Coronavirus update 15th July 2021
Hull Minster continues to open to all
As a church, we are continually trying to make sure we are available to all who need us, and open the building doors as much as we are able to. Although we may be allowed to undertake certain activities, we are conscious that we must do what is right for our congregations and city. Please see below for the latest information and what restrictions are in place.
If you would like to contact the Ministry Team, we will be available for support via the following methods:
Please call in to the Minster (01482 224460) and one of the Team will get back in touch.
We ask that you continue in prayer as we work to provide resources and ways to share the Good News of Jesus.
Public Worship
Public Worship is currently allowed by Government regulation.
We are regularly reviewing the situation both in terms of Church of England guidelines and also the local situation. At all times we make the protection of all our visitors our main priority.
Please check back weekly to understand our latest position.
Sunday: Holy Communion Service 10:30am to 11:45am
Wednesday: Holy Communion service 12:30-1pm
Saturday: Evensong, Taize or Evening Prayer 4-5pm
Save a seat here
The Minster will continue arrangements to provide worship resources for people to use at home.
We are currently open Wednesday to Saturday 10-4pm
Face coverings are being advised to be worn at all times.
There will be no toilet facilities available.
The NHS track and trace QR code will be available if you wish to scan in or you can give your name and a contact number to the doorkeeper.
Our shop is open during normal opening times.
Please continue to check the calendar as events get confirmed.
Any event organisers or individuals with concern or interest should please contact
Personal prayer
The Minster is open for personal prayer during normal visiting opening (see above)
A chaplain may be available to speak to during this time.
Church Groups
Minster Groups are now starting to resume. Please click here to learn more
The minster choir and worship band are now allowed to perform and rehearse. Please contact Mark for more details or queries.
How we can support you
We're aware that the coronavirus pandemic may also have a significant impact on our regular worshipping community. We will update this page regularly with prayers and resources to help members of our community take part in worship from home. We hope this will reassure you during this turbulent time.
Further prayer and worship resources are available on the Church of England's website.
We would like you to know that there will be someone to offer a listening ear at the Minster. If you'd like to talk to someone a designated member of the Ministry Team please contact us below.
Contact the Ministry Team via or 01482 224460
More information
For information on the coronavirus and how to protect yourself visit the NHS website.
The guidance for churches can be found on the Church of England's website.
View detailed information about the on the UK government's response to coronavirus website.