29 September 2021
I am delighted that the PCC have agreed for me to continue in my ministry at Hull Minster for another two years. Bishop Alison will be licensing me at Hullen House in November. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support over the past 11 years.
I was chatting to a member of our congregation last week and she asked me if we would be willing to put something in Lifeline about the struggles with mental health in our society today. It is important that people are aware that, when struggling, they are not alone so below are a few words that she has written. I hope they are encouraging to anyone who may be reading this and struggling themselves:
On the 10th of October it's World Mental Health Day. Many of us will have experiences of mental health issues be that our own mental health issues or those close to us. I am relieved to say it is becoming a more socially acceptable subject. I have been very passionate about mental health awareness since experiencing anxiety and depression myself. No two individuals will have the same experience with their mental health. If you’re struggling with your mental health, I would suggest the following:
· Try and tell someone you trust how you are feeling
· Take one day at a time Don't be too hard on yourself
· There is light in the darkness, and
· Don't lose Hope.
· Finally, I would like to share a quote given to me by a family friend: "Don't ever, ever forget God is in your corner and he's never let me down yet"
Thank you for being strong enough to bring your personal thoughts to us and hope that your words encourage many to pray for those who suffer with mental health problem.
Three years ago, two lovely ladies came to the Minster to a Christmas service of Remembrance for those who have lost children and siblings. Since that time, they have become regular worshippers and lots more, so over the next two weeks they tell you their stories:
Carole Spamer writes:
Hi everyone. My name is Carole Spamer, and I’m proud to be part of Hull Minster.
I am pleased to share with you my journey to finding my place in Hull Minster. I am one of eleven siblings and I had heard my sister saying many a time, how much she enjoyed going to church on a Sunday with her family. I always listened to her and in a way envied her a little as we both used to go to Sunday School together from the age of about six years and we loved it. It was a day out and a treat for us as children. We weren’t well off, but we had a home, food on the table and lots of love and a few rules and regulations. Kathleen and Sarah were already part of the congregation at Hull Minster, and they used to tell me about all the things in which they took part. Sarah worked with the children, and her niece Chelsea sang in the choir and volunteered with my sister to help with the children when needed.
This stirred a feeling inside me of wishing I could join them. I was working as a healthcare assistant in a GP practice something I was very proud of achieving as in my younger days I had always wanted to be a nurse in the Army. This didn’t happen because we lost our father at the age of 47 years in a road traffic accident. This meant my education finished and I had stepped up to help my mother as she was unable to work due to ill health. She needed the financial support and of course support in being a widow but she also needed the care from me as my elder sisters were all married.
I was so busy helping people because my mother taught me always to care for others. She never complained and lived a simple life and was a big influence teaching me to look, care and listen to people in need.
I had worked with a GP practice and one day a new receptionist arrived her name was Kim. She was lovely and had a beautiful daughter Sophie and a fabulous dog called Hollie. We became friends and looked out for each other. Sadly, as Sophie was growing into a beautiful teenager she was diagnosed with a rare cancer. My dear friend was devastated but we went through this journey together, she looked after her daughter, and I hung around to be there when she needed me. I looked after her as best I could. Sophie passed and we both needed help and comfort. I then had the thought “let’s go to church and see if we can take comfort from them”. I needed to talk. Kim needed to talk.
We walked into Hull Minster and were welcomed with open arms by the people on the doors. Kim was emotional so I approached Reverend Neal and asked if someone would have a chat with my friend who was lost in pain from losing her daughter. He was so kind and spoke gently to her and then arranged a meeting with Revd. Irene. Everyone was so comforting and listened intently to us both because I too, had suffered a number of bereavements along the way.
Their friendship brought us on leaps and bounds and everyone in that church was one big family into which we were welcomed, and in no time had lots of friends. We volunteer and try to raise money for things the church may need or for other charities. Also, we serve coffee and tea and on occasions have welcomed on the doors. On a few occasions we have even cleaned, and we love it. Both of us are thankful for the journey we are still on and intend to stay on it forever as we don’t want it to end.
Our next venture is a Bereavement Coffee morning where people can come along have a chat, light a candle, and have a coffee and biscuit or if we’re lucky maybe a slice of cake, ha, ha! It is so easy going in the church and the atmosphere is so calming and relaxing. We are just there with no pressure. We laugh, we pray, and we have our say, and love it! Personally, I would be lost without it.
Children and Families…
LLittle Fishes baby & toddler group, 10am in the Minster Nave on Fridays, email mandy@hullminster.org or just show up
HARVEST GIFTS this year we will be collecting non-perishable food etc. to help those who maybe experiencing difficult times. We will celebrate harvest this Sunday at 10:30am.
SATURDAYS 4pm 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer
SUNDAY 10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster
We continue to explore different ways of producing a recorded service for a Sunday morning online. Still experiencing a few issues but we will keep trying!
CHURCH @ 4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service.
MINSTER PRAISE IS BACK – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.
PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times.
The Heritage Volunteering group
If you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at jane@hullminster.org Click here for full details.
We are looking for people to volunteer, on a rota, to work the sound desk during these service. The desk is pre-set, so it is very straightforward. We also need strong individuals to help with setting up the Minster in between services, and booking people in on the doors. If you think you can help with any of these tasks, please speak to one of the wardens for more information. Thank you.
BIBLE STUDIES The Minster Bible Study has begun a new series for the Autumn on Jacob. This is on zoom so do join in if you are able. 7:30pm every Wednesday evening.
As you may be aware the numbers of cases in the area are still very high and not disappearing. Although restrictions have been lifted, we ask that wherever possible would people please wear masks inside the church and maintain a safe distance to respect and protect others. Communion will continue in one kind only and chairs will be socially distanced.
Thank you
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God our judge and saviour,
teach us to be open to your truth
and to trust in your love,
that we may live each day
in confidence in the salvation which is given,
through Jesus Christ our Lord
This Month’s Prayer Diary
Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.