Minster Lifeline #10
28 May 2020
The Revd. Irene Wilson says; Hello everyone!
We are now at week 10 of Lifeline and at last can see a glimmer of hope for future changes. This weekend we are celebrating a huge change that took place in the lives of many people just over two thousand years ago. On the Feast of Pentecost, a Jewish festival when thousands would have gathered in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit came upon the people and it tells us in the book of Acts in the Bible that 3000 people came to Christ that day. We celebrate that day as the birth of the church so this week it is the church’s turn to celebrate a birthday.
That same Spirit that came down on the people at Pentecost lives in our lives today and it is through the Spirit that we all share gifts. Chapter 5 of Galatians says “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”
I want to spend a few moments thinking about the gift of kindness. In Romans chapter 12 v 8 it says “And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.” Some people have an extraordinary ability from God to show mercy, compassion and kindness to those who are in need.
I am amazed at how many acts of kindness have been taking place during these difficult lockdown days. Here are some I have heard of just this week; dog walking, cake baking, cake icing, grass cutting, listening, shopping, letter writing – and these are but a few that have brought comfort and joy to many people during the difficult times.
We all have different gifts so can I encourage everyone to make use of those gifts. Someone who understands how to show compassion and empathy can make a huge difference to someone who is lonely or hurting. The Bible says, “Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other” Romans 12:4.
It has been a difficult few months yet the Ministry Team have been amazed by how caring and close many have become from our church family. There are going to be difficulties ahead, not least when we take those first tentative steps to open the church doors again but we must have faith and trust that God will lead us to make the right decisions at the right time.
Last week Frank mentioned we will soon be losing our supporter & friend Archbishop Sentamu. Don’t forget if you have a digital photograph and/or can write a few words about when the Archbishop visited us in Hull please do so & email frank@hullminster.org I remember visiting Bishopthorpe Palace many times as Margaret, Archbishop Sentamu’s wife, was my Training Director when I was preparing for selection to ordained ministry.
As June is almost upon us please look on the website for our Prayer Diary for June. Also starting this week will be the Bible Studies that Val Fotherby prepares, this time they will be a study in the Acts of the Apostles which is so appropriate as we come to Pentecost and learn about the early days of the church which was not without its challenges – they were just different to today!
I hope you have enjoyed following our ‘Finding Firm Ground’ reflections. Look out for prayer meetings taking place in June. These will be prayer meetings on Zoom. There will be another set of reflections in early July with emphasis on prayer for Reverend Dominic Black, as we prepare to welcome him as our Priest in Charge, his wife Heather and two boys Ben & Leo.
We have no excuse not to be connected, as well as our Hull Minster material the Archbishop of Canterbury’s free national phoneline offers worship and prayer in your home at any time of the day or night.
Finally, Maisie sends her thanks to everyone who helped make her 99th birthday special despite the ‘distancing’ and we say Happy Birthday to Bishop Frank who is still, by comparison, just a youngster!
June Prayer Diary
Daily prayer points throughout the month of June can be found here.
Collect Prayer for this week;
Holy Spirit, sent by the Father,
Ignite in us your Holy fire.
Strengthen your children with the gift of faith
Revive your Church with the breath of love
And renew the face of the earth
Through Jesus Christ our Lord
The Readings we are following for Pentecost Sunday are:
Love, Irene Wilson, Associate Vicar.