Hull Minster’s pioneer minister Reverend Matt Woodcock is moving on to pastures new after six years
.Matt has been appointed the Diocese of York’s new mission enabler. It will involve supporting a number churches in their desire to grow and outreach to the local community.
His last duty will be to preach at the Christmas Eve midnight communion service.
Reverend Canon Dr Neal Barnes, vicar of Hull Minster said: “"I am, at the same time, delighted and gutted that Matt is moving to pastures new:
Gutted that over six years of his wonderful, faithful, ground-breaking and fruitful ministry here is drawing to a close. Matt has been a hugely valued colleague and friend through an astonishing period of transition here and leaves a remarkable legacy.
Delighted that Matt's gifts and ministries will be opened up to many more churches and as they seek, in God's name and strength, to grow in numbers, spiritual depth and service to their communities.
Here at Hull Minster, we will seek never to lose that pioneering edge and culture that Matt has brought to us. And may we all, as he was often fond of challenging us, always ensure that 'the main thing stays the main thing'.”
Reverend Irene Wilson said: “We have laughed together, cried together and prayed together, I cannot imagine him not being here. He and his family will always have a special place in my heart.”