Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline #17

16 July 2020

Rev Irene writes:

One week down and Rev. Dominic and family are still surrounded by boxes as they await a considerable amount of work being done to their new home. Once all technology is in place Dominic looks forward to compiling next weeks ‘Lifeline’ giving you an update on life at the Minster.

Things are changing slowly, the regular pattern for private prayer continues Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 12 – 3p.m. There will also be a service of Holy Communion each Sunday, however as numbers are limited the church wardens are working out how best to accommodate the congregation. The 10 a.m. service will still be available on-line every Sunday morning, this will mainly be live streamed from the Minster. We are always open to feedback so feel free to contact us with the things you enjoy and if there are things you are struggling with.

The Minster team have always tried to help the homeless and those living in hostels etc. I am delighted that I have been given a huge number of jackets, bags, sports gear etc. from a company that is scaling down. There is so much that I believe Ian and I will be delivering boxes to many outlets during the coming months. Fortunately, Heather Black has many contacts through her work with mustard seed so a good many people will be benefiting from the generosity of Mark Ingram of BSK Pro Sports Company.

It does seem such a long time since I have seen so many of you. I wonder how many have achieved a haircut yet! Unfortunately, my appointment is not until mid-August, but Ian has (I have to say) done quite a good job on my hair! As more and more salons and businesses re-open we must pray that cases of the virus diminish and people are able to return to places of work, not forgetting of course, those whose jobs may no longer exist.

I did manage to catch up with Val Fotherby last week and ask her how she was coping with Lockdown. Val is a member of the church council, part of the pastoral team and brilliant cake maker. I asked Val to write a few words to share with everyone.


Val writes:

Lockdown!  Did anyone fully understand what this meant?  When it became clear that it would probably be at least three months of staying at home with no visitors, it was somewhat concerning!  I had had fifteen months of learning to be on my own after David, my husband, died but had wonderful support from friends at Hull Minster.  Now, no one would be able to pop in for coffee and brownies or freshly baked scones or fruit cake.  Although it has been a little tedious at times, mostly it has proved to be a positive experience. 

I have always loved leading the Bible Study groups with their fun, fellowship and good discussions and knew I would miss them.  However, Irene came up with an idea.  We had started studying Stephen Cottrell’s book “The Things He Carried”, so why not do these as online studies.  People enjoyed these and so it was agreed that I should continue producing new studies.  Prior to this, I had been thinking a lot about those words I BELIEVE, and so it came to me that perhaps a series on the Creed would be helpful.

I have always enjoyed teaching but unlike many people, I enjoy the study and preparation.  For me, it proved to be an enjoyable time and that is what it took up – a lot of time.  When that series finished, I then went on to: Themes in the Book of Acts.

Reading God’s word and preparation has therefore, taken up a lot of my time, but I was also blessed to be able to do other things.

As part of the Pastoral Team I used the time to telephone people in the church to have a chat and make sure they were doing OK.  This was very great as it covered a wide range of people, all of whom were only too delighted to spend time talking.  There were lots of laughs and sometimes more serious things cropped up for which prayer was needed.

Lastly, I have missed baking for those who would pop in for coffee and take some of the baking home.  And of course, no Minster Praise!  However, I baked for neighbours and latterly for the Black family and a certain young boy called Rupert who loves Peppa Pig.

I can honestly thank God for the time to take a pause and think about what I do, but also to be of help to others.

Irene concludes with this news just in regarding Public Worship Services:

It is with great joy that we can now announce that public worship will be held from Sunday 19th July 2020.

Rev Dominic Black will be leading a said service of Holy Communion at 11:15am. This will be the only service held publicly for the time being, with the 10am service being streamed online. 

We of course want to welcome all those who want to attend but we also need to administer the service in a safe manner.

If you would like to attend, you will have to book your seat online by clicking here or through the ‘my church-suite’ calendar function. We are only able to admit 75 people to keep to social distancing regulations and we are recommending that masks or face coverings are recommended.


Psalm 139.1-11,23-24

Genesis 28.10-19a

Romans 8.12-25

Matthew. 13. 24-30, 36-43

The Collect for this week.

Merciful God,

You have prepared for those who love you

such good things as pass our understanding:

pour into our hearts such love toward you

that we, loving you in all things and above all things,

may obtain your promises

which exceed all that we desire:

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


July Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the month of July can be found here.