BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship Live Broadcast Live

Eventbrite Bellringers Broadcast Morning Service

Radio 4 will be broadcasting their Sunday morning worship service live from Holy Trinity Church on Sunday 24th May at 8.00am.  Join us for an hour to sing in praise and enjoy refreshments afterwards.  This service forms part of the Central Council for Church Bell Ringers weekend visit to Holy Trinity this spring. 

Their yearly weekend gathering and AGM will take place from the 22nd to 25th May.  There will be a number of events and activities taking place throughout Hull and East Riding with bells being rung in every church throughout the district.

Members of the congregation and public are welcome to attend events along with the bell ringers and enjoy the sound and experience of a traditional church choir and full peel of bells.

This is a free service but please click here to book tickets as this will help us plan. We shall be serving refreshments after the service at a charge of £3

 Bell Ringers Events at Holy Trinity Church

Open ringing - Sunday 24th May – 3.00pm – 4.30pm

The Ringers Service – Sunday 24th May – 4.30pm – 5.15pm

Regular practice on Monday 25th from 8pm to 9.30pm at which all ringers would be most welcome