Minster Lifeline #39
16 December 2020
Rev. Irene writes:
I hope that you have enjoyed reading the Lifeline each week and hearing about different people’s journeys. Next week Reverend Dominic will be giving us an update as he approaches his first Christmas at the Minster. How different to his expectations!
After next week there will be no Lifeline until the 7th January, but you should be able to get all the information you need about Christmas services on the website or listed in your paper copy that we sent two weeks ago.
The run up to Christmas at the Minster will be different this year but we must be grateful for the hard work people have put in to keep it a joyful time. Katie Ogilvie has worked with Mark Keith and the Choir to record Nine Lessons and Carols for us to watch online on 20th December and of course we have the 7pm service on Christmas Eve and 10:30am on Christmas morning. For the younger ones, in years and in heart, there is the Accessible Christingle on Saturday 19th at 3pm online and on Christmas Eve at 3:30pm the Crib service will be both in church and online. Perhaps having less activity gives greater opportunity to remind ourselves, and our families, what a wonderful time of celebration this is.
When the Angel Gabriel came to Mary, telling her she would be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and give birth to a son whose name was to be JESUS, her response was: “My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.” (Luke 1:46-47). In the following chapter we read of Simeon to whom God had promised he would see the promised Messiah before he died. His words were: “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation…” (Luke 2:29-30). Let us keep the wonder of our Saviour’s birth in the forefront of our minds and celebrate with the words of the angels when they spoke to the shepherds: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.”
Do read what Jane Owen has to share with us this week:
I first came to Holy Trinity in late 2010 when my daughter Meg joined the choir. I had tried to visit many times before but found the building locked - but I was determined to get in! I soon found a friendly and supportive community of worshippers and came to the services regularly. Imagine my surprise when Irene processed down the aisle one Sunday as an ordinand. I had known Irene as a governor at the school where I taught, and we soon got talking about how to bring school children into the church on a regular basis. Not long after that the REvive education programme was born and we enlisted the help of many of the congregation to help and support it.
Being present in the building during the week, I soon found myself volunteering for all sorts of activities, including the toddler group, Sunday School and later, helping Neal with some events. As you all know, this task snowballed and in 2017 we had our busiest year. by then we had a shop and cafe as well. We were welcoming thousands of visitors and were so proud of the church community and their welcoming, cheerful, and open approach - even when the place was under construction!
Although I love the busy atmosphere, one of my favourite times in the Minster is when it is silent and dark. I have often been the last to leave, and the sense of serenity in the presence of God is unlike any other. This Christmas, we will not get the chance to enjoy that silence at the start of the Nine Lessons and Carols, but I will be channelling that feeling of anticipation throughout advent and looking forward to a time when we can all come together again to celebrate.
Jane Owen, Project Manager, Resilient Heritage
Irene concludes with:
Calling all Scientists! A working group has been created to submit a bid for a Scientists in Congregations grant. This would fund a project within both the Minster and the wider community relating to aspects of science and faith. We would really like to engage with the scientists in our congregation to make this project a success. If you are a scientist of any variety, or have links to the scientific world, we would love to hear from you! Please contact the bid team through the office on 01482-224460.
Other news this week:
Friday 18th-10 am-Little Fishes Christmas Party meets on Zoom. Join with Mandy and Rachel for Christmas songs and chat and don’t forget to wear you Christmas jumpers.
Sunday 20th-10 am- ADEVENT SUNDAY 4 Church at home- You can access this by going onto hullminster.org and follow ‘Worship’ or alternatively via You Tube or Face Book.
Sunday 20th-10:30am-ADVENT 4 Holy Communion in the Minster-click here to book a seat.
Sunday 20th-3:30pm-Sunday Praise, Advent All age service in the Minster- click here to book a seat. Book a seat for every family member and we will sit households together. Craft Activities will be provided for any children.
The Minster is open this week for personal prayer between 12noon and 3pm on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Then will close for Christmas break and reopen on Thursday 7th January.
For a full list of Christmas services view the Christmas section of our website or click here for a printable list.
The Collect for this week
Eternal God,
as Mary waited for the birth of your Son,
so we wait for his coming in glory;
bring us through the birth pangs of this present age to see, with her, our great salvation
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
December Prayer Diary
Daily prayer points throughout the month of December can be found here.