Minster Lifeline #33

17 August 2021



You would be right in thinking we have been concentrating a great deal on creation, science, the earth and how we look after the gift we have been made custodians of by God. This is, of course, partly due to the Gaia being in the Minster from Friday this week.


In our Church@4, a couple of weeks ago, whilst I spoke on bible verses relating to creation and maintaining our world, the young people made grass heads! Having put together grass seed and soil in a ‘pop sock’ we talked about what was required to make the seed grow, the aim being to show that we need to care for and look after the world in which we live.

I was delighted that just seven days later two people brought me pictures  of their grass heads sprouting nicely. In fact, one looks like it is ready for a ‘haircut’ already. Hope you like the pictures!

As you will see later, we continue on the theme of the earth, again Bishop Frank updating us on all that is happening during the coming few weeks.


“The Earth is full of your creatures” says the writer in a great hymn of praise at the end of Psalm 104.  It was the conviction of generations before ours that the earth was bountiful in its riches and so it proved to be.  Those wise and observant ancestors also knew a thing or two about human nature and our capacity to abuse the good things we have been given.  As this decade of the 21st century is unfolding we are seeing more and more the loss of species, the destruction of natural habitats and the spiralling problems of climate change and we detect that much of this is caused by human activity.  In our generation could it be seen that restoring the bountiful riches of creation would be one important way of offering praise to God?

As Christian believers we are not offered the luxury of pointing the finger of blame or simply of expecting someone else to do something about the problem.  The principle that Jesus taught and lived out is that taking the action lies in our power is the first step – “proving to be a neighbour” as the Samaritan did in that famous story in Luke chapter 10.  It is with that in mind that we have offered a range of opportunities during the exhibiting of the Gaia (or Earth) Exhibition to look at local, national, and international forms of action to help re-balance human activity towards making the earth a better home for all.

By clicking on the Living with Hope – A Future for the Earth? button at the end of this edition of Lifeline you will see the full programme of activities that are accompanying the exhibit between August 19th and September 5th. You will also see from that programme how you can book into the events we are running (and just to note the Freedom Festival concerts are the only events which are not free to access).  Alongside many of the events will be visual displays in and around the Minster to help us to find the practical actions we can take; there will be lots to see and plenty to do as we take time to enjoy this stunning exhibition of Luke Jerram’s famous artwork.  We are so grateful for so many people who are contributing their imagination, energy, and time to help us become signs of hope rather than people who sink into despair.

We know some of us still find looking and booking on-line to be difficult – so if this is you, please use the Minster phone number 01482 224460 – and leave a message about how we can help – and one of us will get back to you as soon as we can.  We don’t want anyone to miss the opportunities these next few weeks will bring us.

In that same Psalm 104 we read these words: “when you send forth your Spirit…you renew the face of the ground”.  May we be inspired to trust in the goodness and faithfulness of God as we follow and serve Him in our time and for the sake of future generations.

+Frank White


Our Wednesday evening Bible study will be taking a break for the month of August.


Our Minster Kids 10:30am group will also take a break for the month of August but there will be resources available for children to use during the service.


We are looking for people to volunteer, on a rota, to work the sound desk during these service.  The desk is pre-set, so it is very straightforward.  We also need strong individuals to help with setting up the Minster in between services, and booking people in on the doors. If you think you can help with any of these tasks, please speak to one of the wardens for more information. Thank you.


Psalm 84; 34: 15-end
Joshua 24: 1-2a, 14-18         
Ephesians 6: 10-20
John 6:56-69


God of constant mercy,
who sent your Son to save us;
remind us of your goodness,
increase your grace within us
through our Saviour Jesus Christ


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.