29 April 2021
HHull Minster music group
Rev. Irene writes:
We have given our choir well deserved praise over the past year during the restrictions so today I would like to draw your attention to our music group:
They helped lead worship at the church @ 4 service las Sunday, and it was uplifting to say the least. Although the group have not been together long, they really complement each other; both singers and instrumentalists. Included in Sunday’s repertoire was ‘Praise the name’, ‘The Lord’s my Shepherd’ (Townend) and they supported the prayers with ‘Take my life and let it be’. They are so much more than a group of musicians the Holy Spirit was definitely with them last Sunday. I must also give Terry a mention because not only did he preach for us he sang that old favourite ‘I saw the Light’, unfortunately we had to make do with ribbon waving instead of singing!
We would love to see more of our families back with us so if you are able, give it a try.
You read about Rev. Dominic and Rev. Anne being admitted to the college of Canons of York Minster, now Rev. Dominic tells us about this special day:
RRevd Canon Dominic and Heather Black
It was over a year ago since Archbishop Sentamu wrote to me to say that he was nominating me as a Canon at York Minster, but then just as it was announced the pandemic began and quite when it could happen was completely uncertain.
What was lovely was to see when it was finally announced, was that Anne Richards had also been nominated, someone that I had worked with many years ago in Orchard Park when I was a curate and at that time was the youth worker. So, it is lovely to be able to share that special day with her.
The ceremony could have happened in the normal way in the chapter house and choir because of special social distancing and I think the floor of the of the chapter house has been repaired but we got to see our stalls in the choir. I had forgotten just how big York Minster is, having gotten used to the size of Hull Minster which of course is a huge building, but York is on a completely different scale; it is simply vast.
Part of the role of honorary Canon is to link the Cathedral to the life of the wider diocese. This link is particularly important in relation to Hull Minster as nearly a third of the population of the diocese live in the city.
Some of the ceremony goes back to the Middle Ages and the notes for the swearing in of the canons are written in the margins of the York Gospel is a 900-year-old written manuscript and some of it that was just kind of updated in the 1500s but otherwise is virtually remain the same just an exceedingly long and torturous legalise set of set of oaths and the sort of language. In the past you were given the Prebendary of Weighton which was a sum of money so back in the 1300s it was the sum of £40 a year which could have provided a good life back in the 1300s. Today of course there is no extra money for being an honorary canon. So, what do you get today? It is a badge, and a bread bun, which I turned into a cheese and pickle sandwich.
RRevd Canon Dominic Black and Revd Canon Anne Richards
Irene concludes with:
SATURDAYS 4 PM 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5th Evening Prayer.
SUNDAYS 10 am Recorded Service
10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster - Please click here to book in.
Church@4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service. Due to Covid, please bring own refreshments.
The Minster will continue to be open for Wednesday 12:30pm Holy Communion
PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open for personal prayer each Saturday 12-3pm.
If you are coming in to the Minster for services we want to encourage you to consider the environment and walk or cycle or use public transport if possible. If you are coming by car please do not park on Trinity Square the only people who should be parking there are contractors working on the building. There are plenty of parking places around the Minster including the recently opened Fruit Market just across the A63. https://www.fruitmarkethull.co.uk/fruit-market-hull-l-multi-storey-car-park-l-regeneration-l/
We are looking for people to volunteer, on a rota, to work the sound desk during these service. The desk is pre-set, so it is very straightforward. We also need strong individuals to help with setting up the Minster in between services, and booking people in on the doors. If you think you can help with any of these tasks, please speak to one of the wardens for more information. Thank you.
Ecclesiastical Insurance have provided cover for the Minster and the clergy houses for a long time and have a special interest in helping churches undertake maintenance through their grant scheme. We have benefitted from these generous grants in the past. In this, their 130th year they are offering donations of £130 to our church for every person who takes out home insurance cover with them - at any point during the year. Some of the staff team have been using their home insurance for several years and it is very comprehensive and reasonably priced. So, if you are thinking of renewing with your provider please take a look at Ecclesiastical. The post below shows what you have to do. Just name the church and they will find it for you. Click the button below for full details.
CCoffee morning, 13th May, 10am-12noon. This event is to raise funds for the excellent work that Christian Aid does around the world. Hopefully, there will be tables and chairs in the market square. Everyone is welcome.
Risen Christ,
your wounds declare your love for the world
and the wonder of your risen life;
give us compassion and courage
to risk ourselves for those we serve,
to the glory of God the Father.
This Month’s Prayer Diary
Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.