Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline #6

30 April 2020

It seems amazing that we should be preparing what is the 6th edition of our weekly on-line news; perhaps the experience of lockdown has become the new normal. 

The purpose of Lifeline is to keep informed those who follow the life of Hull Minster through our weekly email or who come directly to us through the website.  We also put in the post quite a few copies to those who don’t have access to computers; so it is a substantial operation each week.  I hope you enjoy the different contributions as they give an insight into the people who make up the wonderful kaleidoscope of our common life.

This week a whole group of people are facing really substantial change as we have had to make the difficult decision to ask all the rest of our staff except two on to accept “furlough” – that is the Government scheme to support organisations which are unduly affected by the coronavirus regulations.  Some Lifeline readers may be surprised at how many staff work for Hull Minster; 9 people had already gone on furlough in March and we have now asked another five, so with 16 paid members of staff, Hull Minster is a significant employer.

Let me explain a little further:  we have four full time staff, 6 people who are on contract for 20 hours a week or more and a further 6 who are contracted for less than 20 hours a week.  Alongside all of our staff we have a wide range of volunteers (including Irene and myself as licensed clergy) who are continuing to serve the church in a variety of roles.  But for those who are paid whether in the Minster or in other walks of life we are aware that these uncertain times bring added concerns and anxieties.

The decisions made by the PCC over the last couple of months have been hard to make as we are aware of how important it is that we continue to serve the church and community in the best way possible.

We will monitor the employment situation all the time and meet monthly through the Standing Committee to review and change these arrangements as necessary.  Please continue to pray for all of our staff and volunteers who serve with great distinction in both visible and hidden roles.

- Olga Clayton

Let me bring you up to date with some other church news.  On a very happy note, we are looking forward with Olga Clayton to a very special birthday next week and we hope that she will divulge which one in the next edition of Minster Lifeline!

We were due to host a number of events last weekend, especially with the Falklands Veterans; all of those had to be cancelled.  Next week, as many will know, is the 75th anniversary of the ending of the war in Europe, and major national and local events had been planned including on Friday 8th May which has been re-designated as the early May Bank Holiday. 

We know that there will be national and local on-line activity next weekend and the Minster choir and ministers are contributing to some of the events that are being planned .  Please keep an eye on the Minster website next week for more details.

- Margaret Gardner, 4th from the left

A number of people will remember Margaret Gardener who was a faithful member of the Holy Trinity community over many years, and is most recently remembered as the person who did so much to help with our hospitality as a church before the advent of the Café.  We are sad to have to inform you of her death.  Funeral arrangements are not clear but we hope to be able to host a service of thanksgiving for her life once the Coronavirus Regulations permit this. 

- Robin Waite meeting HRH The Prince of Wales

This week we have said farewell to Robin Waite, whose funeral took place on Tuesday; we hope to be able to celebrate his life in a fitting way in the coming months too.  Our prayers continue for Jane Waite and for members of the family as for all who are grieving at this difficult time.

Finally, do let me know if there are any members of our community who don’t have access to the internet but who would like to receive this weekly round-up.  We are trying to keep in contact with as many as we can and not let “social distancing” separate us.

May you continue to rejoice in the blessings of Easter and to live in the Light of the Resurrection.

+Frank White -  Interim Minister