Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline 8 2022

15th March 2022

Rev. Irene Writes:

A big ‘thank you’ to all who helped at the integration café last week. We were delighted to meet some of our friends who are refugees from around the world and to share fellowship and friendship with them. Many are returning next month and looking forward to Jon taking them on a tour of the tower.

It was good to hold the Sailors’ service again in the Minster after a two-year break during Covid. We were delighted to see the year 7  pupils from Trinity House School and the cadets from TS Iron Duke. Good to have Father Herbert speak about the Mission to Seafarers. Hope to keep good inks with this great organisation.

Following on from Jon Major’s article on tower tours in last week’s Lifeline, there was a brilliant article in the Hull Daily Mail by a reporter who had gone up the tower with John.  To find it go to: and in the search box put: Tower Tour of Hull Minster and you will find it in the list entitled: “The most sensational and jaw-dropping …..”


God of peace and justice,

We pray for the people of Ukraine today/

We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons.

We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,

That your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them.

We pray for those with power over war or peace,

For wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions.

Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them.

We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen

Archbishop Justin Welby

Archbishop Stephen Cottrell

This week Louise writes “Who am I”

My first month at Hull Minster has been full of surprises! I love the building and was blown away by John Major’s tower tour telling me some of the history of the place. I cannot believe how much goes on at the Minster, the many wonderful people who participate in the work and ministry here, the way the Minster reaches out to the community and opens its doors welcoming visitors. I feel very privileged to be a part of this amazing place for my curacy and thank God for making it possible for me to come here. I look forward to meeting and getting to know more of you, properly, and ask you to be patient with me as I learn your names and get my head around all that happens here. I also look forward to seeing what God is wanting to do in and through us all, creating here at Hull Minster a community of believers, each with a different part to play but which together brings glory to Him.

As we are entering Lent and some of us are looking this week at Identity and Belonging in the Hamilton Lent Groups, it feels strange to be writing something for Lifeline to introduce myself!

 I grew up in Poole in Dorset, hence the southern accent which somehow, I have retained despite living in the North of England for thirty years. I invited Jesus into my life at the age of nine and recommitted my life to God as a teenager and was confirmed in Poole Parish Church, where I also rang bells (not very well!)  Originally, I trained as a nurse in London, before going to Southampton to train as a midwife, because I had always thought that God might call me into missions overseas.

When I realised that I was not going to hear a voice from heaven calling me, I decided to do a missionary training course, and ended up going to St Helen’s in Merseyside to train with Youth With a Mission (YWAM).  I met my husband there and got married and we both worked for YWAM and for the Church of England for 10 years in a deprived community there. After our daughter was born, Richard recognised that he was being called to get ordained and we went to Bristol for him to train. Our son Joe was born in Bristol, and we moved back to Merseyside for Richard’s curacy after the training. We spent twelve years at Liverpool Cathedral, where my role was supporting my husband in his work in any way, I felt I could: helping lead a new cafe-style congregation, leading sung worship, helping in the work with Iranian refugees, being on the pastoral team, helping to run Alpha, offering Spiritual Direction, making lots of brownies!

However, I became increasingly frustrated in my roles because I felt there had to be more. One day I was praying while walking in a park, bringing this frustration to God, and clearly felt Him telling me to come out of hiding. I realised that I had been hiding behind Richard my husband, who was always happy to be vocal and to take the up-front role! I knew that God was saying that I needed to let my voice be heard. And that has been quite a journey for me over the last few years. I did a degree in Theology and have slowly grown in confidence that I have something to say, eventually realising that God was calling me too to get ordained.

My husband got a job with the York Diocese and so we left Liverpool and I commuted to Durham for my ordination training two days a week. After two years, my husband felt God calling him back to Parish ministry, and we both sensed God calling us to come to Hull. We moved to Hull last June and picked up our Labrador puppy Jed two days later! Richard is now vicar of St John’s Newland, and I have come as curate to the Minster.

If you are interested, my favourite things are having coffee with a friend, walking in the countryside and especially by the beach, singing, music, and reading a good novel. Oh, and of course eating chocolate!  Louise White, curate at Hull Minster


SUNDAY 10:30 am Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY  4 PM 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m.


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from the 16th March

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ 9th MARCH (Second Wednesday of every month)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING 10th March (Second Thursday of every month)


This group will run every Wednesday until further notice. The Minster Crafters will restart Wednesday 14th March at 1:30 pm and will run on the second Monday of each month.


These commence Saturday 19th March at 12 noon.

REFRESHMENTS We do not like to use disposable cups for our refreshments however for the next few weeks there is no kitchen in the Minster so have had to resort once more to these. It would be much appreciated, If you have a cup you carry around, to bring it along with you and help to save the environment! Thank you

BIBLE STUDIES are held every Wednesday evening online.

Please see below the details for two exciting lent studies to be held in the church.


A way of marking Lent is to spend some extra time studying the scriptures and praying together. This year we are offering two in person Lent courses starting on the 9th of March at 1.30pm and 7.30pm The Room Where it Happened written by Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin based on the Musical Hamilton.

Click here to sign up to afternoon session
Click here to sign up to evening session.

The Zoom Bible Study during Lent on Wednesdays at 7.30 will be looking at The Road to Calvary. The Zoom link can be found at


Forms are available in church.

BBC Radio 4's Any Questions? is coming to Hull Minster

On 1st April 2022 you can be part of the audience and even ask a question to the panel as the programme is broadcast live from church.

Tickets are free but must be booked as spaces are limited.

Go to: to book your ticket


The new boiler house has been completed and the boiler reinstated. A new gas supply has been commissioned. This is all good news, and we are on track to have a fully heated Minster in time for Easter. The heating will be turned on at the end of March but due to the historic fabric of the building it will take us two weeks to get up to temperature.


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.

  •  We pray for those, particularly in this city, who are struggling financially, that they will seek help for their problems.

  •  We pray for Willow Jade Taylor to be baptised at the Minster on Sunday. Please pray also for her parents and godparents

  •  We pray for the new Lent Studies that God will open our eyes to his word and bring a deeper understanding of the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf.

  • We thank you for the children’s work in the Minster and pray for those who lead this vital ministry.

  • As we begin our Lunchtime concerts again, we pray that all those who visit the Minster will be welcomed and during their visit may feel the presence of God through the Holy Spirit


Eternal God, give us insight to discern your will for us,

to give up what harms us,

and to seek the perfection we are promised

in Jesus Christ our Lord


Psalm 63:1-9

Isaiah 55:1-9

1 Cor. 10:1-13   3:17-4:1
Luke  13:1-9