called  “furlough”. We are keeping in touch with them all regularly while they are not at work. They all deserve a rest, so I hope they are doing just that. 

Jonny and Jane are continuing to work, but from home. Jane is coordinating the written Evaluation and working through to the final stages of the Resilient Heritage Project. She is also looking ahead to possible next phases of heritage development in Hull Minster and how we can achieve best outcomes from the Project.  

Jonny is looking into applying to Grant Making bodies and other funders to help the Minster support God’s mission now and in the future. He is also coordinating funding applications to support a  Volunteer Manager. He is working with Frank to produce online content such as this Lifeline bulletin. 

As for me, I normally separate my work into 6 areas: Finance, Human Resources (HR), Facilities and Maintenance, Commercial, Volunteering and Projects. The commercial, maintenance and volunteering strands have taken a step back, however, the need for income and the challenges around HR, plus with the HLF Resilient Heritage Project and Phase 3 Building Works there is still plenty to do. I am also picking up an element of the events management, bookkeeping and administration.  Plus (and here’s a real challenge) being the tech help for the clergy! 

It is certainly a new way of working for us all, but momentum is still there and it gives the Operations Team time to reflect, plan and develop effective processes and procedures so that we can be even more efficient when we come out the other side of this national emergency. 

If you have any queries or concerns, questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me on  office@hullminster.org

Thank you for your prayers. 

Aren’t we blessed to have such a dedicated and conscientious group of people serving Hull Minster!  Watch this space in the weeks ahead to read about others who offer themselves in God’s service here.

Easter Services

The services and events taking place online are available at the specific times outlined below and then afterwards they are available at any time.  For me it was a real joy on Palm Sunday knowing that a good congregation from the Minster were gathering to worship together at 10am.

7pm, Thursday 9 April

Service led by Bishop Alison and Frank White

10.30am, Friday 10 April

Service led by Dan Broom, with Mandy Richardson and Anne Richards.  For those who appreciate a period of meditation at the cross, which has previously been at 2pm on Good Friday, this service would also be suitable to be viewed then.

7pm, Saturday 11 April

Led by Frank and with music from the
Minster Choir

10am, Sunday 12 April

Led by the whole
Ministry Team

A note from Dan Broom - Hull Minster Conversations

Several of you shared with us a desire to continue meeting as a church community, and we responded by setting up a Zoom video chat; ‘Hull Minster Conversations’. The concept enables each of us to connect, share our struggles, celebrate encouragements & grow in our Christian faith. This launched last Sunday and saw 35 people from over 20 households joining in. Following this success, we are planning 2 Zoom gatherings this week. We have also setup a phone number for people to call in if they don’t have the internet: .

Join our family friendly Zoom chat for those who have children. Click on the button below at 4pm to join the fun or dial in on 0131 460 1196, meeting ID: 819 971 131.

You can also print an Easter Bingo card off for each family member before the call. Don't worry if you can't print, just choose one of the cards and copy it onto a piece of paper - Click here


Following on from our first Zoom chat on the weekend, continue the conversation from 6:30pm by clicking on the link below or dail in on 0131 460 1196, Meeting ID: 900 893 895.

A note on Congregational Giving

I am adding to a note in the first edition of Minster Lifeline following conversations with our Churchwardens Robin and Iain.  We recommend the following practical ways to continue to support the work of the Minster especially for those of us who have used the offering plate up until now.

+ FOR ALL WHO CAN ACCESS OUR WEBSITE + There is a giving option on the homepage.  This will take you to a page with a simple and secure process either to give regularly by Standing Order or to be able to give a one-off gift. www.hullminster.org/donate

+ FOR THOSE WHO WOULD LIKE AN ALTERNATIVE + Please make out a cheque to “The PCC of Holy Trinity, Hull” and post it to Hull Minster Parish Centre, 10a King Street HULL HU1 2JJ where it will be collected and banked as soon as possible.


And as I sign off the whole staff team at Hull Minster wish all our readers near and far a very special sense of God’s presence in these challenging and perplexing days in which we live. The Crucified and Risen Lord watch over us all, and all our neighbours, friends and family this Holy Season.

Frank White
Interim Minister