Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline #35

18 November 2020

Rev. Irene writes:

Sunday saw the first of our Coffee and Chat Zoom meeting following the morning ‘church at home’ service. More than a dozen people joined on screen to catch up on how people are doing during this second lockdown.

For me it was good to see people on screen rather than just at the other end of the telephone. We will keep this chat going for the foreseeable future so if you can join in, we would love to see you. You can just listen if you wish to, rather than having to speak.

There is, of course, nothing better than seeing each other face to face but this is second best and hopefully will not need to continue for too long into the future.

This Sunday is the last Sunday in the church year so it is time for us to consider how we will put time aside during Advent as we prepare for the new church year and the celebration of the coming of Christ. It may be that we do have a little extra time on our hands, if that is you then can I suggest the Bible reflections that Val has prepared for Advent. These are made up of four reflections to see us through Advent and are well worth participating in. From next week they will be available on our web page and other social media platforms and those that receive Lifeline by post will be sent a summarised version each week with their Lifeline. Please do let others know about this resource so we can be prepared through study and prayer for the celebration of Christ.

Many of you will have known Elizabeth Armitage, a wonderful lady who so loved the Lord and was ready to be with him. She died peacefully this week so please pray for her family as they struggle with not being able to honour Elizabeth’s grand plans for her funeral. At the end of the restrictions there will be time for us all to get together to celebrate the lives of those that have passed during this difficult time!

We are delighted that Sarah Glenton is back at work after being furloughed and has reconnected with many families on Great Thornton Street Estate. She has written a few words for us below, please pray for Sarah’s health and strength in the coming months.

Sarah writes:

I have worked as Pastoral Carer for Hull Minster for some years now, and God has guided me to help those that have needed it. Nothing has prepared me for these past few months dealing with the Pandemic and seeing how much it has affected people on Great Thornton Estate, including me… At the beginning of the pandemic, not only did I have to deal with being furloughed, but I was also diagnosed with Cervical Cancer. It hit me hard and my faith was shaken, but with the power of prayer and a lot of time listening to God I am now recovering.

I have been given the insight by God that people don’t always speak of the issues they are dealing with, so I decided that I needed to keep in touch with people on the estate and give them someone to keep chatting with. It has been positive and encouraging to hear from so many people on the estate and how God showed me a way to stay in touch (of course social media has helped too). I want to continue this work.

Now finally coming back from Furlough, I have been given a new focus. The people on Great Thornton Estate need more of God’s presence and we are the Church to do it. I am looking forward to new projects on the estate and working with the team to bring God’s presence alive on the estate again. We have all faced so many issues and worries over this past year and I believe that in 2021 that God will give us the power to make it a beautiful and more positive time. With the power of prayer and positive vibes we can heal and overcome. 

Irene concludes with:

Other news this week:

Jon Major has been appointed Head Verger by Priest in Charge, Dominic Black, and our PCC.

Dave Allum has been awarded Verger Emeritus in recognition of his tremendous contribution to the life of the Minster over many years.

Friday 20th-10 am-Little Fishes meets on Zoom. Join with Mandy and Rachel for songs and chat.

Sunday 22nd-10 am-Church at home- You can access this by going onto and follow ‘Worship’ or alternatively via You Tube or Face Book.

Sunday 22nd-11 am-Coffee & Chat- For access click here.

The Minster continues to be open for private prayer between 12noon and 3pm on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.


Psalm 95:1-7

Ephesians 1:15-end                           

Matthew 25:31-end

The Collect for this week.

God the Father,

Help us to hear the call of Christ the King

And to follow in his service,

Whose kingdom has no end;

For He reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

One God, one glory.


November Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the month of November can be found here.